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R. Mutt

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Everything posted by R. Mutt

  1. yeah I'm just wondering what the new rankings are going to look like
  2. I think the only thing you can do is email the admissions chick.
  3. we've got to pass the time somehow http://www.alejandroalmanzapereda.com/ vimeo.com/user3070677 http://mikecalway-fagen.com/ http://zacharyscholz.com/home.html http://www.16miles.c...-moonshine.html
  4. just curious - did anyone mention critical theory or philosophers in any of their statements? I didn't but I feel I should have...
  5. R. Mutt

    Image Sizes

    yeah that is pretty small, I set mine at 72dpi and 1000px on the longest side.
  6. yeah, they all said there's nothing they can do. Whats done is done, I'm not sweating it anymore.
  7. I dig it - I'm curious about the text. It looks like you get the smudging effect by scanning, but how do you apply it?
  8. I'm really curious to know how other people are writing their statements - but I really dont think I could handle reading someone elses right now
  9. http://steinhardt.ny.../guide/faq/tran "A transcript you personally print from a web based system showing your academic history or an unofficial transcript does NOT meet this requirement and should not be uploaded. " nyu says no
  10. you are an artist - you should be able to figure out what you are trying to get across to your audience. If you say: "I want to show new and cohesive work and because my work is so detailed, I feel close-ups would be warranted." then damnit do it -
  11. Your guess is better than ours if you dont let us see your work.
  12. my professor said SAIC has like a 76% acceptance rate
  13. how do you guys feel about dropping artists names within your influences.
  14. I'm working on my artist statement mended with my intent for apply to that grad school - I think 500 words is plenty to get my point across.
  15. Let me know what kind of response you guys get from MICA - I'll be in NYC around December 7-10.
  16. idk if anyone is interested in this but check out the link - http://www.mica.edu/Admission_and_Financial_Aid/Graduate_Admission_and_Financial_Aid/2011_Graduate_Pre-Application_Online_Portfolio_Reviews.html
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