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Everything posted by and...and...and...

  1. Bdon, I'm with ya. My fellowship from Indiana won't be determined for a while. If I don't get it, I won't know about funding until the rest of the admits are notified...
  2. Ahhhhhhh.... Thank you! Do you know if these are special admits? Is this the first round because these people are nominated for fellowships? Thank you for the heads-up!
  3. I GOT ACCEPTED INTO INDIANA! AHHHH!!!!! I didn't think I would be hearing from them until March...
  4. I've applied to twelve, and I have heard nothing. The *only* consoling bit about that is no one else has heard anything from my schools either. Honestly, this in-between time when my future is hovering beyond my reach is really affecting the rest of my life... I feel like I can never make decisions these days.
  5. Be more specific: you're only talking about comp lit applicants, correct? Because the board only lists comp lit people hearing things from Stanford....
  6. RYAN ADAMS! He's been my favorite for ages now.
  7. Greetings! So when and if interviews start to roll in for the Gradcafe community, what should we expect to be asked? I really don't want to be caught off guard. Thanks!
  8. Is anyone struggling with the Syracuse Teaching Statement? As a freshly graduated undergraduate, I am having a hard time with this statement. I was a TA for one class, and that's the extent of my teaching experience. Is anyone else in my boat? Thoughts?
  9. Ryan Gosling is an English major! http://literaryangosling.tumblr.com/
  10. Wait, what track are you applying for? I finished my application for PhD direct entry a couple weeks ago, and I don't remember pasting my SOP into something (though my memory is not the most reliable right now...). It says my SOP has been received...
  11. Nope! I just sent in my Minnesota application!
  12. Timshel: I feel the same way! Come on, Minnesota!!
  13. I agree with Phil Sparrow. I waited until this semester, after having graduated in May, and though I am stressed with the fellowship I am fulfilling, I don't have to worry about a full course load. Seriously, with the amount of money it takes to apply, and the slight chances of getting in anywhere, you'll want to do the best you can. You know yourself best, but I knew I needed to put a lot of time into making my applications effective.
  14. I think we're all at that point, Timshel. You're in *good* company.
  15. Hello, all! So I started emailing POIs about a couple days ago. I have no idea if/when they will respond. I'm just wondering about everyone else's experiences. Have you heard back from POIs? What kind of responses have you received? About how long did it take them to write back? Thank you! Hope everyone is doing well!
  16. I am definitely thinking about contacting certain professors, but about two weeks ago I contacted a big-name professor, and I have not yet heard from her..... that's a bit discouraging, though I tell myself she is busy.
  17. Oh, cool! Do you think we could start a private message forum? I have a few questions about your program!
  18. 18th Century studies and gay and lesbian fictions. Why do you ask?
  19. I'm interested in 18th Century studies and gay and lesbian fictions!
  20. UM, can we please start a revolution? Seriously. Most of us are extremely unhappy about the test; I personally am unhappy both because the test was not formatted as promised and because I just spent the better part of 4 months studying the English cannon...seemingly for nothing (as I was studying superficial things about the cannon). I really want to confront ETS about this. Is anyone with me in thinking that could be a good idea?
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