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Everything posted by coffeeplease

  1. Wait, does this really happen? *paranoia ensues*
  2. That's exactly how I feel about all of my apps.
  3. Hello yeinalem! It's a fun process, isn't it? What are your interests?
  4. I'm taking up running (doing Couch to 5k, as I am a total couch potato) and am going to try to learn to knit.It's hard not to obsess over the waiting, so I'm eager to hear more ideas.
  5. I was REALLY paranoid about doing this. So paranoid that I failed to notice a sentence fragment in my Yale application. At the end of a paragraph, it says "I also completed" and then nothing (I had moved that sentence elsewhere but apparently failed to delete the original). It's in "Additional Academic Information," though, not the SOP.
  6. This was great, thanks for posting.
  7. I'm sure that's fine -- I think that talking about your translating experience will make for an interesting read (I certainly find it really interesting), and of course it shows that your reading skills must be excellent. Best of luck to you!
  8. Why not both? Also, if the programs are familiar with the exam (and I'm guessing they are), they will know how to understand your scores. In your cover letter you might also include some info on coursework you've done in Japanese literature (ie, where you read literature in the original). I think that should cover all of your bases.
  9. You too -- 15 applications sounds like a nightmare. And best of luck to you, too, Finicky Bean...sounds like a fun holidays all around...
  10. Also done, and also still anxious. This whole process is driving me nuts. :-/
  11. I also teach ESL and I've been getting pretty similar comments. A friend also very kindly told me that I should consider vocational training instead of a PhD because I probably wouldn't be able to get a job with a PhD anyway. Thanks, friend!
  12. YES. Yes it does. I'm glad that I can finally join this thread (8 of 8 submitted! Yay!) but somehow being done isn't doing much to assuage my nervousness. I have at least 6 weeks to wait before I hear anything back and I have no idea how I'm going to distract myself!
  13. Congrats vertige! I can't wait to be done. I've got exactly one application in (Berkeley) and am hoping to get two more off tonight (NYU and Columbia). Also applying to Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Brown and Northwestern, and good lord will I be happy when it's all over. So I WISH I were in the post-applicaiton haze. I studied abroad in Hamburg as an undergrad and came back to work here after graduating. (I work with teenagers, so I am totally going to steal "wake, bake and Dasein" -- it certainly applies to a few of them). It's a great city, even if it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon this time of year.
  14. Hey guys, I'm looking to do a swap & critique with someone. I've already sent out my SOP to professors but I have yet to hear back from them and my deadlines are creeping up, so I would love to have another pair of eyes. PM if you're interested.
  15. Yeah, if I don't get in anywhere my next step will be to look for MA programs in Germany. Luckily that application cycle isn't until spring/summer though. I can't even deal with the thought of having to do this all over again right now. (Also vertige -- if you ever find yourself up in Norddeutschland we should have coffee or something -- I am living & working in Hamburg until grad school). I told myself I was going to start reading some of the classics in preparation for the PhD (Goethe, Schiller, Heine, and so on) but that'll all have to wait until apps are done. Also, I'm happy that there's finally some activity on this thread! Yay.
  16. If you got credit from your undergraduate institution, it will be on that transript and you don't need to submit an additional one. Don't panic!
  17. Well, that doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I'm interested in 20th c. literature (Germany and Austria), German-Jewish relations, Modernism, Mann, Bernhard. Theory and visual arts, too. I am hoping to have all of my apps in by the end of this week but I am still waiting for feedback from profs on my SOP. I'm applying exclusively to German programs (no CL).
  18. Oh crap. I based my SOP for Berkeley around the guide on their website, which says 500-600 words unless otherwise specified. Or is that just a suggestion?
  19. Thanks everyone! I didn't even think about waiting for admits....I think I'll send some notes now (I would feel too guilty about waiting until the spring to send anything) and then revisit it the gift issue when the decisions are in.
  20. I've reached a point in the application process where things are starting to wind down and deadlines are approaching. I really want to thank the professors who wrote my letters of rec. My question is, what is appropriate? I was going to find some nice cards and hand write the thank yous. Is that enough? Should I include a gift of some kind? (I am living out of the country, so logistics are an issue) These profs did a lot for me when I was in college so I don't want to seem ungrateful. Thanks!
  21. I am! Applying to 8 schools, all for Ph.D in German. You?
  22. I'm in a similar position to imisscoffee, so I am going to piggyback on this thread (sorry?). I have Donald Asher's book and all of the sample essays have really long, personal introductions. Not only am I a supremely boring person, but that style ultimately isn't me. I know he says not to open with "I am applying to [school] in order to study [blah, blah, blah]," but is this really so horrible and detested by adcomms?
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