Have you visited IU? I couldn't make it for the official visit day, but I was able to take a visit a few weeks ago. I did get a really great sense of the program and felt like I would have been really happy there. It just happened that UNC had all that and more to offer.
Side note: at both of my visit weekends I talked with fellow prospective students and current students about the insanity that is the GradCafe. Even if none of the regulars end up together, rest assured that just about everyone has been on here at some point or another.
I haven't officially confirmed my decision, but I'm 95% sure at this point I'm going with UNC. IU is fabulous, but I just fell completely in love with UNC. Unfortunately I won't be making it to the visit weekend at UT. The program is amazing, just not for me. And the funding package didn't even come close to comparing with the others, especially UNC. I'd be interested to hear how UT's visit goes, though!
Hi, friends. I've been a bit MIA from the forums lately, but I wanted to let you know that I just formally turned down my offer from Texas. Maybe one of you will be getting good news soon? I hope so! Texas is an amazing place. If only I could go to three schools at once!
I haven't *officially* accepted, but I am very, very, very close. I just need to talk with one more professor before accepting at UNC. So, hedgerows, we may very well meet each other at some point at 18th-century novel related things in the Durham/Chapel Hill area!
One thing I haven't seen so far on this thread is simply that weird, elusive thing called the gut. I'm a big proponent of going with your gut, and already I'm leaning towards making a decision based on mine (though of course I'm waiting until after visits to do so). It's always worked out with me so far...hopefully it will this time, too.
I'm not 100% set on Carolina, but I am skipping the Texas visit. It just didn't fit in with my class schedule, and as I'm leaning toward UNC, I just didn't feel like it would be fair to not be able to potentially give up my spot until a week before the 15th. Unfortunately, that means we won't be able to meet!!
Haha I came up with the idea to have a party like this last year, but after I saw Midnight in Paris, I knew it had to happen. I've already called dibs on Anais Nin (and am trying to get a guy friend to agree to be Henry Miller). Sadly, my roommate would prefer having an American historical figures party...she's big on Presidents. Hahahaha
OMG are you sure you're not all of my friends/professors wrapped into one??
I am still struggling to get my roommate to agree to letting me have a "yay I got into grad school party" that involves everyone dressing as expat writers from the 20s, the room decorated like Gertrude Stein's studio, and lots of absinthe. She has been resisting this idea.
I totally agree. Before I ever went to one, I thought it would be a huge circular room like the UN or something where everyone made speeches... Then I found the odd academic creation called the conference.
I've been to two; one was totally and completely the weirdest thing ever and the other was absolutely enthralling. Guess those are the two polar options.
So encouraging, ComeBack.
One of my favorites, especially in terms of literary studies:
"That would be a glorious life, to addict oneself to perfection; to follow the curve of the sentence wherever it might lead, into deserts, under drifts of sand, regardless of lures, of seductions; to be poor always and unkempt; to be ridiculous in Piccadilly."
--Neville from Virginia Woolf's The Waves
I've been a little intimidated from the opposite side of the spectrum. I guess coming into the process I just assumed lots of people would be applying straight from undergrad, but I now am realizing that's definitely not the case. Imposter syndrome will really sink in when I realize I'm one of the youngest in my program, I'm sure. I'm at the point in my life when I still, well, to put it nicely, indulge in undergrad culture. I'm ready to "grow up" in the sense that I'm going to be throwing myself into graduate studies, but in terms of things like marriage and family...not at all on my radar at this point.
Ohhh, Trip.
Congrats, hiphop! Cornell is freaking amazing. I'm just waiting for my e-mail now...just kidding. The Ivies hate me and my midwestern-ness.
This is the best thing I've heard/read/whatever all day. Also, I'm drunk Grad Cafe-ing right now. So many updates since I've been gone!!! I can't keep away!
Yeah, their funding is one of the main reasons I applied there. It's crazy for an M.A.! Maybe the cost of living is higher there? I don't really know... The program also was a really good fit for me, but I'm more enthusiastic about some of the others.
And Trip, your track record's nothing to scoff at.
Just got accepted to the M.A. at UConn with a nice package and TA-ship! But, since I've been accepted to some really great Ph.D. programs, I'll be turning down my spot, so hopefully someone will luck out on here!