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Everything posted by converse3

  1. Apparently so; If you look at how they released decisions last year, they did it incrementally by releasing, say, 30% on the first day... then the next 30% and then following 30% until the end. I got 3 acceptances today, my mind is spinning on what to do! Never would have thought it.... I was hoping for just one.
  2. Maybe, I submitted pretty late though.. January 5 in the morning?
  3. SIPA is up on applyyourself (or some decisions are.. mine was!) good luck all...
  4. SIPA is up... I promise! Go to applyyourself and your letter MAY be at the bottom of the page "view your admissions decision"
  5. I think you do. I think the only program you have to specific apply to is IDEV... though ERE is capped. Hope to see you all in the fall... no doubt in my mind where I'm going!
  6. I got into IDEV...no mention of missing Microecon or Macro requirements in my letter. I did an econ major during undergrad and am pretty confident I've fulfilled the requirements.
  7. SAIS IDEV AND FLETCHER IN ONE DAY! though, I know where I'm going...WOOOOO!!! SAIS!!!!
  9. Woooooooooo!!!! fletcher!!!!!!
  10. maybe it would be today.... haha I can't take another day of this!
  11. I think it'll be around 4/5pm ET when the e-mails are sent out.
  12. HA.. When I'm at my desk I have the mail program open, every once-in-awhile a little number (1) pops up and makes the incoming mail noise. If I'm not, then I obsessively check my e-mail on my phone. Any e-mail with a school's name in it makes me jump!
  13. I'm going to escape and do a field visit where there is no internet/phone coverage... this should distract me from logging into my e-mail every 5 minutes
  14. Enjoy the day ladies and gents.. TRY to concentrate, I know it's going to be hard for me now.
  15. All good here; close your browser and try again... it can be temperamental.
  16. I hope it is today; I can't take anymore of this!!!! It seems that it will be via e-mail and then maybe something will be uploaded to the applyyourself page
  17. Nothing here... probably all for the PHD program. It's weird that there has been no activity on the boards, as well. We're probably fine... hopefully the decisions will come out tomorrow!
  18. Don't be silly... it's not "mid-march" yet!
  19. Not to throw this up in the air, but if you look at when they've released the admissions decisions over the last few years... it has always either been on a monday or a friday. Maybe we're going to be surprised on Monday?
  20. I got the same message from SAIS, I just figured they sent it to everyone
  21. I'm learning a new language... it is actually distracting me... 6 more weeks until my decisions are out
  22. I spoke to a current student about this question; he said this was another chance to get personal and that to a degree, SAIS wants practitioners rather than hardcore academics.
  23. How would you recommend studying for the reading comp?
  24. You should be fine. They take 10-15 days to be sent after you take it.... the scores are always dispatched from Princeton, NJ.
  25. I would wait a year or two before applying, atleast for SAIS. You've got some strong GRE stats. I'd be concerned because the GRE isn't everything and your GPA (especially coming straight out of undergrad) and work experience tend to be as important, if not more important than the GRE for SAIS. Or atleast that's what one of the admissions officers from SAIS told me. Your GPA (3.38) is competitive and you had a few internships here and there is as well, but without more extensive work experience you may get passed over. They tend to expect more in terms of GPA/GRE/ internships from kids straight out of undergrad than people who have been out for awhile.
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