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Everything posted by bdon19

  1. Prevent us from getting into grad schools? Psh, I'm pretty sure alcoholic tendencies are a prerequisite for graduate studies in general, but especially for us literary folk.
  2. I'd gone about two weeks without getting one, and then one came today. Heart. Attack.
  3. I haven't even gotten one of those. Zero contact from anywhere makes me an angry, anxious person.
  4. Same. I haven't heard a thing yet, and I'm already giving up.
  5. I think there are two up already. Blahhhhh I really don't know whether or not to keep up my hopes or just surrender to the rejection and get my hopes up for the next place... <--- My face right now...and through this whole process.
  6. Well, Nancy Armstrong was my primary POI as well. *Sigh* Well, I haven't been rejected yet.
  7. Congrats, hedgerows! May I ask what your area of specialization is? I creeped on your profile and saw that your subfield is 18th-c. British. This worries me that I may already be out of the running... Sad face.
  8. *Sigh* I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow at this point.
  9. Typically English has notified within the first few days of Feb, so it's not technically too early. I just want to know if all the acceptances were sent out today, or if there are still some to come!
  10. "Just??" As in, like, just a few hours ago, just today? Or, as in like five minutes ago? This whole waiting thing is making me neurotic. I've been refreshing my e-mail literally every minute or so since the initial results went up (these are for English, btw).
  11. Only two have been posted so far, and they went up within the past hour or so. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed...
  12. THERE'S A DUKE ACCEPTANCE POSTED. WHAT, WHAT, WHAT???????????????????? Just to prove how neurotic I am, I just signed into my application, and I found nothing. So there's that...
  13. Seconded! It's exciting to see familiar faces around here get good news! Not that I don't wish a hearty congrats to the rest of y'all, but, you know, I've been hanging around these parts for a good chunk of time now, and it's nice to see one of us get recognized for being awesome! ...Now, hopefully I'll be next!
  14. I am too obsessed, but it keeps me from doing other things. Potentially more self-destructive things. Like drinking myself into oblivion every night. Though I am a writer, so what else am I supposed to do?
  15. I didn't even apply to NYU, but wow that seems like a pretty big chunk that got accepted today, especially since we can't realistically assume every accepted student will be neurotic like us and go straight to the results forum! Good luck to the rest of y'all!
  16. And here's Duke's. The quantitative stuff isn't as scary as some other places, but man, that acceptance rate... http://gradschool.duke.edu/about/statistics/admiteng.htm
  17. Another day of silence = another night to wear away at my feeble hopes of getting in anywhere...
  18. Refreshing my e-mail every 30 seconds isn't working.

    1. alptekinyilmazer


      Thanks God, I am not alone!

  19. OMG I saw that yesterday and almost had a heart attack in fear that it would happen to me.
  20. Omgggggggggggg I'm dying. And I'm on the English side. Just break all my hopes now, Duke. I'm slowly dying not knowing.
  21. Will this week be THE week? We shall see in time.

  22. Looking through the past years' results, it looks like Duke is fast approaching. SO SCARY.
  23. Hmmm, I'm not a big fan, but one of my favorite profs is teaching a graphic novel course this term. I'll see if I can snag a syllabus for you!
  24. Anyone else feel like vomiting at the fact that Duke is bound to start notifying soon? I know I do.
  25. I just keep telling myself that no news is good news. So far, nothing. My patience is wearing very, very thin.
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