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Everything posted by rowlf

  1. I am wondering if you have heard from any of those schools now that a couple weeks have passed. A couple of my schools now have acceptances and rejections (no waitlists, though) on the results survey. I was calm about it at first, but I am starting to lose my composure.
  2. That does sound pretty dramatic. This is a crazy process! It's better they reject you and then change their minds, rather than accepting you and then changing their minds. I think this sounds really exciting, albeit nerve-wracking. If you feel like you can identify an advisor easily, it sounds like it is so worth it to keep this option open for you. My impression is that they are working in a really stressful situation themselves with someone leaving last minute, but are trying to figure out how to take a candidate they want.
  3. Another day of deafening silence... It sounds like a lot of you are expecting to hear this week. Good luck! I wonder how many people will fall off the haven't-heard-a-peep train this week.
  4. With all the responses rolling in, and a very active Decisions, Decisions page, I think we--those of us who have not heard anything from anywhere--should support each other and let each other know that we're not alone. (I hope I'm not alone at least.) Some of my schools have both rejections and acceptances on the results survey. The few programs that explicitly told me when to expect a notice said the end of February. I have applied to all US schools with application deadlines mostly in December. ...and I have heard nothing!
  5. I'm still holding out hope that I get 5 acceptances on Tuesday.
  6. Man, I need make like imisscoffee and ban myself from the results board. While I haven't heard anything from anywhere, each acceptance sends a pain to my stomach. I keep seeing the survey listing Brown/Rice/Arizona/UNC-CH/Maryland. What does that even mean? Did someone get 5 emails from 5 schools on January 31st 2011 (last year?), all acceptances? That would be the best day ever.
  7. I had to look up this word. Maybe I should go watch Bad Boys II...
  8. Nightmares are in full swing. I really didn't think it would be this hard. This may actually kill me. I haven't heard from a single school... and I'm not even Canadian! Most of my deadlines were in December. :angry: :angry:
  9. Duke Evolutionary peeps (if that group includes anyone other than brownie and me): I have had nothing but bad signs so I thought if I found out they already did interviews, I could bury this hope in the ground and start to move on. I called the graduate secretary and she said they had "done some interviews but no decisions have been made." Intellectually, I think that means that if you haven't had an interview, fat chance. Still, I wish she had said it like that instead of emphasizing the some as in "not all, your invitation is on the way!" I guess I won't be able to really put it to rest until I have that official rejection.
  10. The post the Clark person was referring to was deleted. It contained all the same information except it said Clarion--an easy mistake since the school name pops up after you start typing the beginning of it.
  11. Did anyone see the UNC-CH interview in early January on the results board? It says it was for the program "Geography And Environment." Does that program even exist at Chapel Hill?
  12. Does anyone know what to expect for Ph.D. funding? I have no frame of reference for this and the only thing I can find is on biological fields, which I assume have better funding than geography. Or maybe geography has the best funding of all, and I should not accept anything under $40k!
  13. Part of the reason thegradcafe is so addicting for me is the fact that you guys are typically so nice and supportive. Usually conversations among strangers online leave me disappointed in humanity.... then GC restores my faith!
  14. This really made my heart melt. The next romantic movie should include this as part of the storyline. Some sort of misunderstanding could occur because of the GC forum, causing tension only to be resolved with the realization that the two just wanted the best for one another all along.
  15. I was in the same position, assuming I was rejected, so I contacted the admin who said my application was under review and they would get back to me...sometime. I am pretty sure that "under review" just means that I submitted my application and they have not sent official rejections/acceptances yet. In my case, contacting them didn't yield much helpful information. However, I don't think it hurts to ask. I took up no more than 30 seconds of the admin's time. No one is going to not accept you because you bugged them too much, unless you start cussing them out and threatening them with violence.
  16. I have been told I am missing documents that I already sent by all but 1 of the schools I applied to. One of them told me yesterday that I was missing something that they confirmed they had received a month ago. Other than having to run around submitting things when I thought I was long done with that, I am 99.99% sure that this will affect me in no way. I would imagine your situation is the same. And at least you were told that you were missing something! I had been trying to confirm that my file was complete by my number one choice and no one got back to me after several attempts. Finally, I found out that my GRE report wasn't matched with my file. (The stuff about having the name of your GRE match your application can be serious. Even a silly little middle initial can thwart your application!) This all happened recently, very late in the process. Is there any insight about whether this will affect my application? I am also concerned that they went so long without telling me anything was missing, and only did so after I laboriously sought out the information. Does that mean they threw out my application before even looking to make sure everything was there? Sorry, no joke... just another story of the agony and anxiety that is applying to grad school.
  17. In my self-centered hunt for information, I forgot to congratulate you, Savagemind. Good luck with the interview!
  18. Are you the one who posted the result that Anzaria mentioned? Are you evolutionary or cultural?
  19. This may not be what you meant since statistics only provide a one-dimensional view to your question, but UNC publishes pretty thorough admissions stats. They even update how many the applications the university as a whole has received monthly. I was hoping for an indication of an inexplicable steep decline of competition--after years of increasing applicants. Nope! They are getting a steady stream of applications this year (of course). Last year, about 7.5% of applicants were accepted for anthropology. http://gradschool.unc.edu/admissions/stats.html
  20. Agreed! Come on, you people who have been contacted! Give us some additional information to obsess over. We're dying over here! Logically, it seems very plausible that a school would trickle out interview invitations slowly, and that there still could be an invite to come. However, I can't help but to catastrophize and think I'm as good as rejected...
  21. I am shocked at how many typos have made it through several rounds of edits by many people. I think I am less likely to notice a mistake, but even my multiple editors don't notice. Like CSFive, I think this just goes to show how easy it is for a typo to go unnoticed. Besides, the adcoms will probably read it more briskly than our proofreaders did.
  22. I called ETS to hear my AW score, started thinking about hearing a terrible score after paying the people who just gave me that score, and hung up when they asked me for my credit card information. This is how many calendar days after the test date it took for various events: Send the score reports to requested institutions... 8 First university to receive the report digitally......... 9 Receive the score report in the mail (NJ-->CA)..... 14 Scores posted online............................................ ??? Still haven't been posted.
  23. I thought I would start a new topic like there has been in past years to post profile information, results speculation, and waiting anticipating for anthropology. Right now, I am especially anxious to hear about Duke Evolutionary Anthro. From past results, it seems like people are contacted for interviews around this time of year. I don't think I have a great shot, but it would be a dream come true. How is everyone else doing with this woefully uneventful time of the process?
  24. Which anthro program? Wasn't the deadline for evolutionary anthropology Dec 1? That is still a fast turnaround, though. ...Oops. I guess their "biological anthropology" program changed to "human evolutionary biology" so I guess that is probably not it.
  25. Do the "accurate estimated" scores differ from the accurate official scores?
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