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    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Littlefastpenguin in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    For example, I am good at taking tests and standardized scores, so I am not at a disadvantage on this aspect. Removing the GRE requirement for application takes me into a disadvantage because I am good at it. But I support this from an equity standpoint of view and especially when research shows that GRE is not a good indicator for graduate school success. There might be different reasons for a program not having many URMs, it could be their evaluation metrics put people into disadvantage, but it could also be that although they have made efforts, ppl don't feel that they fit in and choose not to apply. And I am interested in hearing from admin and faculty about their opinions on this matter, in terms of what efforts they have made to recruit these folks. And I do plan to be part of the efforts during my phd education and beyond, if there are opportunities to do so.  
    I applied because there are faculty members that align with my research interests, and also for funding concerns (public schools don't have good funding mechanisms for international students as we are not eligible for government training grants). But there are so much more beyond research interests that I also care about. 
    The only program that I interviewed so far completely removed GRE from application consideration and covered all the mentioning of GRE in the package before sending for reviews. If I get a spot, I get a spot, if not, I will try next year. 
  2. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from PublicHealthPhD2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Yes we are competing with other applicants in terms of there is a review committee or a group of faculty reviewing our applications and pick the ones to interview/accept. No I don't view other applicants as my competitors because of our unique paths. 
    For example, as an asian, I would fight for the rights of under representative minorities, although that means it might work against me, against my personal interests, and some one might take the position that I wanted. But this is what I truly believe in and the science community for sure needs more diverse opinions. This is bigger than me. I truly wish everyone a successful career, in regardless of the application results, because we can success together, in regardless of me getting into Harvard or not. Not getting into any PhD programs does not make me a loser.
    Also, as an international student, I SO appreciate posts sharing background, info., and results, because it helps other applicants dramatically. When I applied to schools in the U.S., other than U.S. News ranking, I had no other references, no other source of information other than these online forums. None of my professor could provide any advice in terms of picking schools and application tips. This goes the same to many other applicants in the U.S. as well. 
  3. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Epi_researchjunkie in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I just received an offer from Johns Hopkins Epi program!!! I’m in shock!!!! It’s been a long journey!!! 
  4. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from MCH_Hopeful_2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Some PhD students do take on loans and self-fund, even in some reputable public health schools. Also I think sometimes it is a bit tricky to work as a volunteer RA with a professor without getting paid (unless taking course credits), some institutions/departments will not allow that. I agree with the equity and inclusion aspect. I personally tried to avoid programs that sends out admissions and ask students to get their own funding (e.g. finding a GRA), which sounds a bit stressful to me.  
  5. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Coffee All Day in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Yes we are competing with other applicants in terms of there is a review committee or a group of faculty reviewing our applications and pick the ones to interview/accept. No I don't view other applicants as my competitors because of our unique paths. 
    For example, as an asian, I would fight for the rights of under representative minorities, although that means it might work against me, against my personal interests, and some one might take the position that I wanted. But this is what I truly believe in and the science community for sure needs more diverse opinions. This is bigger than me. I truly wish everyone a successful career, in regardless of the application results, because we can success together, in regardless of me getting into Harvard or not. Not getting into any PhD programs does not make me a loser.
    Also, as an international student, I SO appreciate posts sharing background, info., and results, because it helps other applicants dramatically. When I applied to schools in the U.S., other than U.S. News ranking, I had no other references, no other source of information other than these online forums. None of my professor could provide any advice in terms of picking schools and application tips. This goes the same to many other applicants in the U.S. as well. 
  6. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to MCH_Hopeful_2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Ya’ll, maybe I’m just too old or just an odd duck but I don’t view anyone here as competition. I only applied to schools I really dug, so there’s no losing for me. And if someone got into one of my programs, then maybe they’ll be in my cohort (because that is a thing) and if not, I can say “hey I know someone with similar interests at X school. Maybe we can collaborate!” I say all that to say: this ain’t the hunger games. We’re all looking to alleviate real people from real suffering. Why the hell wouldn’t I cheer you on?? I want every one of you to be rockstars because myself, my family, and my community benefit. It’s self-destructive nonsense to think otherwise. 
  7. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to nervousphd2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Accepted into Penn State's DrPH program. Applied 1/5
  8. Downvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Samir Al-Hajeed in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Salam fellow applicants,
    I have been viewing this message board for some time now, and have two questions for the general community:
    (1) Has absolutely nobody applied to state schools, or is it a matter of only claiming JHU/Harvard/Yale to show off to the other anonymous posters? Posting your “stats” on page 5 didn’t get you enough of a dopamine rush?
    (2) What’s with the “we’re in this together” and “good luck” posts? We’re absolutely not, and we’re competing against each other for limited spaces, respectively. I mean, unless it’s a southern-sweet show of force, then that’s sensible. This isn’t tennis. 
    Alright, have a nice day. 
  9. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Littlefastpenguin in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Got invited to interview at UNC today
  10. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to EHS_EPI_PHD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hey everyone, on Friday I got an offer to Brown Epi. The letter said they accepted 4 students out of 200. Best of luck to everyone! 
  11. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Baby_Yoda in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi everyone! Just wanted to provide an update. I was accepted to U Michigan's Epi PhD program today. I was surprised to hear from them so soon, as they stated in the interview that decisions would be released by mid-March. I'm very excited! I hope others will continue to receive great news. 
  12. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from inanycase in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Every school/program also has its own personality. E.g. if they prefer students with very strong quantitative backgrounds, very defined research interests etc. If you already got interviews then at least you got what they value already! Just be yourself and sometimes your gut feeling will tell you
    I noticed some of these differences in preparing for my applications (e.g. if the program asks for a personal history statement and how many under representative students are in the student cohort) and talking to POIs. 
  13. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from phd_one_day in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I attended their info session so I took a screenshot of their admin stats. On average 8 people got off from the waitlist across departments. Good luck!!!!!!! Finger crossed!!!! 
  14. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Epiiiiiii in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I attended their info session so I took a screenshot of their admin stats. On average 8 people got off from the waitlist across departments. Good luck!!!!!!! Finger crossed!!!! 
  15. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to envepid in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Accepted at Harvard PHS in EH today and Michigan Epidemiology yesterday!! Crashing now from the adrenaline high after seeing the Harvard email! So happy to be getting celebration pizza tonight ?
    I also have the same message on the Columbia portal (EHS) but agree it's probably a glitch? A mean one though! I didn't have an interview with them and also have not heard anything since I submitted my app.
    Also, anyone in Harvard PHS get word about their advisor?
  16. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to hopeful2020PhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    If there are any admits to the Harvard Chan Population Health Sciences PhD who want to chat with a current student, DM me. Full disclosure, I really love my program (I'm in epi). But, I know I had questions about the PhD programs I applied to that I wasn't comfortable asking faculty about, so I am happy to give you candid nitty-gritty answers. 
    To those who didn't recieve an acceptance: I hope you all get accepted to wonderful, funded programs this year, but don't give up if things don't pan out. I applied to PhD programs twice. I have faith we each end up on the path we need to be on. 
  17. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to HealthPolicy21 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just received my offer letter through email for Global Health and Population!
  18. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to CovidPhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I just received email acceptance letter from Harvard PHS (global health).
  19. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from NutrEpi in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Also sometimes I really think it is about the 'fit'. It is such a hard to define term. But different programs have different personalities. Sometimes a rejection only means that you would maximize your potential somewhere else. 
  20. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Worthy2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi Everyone,
    I haven’t posted here and have been avoiding forums because it makes my anxiety worse about the waiting.  I wanted to share something I thought the other day and hope others find helpful during this waiting.   I realized no matter what, a rejection from a school won’t define me or undo any of the wonderful things/work I’ve done or any of us have done.   It’ll sting, it’ll be a disappointment, but it’ll be just fine in the end.  We’ll all continue to do good work, create change, and help people, especially those most in need.  
    The important thing to remember during this waiting is, each of us applied to all these schools because we thought we are deserving, smart enough, and had a shot at admission.  An acceptance letter won’t re-affirm our worthiness and a rejection won’t diminish it.  Each and every one of us started off worthy.  I’m not suggesting admission into one of the “elite” (or any) schools wouldn’t be a privilege and incredible opportunity, but regardless of where we get in or whether we get into PhD/DrPH program at all, we’ll still be amazing public health advocates, researchers, and professionals, we’ll still make our mark in the world, and we’ll make the world a better place.  Because we are all passionate, smart, awesome people and that’s something an admission committee can’t decide for us…Just wanted to send some encouraging words of support to all! Stay strong and remember you’re already awesome! ?
  21. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from F4rbod in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I had only interviews with one program (and not acceptance yet ) so I am not experienced with interviews. 
    I might be a bit excessive too. When I applied to programs, I checked POIs recent pubs, youtube videos if they have ones, grant portfolios, their twitter accounts. I read the student handbooks and curriculums into details. I also checked their student profiles to get a picture of their background and interests. Browsed through my top program's student dissertations if they are publically online and try to get a vibe out of it, e.g. from the acknowledgement section (luckily it is a small program). Ofc, checked out some of the research centers etc. 
    Above posts' questions are really helpful, I prepared those questions too. But I also realized that interviewers might bring up similar questions asking in different ways, so the answers I practiced/mock interviewed were a bit different from what i prepared LOL but I think at least they are authentic. 
    I resonated with ProspectivePhD, I did all these prep so I can avoid asking sth that I could find answers online. For example, because my background is in Implementation Science, I asked if the interviewers think I will blend in well in an epi program with students mostly interested in traditional epi. These types of questions are related to my own experiences and background, and I do want to know the answer before I can commit myself.
    Actually during my interview with the faculty, after briefly introducing myself, she directly asked if I had any questions for her. So I got the chance to ask about her perspectives on the field I'm in -- since I have decided to leave my current institution and join another one, different research groups might have different viewpoint and approaches. 
    I think every interview might be different. Good luck with your interviews  
  22. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to CatMeow1234 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Really good advice here. Pretty much everyone will say tell me about yourself so that’s a freebie question where you can have a response that highlights your most important points.
    another poster a few weeks ago said “How will the field be a better place with you in it?” Although I was not asked this exact question I was asked a variation of it - if you can answer this question, and be able to outline a plan to get there and your goals along the way, you’ll be in good shape re “your story.” Then you want to connect that to “why <program>“.
    I know it’s scary but you can do it!! Mine were much more laid back than I expected.
  23. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to MCH_Hopeful_2021 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    One more thing to add to this and previous conversations on this topic: Please remember that you are also interviewing them. You will spend 4-5+ of your life surrounded by those people, jumping through their hoops, pouring your soul into their research, and hoping you’re better for it. Don’t be so humbled by being interviewed or considered for a slot that you forget that they’re just as lucky to be speaking with YOU. So have a little swagger, keep your head high, and ask the questions you need to to make the right decision for yourself, your family (if you have one), and your career. 
  24. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from CatMeow1234 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I had only interviews with one program (and not acceptance yet ) so I am not experienced with interviews. 
    I might be a bit excessive too. When I applied to programs, I checked POIs recent pubs, youtube videos if they have ones, grant portfolios, their twitter accounts. I read the student handbooks and curriculums into details. I also checked their student profiles to get a picture of their background and interests. Browsed through my top program's student dissertations if they are publically online and try to get a vibe out of it, e.g. from the acknowledgement section (luckily it is a small program). Ofc, checked out some of the research centers etc. 
    Above posts' questions are really helpful, I prepared those questions too. But I also realized that interviewers might bring up similar questions asking in different ways, so the answers I practiced/mock interviewed were a bit different from what i prepared LOL but I think at least they are authentic. 
    I resonated with ProspectivePhD, I did all these prep so I can avoid asking sth that I could find answers online. For example, because my background is in Implementation Science, I asked if the interviewers think I will blend in well in an epi program with students mostly interested in traditional epi. These types of questions are related to my own experiences and background, and I do want to know the answer before I can commit myself.
    Actually during my interview with the faculty, after briefly introducing myself, she directly asked if I had any questions for her. So I got the chance to ask about her perspectives on the field I'm in -- since I have decided to leave my current institution and join another one, different research groups might have different viewpoint and approaches. 
    I think every interview might be different. Good luck with your interviews  
  25. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to ProspectivePhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I reviewed my SOP for the school to see what they had access too, and then did more research on the program (i.e. research centers, course requirements, etc.) and my interviewers specifically (their interests/current research, center affiliations, classes they taught, and read a few recent papers they'd written). Might have been a little too much, but I just wanted to be ready to talk about them if needed.
    Other than that, I tried to prepare for some questions I thought they might ask: tell me about yourself/your interests, why this program, why are you interested in a phd right now as opposed to in a few years, where do i see myself post-phd. Also brainstormed some questions to ask them, I thought the research on the program was really helpful here because I was able to avoid asking questions that are on the websites.
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