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Everything posted by coffeeplease

  1. shadow play
  2. spray tan
  3. harvest festival
  4. Your post made me laugh -- I don't know why you've got a [-1] -- but I do understand why they might not. Some programs get so many applicants that it would be impossible, or at least take far too long. However, I've read that if you call the department and ask (politely!) why you were rejected/how you can strengthen your application, they will usually tell you.
  5. Pyongyang by Guy Delisle is good -- it's about the 2 months he spent living and working in North Korea.
  6. washing machine
  7. borrowed time
  8. combo platter
  9. Ha, I had an interview on Skype and this was me. I worried more than usual because I could see how I looked -- should have minimized that window, in hindsight. Also, sometimes I nod when someone is talking to me as a sign that I understand/agree/am listening. At one point during the interview, I thought to myself, "OH GOD, I MUST LOOK LIKE A BOBBLEHEAD!" Fun times.
  10. stained glass
  11. I turned in a paper whose title was [TITLE GOES HERE]. My prof wrote next to it, "Yes, it does."
  12. My SO also doesn't get the obsession. Most of our conversations go something like this: "Why are you on that forum? There's nothing you can do about it now, so why don't you just relax?" "BECAUSE I CAN'T, THAT'S WHY!" I have taken to minimizing TGC whenever he walks by so that I don't have to feel quite so ashamed for my addiction...... That can't be a good sign.
  13. legal tender
  14. evil genius
  15. inside information
  16. Yep, my pessimism from earlier was premature. *happy dance*
  17. wee hours
  18. Not I. And honestly, even though there's technically one more day of "hope," I am pretty sure I won't be hearing from them, so good luck to y'all. Completely unrelated but totally more fun: fgreen, have you read Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn, and if yes, would you recommend it? Or something else instead? I've been looking for some Turkish-German/German-Turkish lit but don't really know where to start.
  19. Also, a Hamburg, New York and a Berlin, New York.
  20. According to some recent scholarship, the closest living relative of the T-rex is now thought to be ..... the chicken. (More.)
  21. off road
  22. Didn't apply there, but congratulations on the interview! When will it be? If you look about halfway down (sorry, idk if TGC does permalinks to individual comments), there's a solid list of possible questions. The Interviews & Visits forum has good stuff too. Crossing fingers and pressing thumbs for ya.
  23. Agree re: Harvard, it's nice to KNOW when to freak out and when to relax. Just from skimming the websites and available data, it seems that programs like Harvard, Yale, Princeton get ~20 applicants every cycle. Northwestern seems to get around 10. I would guess that programs that offer a linguistics track (ie, Berkeley) get slightly more applicants, but that is pure speculation on my part.
  24. This is a great list! My favorite, of course, is this one:
  25. My guess for myself is a 6/2 rejection/admit split. 5/3 when I'm feeling good. I'm not a superstitious person but I worry that I'll just end up eating crow if I name names, so I refuse to think in more specific terms than that.
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