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Everything posted by peppermint.beatnik

  1. Are you sure you're not talking about me last year? exact same thing
  2. This school has a responsibility to you. They should be the ones arranging your transfer AND you should be compensated. If it was me I would get a lawyer.
  3. I'll do this, I'm sure of it. I'll also listen to "Empire state of mind" over and over.
  4. I meant to reply a few days ago. No need to worry about any band-width issues. Don't need a car in Montreal. Re: accounting jobs. I don't know anything about accounting, so I'm not much help. I imagine there are a lot jobs available. I am from Ottawa, where bilingualism is an issue, but that may be because a lot of jobs are government, and it's the Capitol.
  5. I have been thinking about this question since mid-November. I wrote the GREs at the beginning of October. I spent 2 months of solid prep, including an on-line "Live" course with Kaplan, in August, that was immensely helpful. I scored 620v, 610q, 6.0AW. I have bad anxiety/OC issues, so needless to say I was ecstatic with these scores. Also, Canadians are not really socialized to standardized testing, so it's not like I have a lot of GRE-related experience. I was SO relieved all of this GRE anxiety was over. Then I met with a potential supervisor in mid-November. She brought up the GRE before I mentioned it. She discussed the GRE in relation to admission committee decisions. She told me that GRE is used at [school], first as a cut-off [i.e. won't look at apps below 500 in any section] and then as a tertiary measure. For example, if you have 3-4 candidates that are the same on A,B, and C, they will look at D, which is GRE. She went on to describe how the GREs are pretty much "an industry," like "how many words can you memorize." Needless to say, she doesn't put much weight in GRE, other than as an application requirement. She said that no matter how badly she wants a student [and it appears that she wants me] it has to be a committee decision. If your GRE scores are really good, it makes it easier for the faculty member to get you as a student. Relieved that my scores were way above the cut-off, I told her what they were. She still suggested I re-write the GRE. I was totally crushed--I would rather swim across the Atlantic. If I am going to re-write them, I need to do so by mid-January. The application deadline is January 1st, but she said the committee doesn't meet until February. I have pretty much decided I won't re-write them: way too much stress; I'm not sure I could do better with less prep time; I still have 2 applications to submit. I really want to get into this school, but I can't push aside my last two applications (to Canadian schools) when re-writing the GRE may, or may not, make a difference. Also, as much as I want to go to the US, I know from last year that being an international student is a vulnerable position.* My biggest concern is that when she sees that I didn't re-write the GREs, that I will appear less committed to attending the school; that she will be disappointed. I don't feel that way at all. What would you do? What do you think? *I went 0/4 last year at US schools. Didn't apply to Canadian schools. Follow-up with schools: economy major factor in failed admission attempt.
  6. I'm struggling with this one too. I met with a potential supervisor in mid-Nov. It went really well. She said, "To keep in touch." I thought about writing, but what do I say? I submitted my application? She gave me some "inside information" (if that's what you want to call it) when I met her, but it's not an on-going process. I figure these people are busy enough that they don't need to be bothered with non-essential updates. I dunno . . .
  7. I didn't get in to any of the four US school to which I applied last year. Applying as an international student during a recession worked against me. I followed up with the schools. Two were helpful, two, not so much. It took a major toll on me emotionally, especially late February to mid-April, when I was pretty much in a black hole. I was living overseas at the time. I think this helped, and also, made it worse, in some ways. I'm still here and applying again. I think I'm OK socially!
  8. I had application dreams last year when I applied. I had several, but one was that I had been rejected from Harvard when I didn't even apply to the school. I think someone else had the same dream. I had 2 rejection dreams, and 2 inclusive dreams. I went 0/4, so they were accurate in my case
  9. Normally title refers to "rank" i.e. Assistant, Associate, Professor. I would be surprised if anyone said otherwise, but maybe it depends what they're looking for.
  10. Me! 4 apps: first due Dec.1, last due Feb.1--it's exhausting!
  11. r.s.; scholar of religion p.s. so happy you spelled programme the right way
  12. I'm applying to Drew too. I'm in the same boat. Sending UPS (or whatever) tomorrow night. I'm sure we're not the only people. I don't know what else there is to do other than show it's post-marked before Jan. 1st.
  13. I'm not an expert on accounting jobs, or anything, but my guess is that the options are quite diverse. The only limitation I can imagine is government jobs and jobs which would require communicating directly with in-province clients on a daily basis. It's really hard to say. Language in Quebec is a sensitive issue. Re: internet, do you mean no storage space or bandwidth limits?
  14. housing is pretty cheap in montreal. Canada has the crappiest cell phone plans. Bell and Rogers are the most common companies for internet service. You can get a package plan with Bell that includes Internet, land line and cell phone (but, their cell phone plans are not great). Rogers is standard for cable. I think Telus has the best cell phones plans, but it depends what you're looking for. It's the most bilingual city in Quebec, so you won't have any problems if you don't speak French. Has great nightlife, culture, etc. The university is right downtown.
  15. I like this comment. When I started studying religion I was a practising Catholic. Eight years later I'm agnostic. Go figure.
  16. I had this happen with a school: closed Dec.18 to Jan.4.
  17. I am specific in my sops, but my project is always tailored to the resources of the department to which I am applying. I.e. I don't have the same project for every school, though they share similarities. If you're applying to an MA, you don't have to be specific. Most people at my school just had an interest in the field when they came.
  18. There is maybe one thing you can do-try to be a better "sell" (I hate that word). You can work on presenting yourself in a better way. If you don't get in, contact the programs and try and find out why. I was 0/4 last year. I do think it had more to do with the economy than anything else. I only applied to US schools. As an international student, it was definitely a mistake.
  19. I'm in humanities. I had first response in early March, last in early April.
  20. "you sold that theorist" lol . . . yes, I would love those comments on my papers
  21. I can look at your whole sop when you're ready, if you want. I worked in the writing centre at my old school.
  22. This draft is 100% better. I edited your paragraph in the quote. The sentences in bold need further clarification; I wasn't sure what you were getting at. Just choose whatever edits you like. In some places, I added a bit so as to make the flow more logical.
  23. I sent one of my LORs my sop for one of my applications. I always ask for feedback if they feel anything needs to be changed/added. For my first application sop, he went through and provided detailed feedback. He's normally quite fussy. This time, he just replied to say he had put it in the mail. Is this just a case of he's busy because it's almost the holidays and they're exams to grade, etc. He can be like this too. I'm feeling insecure and worry that he totally hated it. This is my second round of applications so I worry about everything.
  24. Are your scores <1100? If they are less than 1100, it really depends on the school. Other than that you just have to wait and see how things turn out.
  25. First thing: your ideas are good. Second thing: lack of clarity in your writing buries these good ideas. Third thing: After reading the paragraph, I'm confused as to exactly what it is you want to study, and why, because it's so jumbled. Here are a few things: WAY too many ideas in the first sentence. One idea per sentence. All of your sentences have too many ideas. It confounds, more than complements your ideas. The second sentence ends with a dangling preposition [OK for informal writing, not formal writing] Don't use contractions: that is, not "that's" Don't use words like "seemed," makes you appear unsure. Write with conviction. You should start a new paragraph at "My undergraduate . . . " "English and French language" not "language." All of the words you pluralize should be singular.
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