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Vader Was Framed

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Posts posted by Vader Was Framed

  1. If anyone is continuing this group (here or elsewhere!) for 2019 I'd love to join. I use Slack with another writing group but I'm looking to boost my accountability this spring!


    Saw this and bought the book. Halfway through. So far so good.


    On 10/6/2019 at 6:18 PM, PianoPsych said:

    Btw, I'm liking Paul Silvia's 'Write it Up' very much too (for journal articles specifically). Has anyone else read it? 

    I'm currently reading this now and so far its great, since manuscript writing is where I'm at now.  I'm glad I read How to Write a Lot first though to get more productive with my writing.


  2. Happy to help, as not much detail is provided initially. 

    1) Yes, separate from the NSF $5K travel allowance (which is very flexible) the host institution receives an allowance that is meant to support your costs of living during your stay. This differs in amount and logistics for each country. In my case, this was paid from the host country's NSF-like counterpart, through the host institution (they held the funds) and then directly to me. 

    2) This was not entirely applicable to me as I do not work in a laboratory environment. I suppose in your case you should talk about these expenses with your host advisor and current advisor (i.e., maybe you need to find additional funds to support this). I did chose to use some of my NSF travel allowance towards certain data analysis expenses (software in my case). This is allowed. But it sounds as if your non-travel expenses in the lab could be quite significant? Or perhaps these lab expenses are just considered operational expenses at the host institution and they will cover it for you ... I'm not sure what the norms are so you should ask. I would note ... you should definitely plan to use any remaining funds you have from the $5K allowance towards this type of thing or other expenses you have related to the research. 

    3) Yes. 

    Safe travels.

  3. Sweden must be the place to be! I also just heard back on NSF GROW approval. I'll be at Örebro University and some at Uppsala. 

    I, too, was curious to hear back from NSF before the collaborating institution or Swedish Research Council. I'm assuming they must have approved. Yes, meka, hopefully more details soon. My specific scope and travel timing will need to change a bit since writing the proposal, and I'm wondering how that is handled.

    I happen to have a meeting tomorrow with my Sweden colleague so I suppose I'll let her know!

  4. Thank you for your recommendation on how I should try using the search function!

    I didn't see a new, substantive general DDIG thread open up so thought I'd post here. People on gradcafe are quite friendly so you never know. 

    Yes, it does sound a bit strange. I am a strange scientist. My research can apply to each of those NSF divisions so that is why I cited them. Those who have applied in those or other areas willing to share their past proposal is something that would be helpful to me.  

  5. GROW-ees: First, congrats to all who have successfully completed or are in the midst of a GROW opportunity! Fun to see the excitement in this thread. 

    Is anyone willing to share their successful application and/or point me to examples/resources they used? That would be super helpful. I've attended a few webinars and it seems fairly straight forward (and high success rate) on the application/proposal side of things. Coordination with host scientist and host institution is another story but I've done some leg work there. 

    Are there others applying this cycle (Fall 2016)? 

    Also - I am looking at Sweden, Örebro and/or Uppsala University where one of my advisors is located. So, if by chance, the folks who have headed to Sweden have particular recommendations or fun stories I'd love to hear about your experience. 


  6. I am wondering why this thread died. Are there other, more recent, NSF DDRI / DDIG threads? I'm in the process of assembling successful example proposals which are scattered across the internets. Does anyone have a good resource for examples? Particularly for Sociology, Geography, and/or Cultural Anthropology. Or, if you yourself have been awarded an improvement grant ... would you be willing to share your proposal with me? Thank you!

  7. On 4/5/2016 at 1:25 PM, kafcat said:

    For those of you that received the award and applied during your first year, did you have recommendation letters from your current institution (if you didn;t work with any of them before starting the PhD program)? I think I will apply next year but I am worried that the reviewers will comment that I do not have any recommendations from my grad school (doesn't make sense since I will start the PhD program in late September...). 

    1 from current institution (new advisor) and 2 from prior institution (master's) for me.  

  8. congratulations to all who received the award + onwards and upwards for those whose reviewers simply didn't click "recommended for award"

    it's known that the reviewers feedback is mostly unhelpful, often wildly inconsistent and can be known to cause brain damage

    now get some sleep!

  9. Good luck to those applying this cycle. Soon you will be submitted and will forget about your application. 

    DO be confident, take it seriously, allow yourself to shine on paper, and don't wait until deadline day to submit because shit happens. 

    DO NOT get DQ'd over playing tricks with fonts/margins, or get caught up with what others are doing in their applications. Screw them. 

    The process itself of preparing, developing, analyzing, and getting feedback on your proposal is a huge part of a research career. Many feel the notion of writing an original research proposal is so daunting they don't even both to apply to GRFP. But you did bother to apply. Remember that you are already a better researcher having gone through the vigorous process of preparing the application and proposal. Your advisor probably thinks so, too. 

    Lastly, get on this damn thread the night before the award is announced. It's loads of fun when "The Countdown" begins. Some nerd will post the predicted exact date and time in late March or early April. Staying up late the night of the awards list is 98% of the fun. Just go ahead and clear any deadlines you have that week. 

  10. I am ineligible due to: "Applicants who currently have another federal fellowship are not eligible."


    Does anyone have experience applying to a federal fellowship (EPA STAR, NSF GRFP, etc.) when they know they are ineligible? In other words, is it worth applying and upon the slim chance of being awarded... declining due to ineligibility. Or am I talking crazy talk? 



  11. Just keep it positive.

    We need more positive thinking!

    Yeah stay positive people.


    Here here! Advanced congratulations to all who receive the award!


    Everyone has great proposals, and I sincerely hope all succeed in their research regardless of what the fellowship provides. 

  12. I would not worry. I recommend the following.


    Email the professor to let them know you have been admitted and are excited about the prospects of potentially joining the program. I think requesting an interview is fine, but I suggest simply requesting a brief phone conversation (i.e., you do not have to phrase it as an interview) to discuss the professor's and your research interests and current projects in their lab. They key is expressing excitement and discussing research. You may also feel comfortable asking explicitly about RA opportunities in the lab, which is perfectly reasonable to ask/discuss.


    Since you are basing your decision to join this program at least partially one whether you can work with this professor, it seems vital to reengage with this person before deciding to accept their offer. I would not wait until classes start. 



  13. I'm curious how the fellowship can help with networking. Would you have not networked the same way otherwise, without the fellowship? Do you say, "Hi I'm an NSF fellow". It doesn't seem like it would be something that comes up in day-to-day networking and collaboration. 


    I'm hopeful for the time-freedom most. It would also create some social accountability for me in doing great work. Success breeds success! I'm a long-shot though. :) 

  14. Safe to assume that Wed April 1 is the first we can expect for possible announcement day? 


    Surely it couldn't be the Friday before, March 27th. 


    Sigh ... just passing the time. 

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