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Everything posted by bdon19

  1. Oh, geez. And I thought I was good for the day. Damn.
  2. I have a feeling my week is over, which is fine by me! Much excitement this week!

  3. I'm actually a Stein fan. Not necessarily on the Tender Buttons level, but in the class that determined whether or not I was going to be an English major (serious doubts for a while) we read Autobiography, and I adored it. I also really liked Three Lives. I was trying to think of something else to contribute to the thread, but really the only thing I can come up with is Austen, again. I'm the running joke in my English department, so much so that when one of my letter writers was doing research abroad over the summer, she came back with a refrigerator magnet that says "I Heart Mr. Darcy" with a portrait of Colin Firth on it. It is horrible and wonderful all wrapped into one.
  4. Oh, this is great to know! I did talk a lot about Thompson in my SOP! Bahaha, yes, I definitely am! I like to think it keeps me from getting too attached to any one school. It definitely keeps me from obsessing over my motivations for putting one before another! Hahaha
  5. It wasn't me (I'm just putting mine up now), but I got accepted to UNC this evening! Official acceptance letters haven't yet gone out, but I was nominated for a fellowship from the graduate school, so perhaps some admits will come later? Good luck to everyone!!
  6. Myshkin = total boss.
  7. I'm in English, so maybe the acceptance info is different. My e-mail detailed funding info as well as info about the visit weekend. I'm guessing comp lit must just do it differently?
  8. Not from my own experience, but a friend of mine who's a writing tutor told me this one yesterday: "right from the gecko" (i.e. "from the get-go," which should probably not be used in an academic paper, anyway...)
  9. For all the acceptees, are you planning on going to the visit weekend? I've been to the campus before (it's the bomb), but not when classes were in session, so I'm pretty sure I'll be attending. It'd be lovely to meet some of you!
  10. Just got accepted to UT-Austin! Waiting on many other schools, but really happy about this one!

  11. I just got accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLIPPING OUT! Austin was one of my top choices!!!!!!!!! P.S. My area is plain ol' English lit. Studying the 18th-century, most specifically the novel.
  12. My writing sample was on Pamela. I don't think anyone loves that book...but I kind of do. Sham-marriages are kinda my thing. Hahaha
  13. Let the hate-fest begin (against me, of course), but I despise Jane Austen. I study the novel, but I can't bring myself to like her. Appreciate, yes. But like, never.
  14. Oh, my god. Lawrence and Richardson are the only authors I ever want to study for the rest of my life. I'm not entirely serious, but close enough.
  15. Glad we both had the same reaction at the same time. Hahahaha
  16. Heart. Attack. Thank god this is comp lit. I may have been checking my UT account multiple times every day for the past month. Okay, that's a lie. Multiple times every day since DECEMBER.
  17. EVERY. FREAKING. DAY. I've been avoiding my professors like the plague, staying as far away from the humanities building as I possibly can. But still, these profs manage to find me, and when all else fails they do ask in front of the whole class. UGH.
  18. Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Even if I were to get an e-mail from Brown in the next few days, I think I might be too scared to open it...
  19. Two of my letter writers went there, and I have a friend there now. I've heard nothing but amazing things about the program. I'm just super nervous to get excited about the program until I have another acceptance in hand OR funding set in stone. Until then, I'll continue to be a nervous wreck....
  20. Nope. I was notified early because of a fellowship nomination, which I found out today I didn't get but was named an 'alternate' for. Though I have for sure been admitted, I won't know anything about funding for the next few weeks or so, until the general admits are finalized. So for right now I'm in limbo, and I'm afraid to get my hopes up, in case I don't get in anywhere else. Man, this is the most bipolar couple of months I've ever experienced. Of course, it doesn't help that my personal life is similarly up and down and different every other day. Ughhhhhhh. Please just let it be April 15th already.
  21. This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm thinking, should I get funding from a PhD program (ANY PhD program), I'll jump at it, even if it ends up being significantly less than I could get from UConn, simply because I'd have the PhD acceptance in hand. But, if I don't get funding, then I'd start weighing my options. Of course, that would take me getting into UConn first!
  22. UGH, here I am, back again. I'm feeling really down today, worried about funding at the one school I have an acceptance from, and facing an implicit rejection from another school. Greeeeeeeeeeeeat.
  23. Moving back into the 0% confidence thread...

  24. Easy for you to say, Trip, with your bajillion acceptances. Funding is still up in the air for IU, though, so I'm still having horror visions that I'll just get into this one program and then not be able to pay for it.
  25. Blah. I have a bad feeling about this. There are already quite a few acceptances up on the board. I want to go cry now.
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