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Everything posted by jerzygrl

  1. See! Crap shoot! LOL. I don't think there is any right formula for getting accepted except to do what is best for you. It seems to me that finding that oh so magical fit is what it all really comes down to.
  2. I originally wanted to apply for master's degrees, to get my feet wet and to make myself a more attractive candidate. When I told this to a few profs at my UG they all advised me against it. One was really blunt and told me that while my UG (no, I won't name it- not even in pm, and I've kept my eye out so it doesn't look like anyone here has made the fatal error) offers a master's degree on their website, they never actually admit those students and that they don't even look at the applications the adcom just rejects them! That was enough to convince me to go straight for the phd. When I asked why bother, she told me that a master's is basically useless and they do not want students to pay for a useless degree (who will then talk badly about the program) but they keep the option available for people who don't finish the phd and in times of emergency where the department cannot offer funding to phd students (take a few paying master's students and hope for funding to come in for those students to go on to the phd.) If, however, you already have a master's, I don't thinnk it will hurt or help you... I just decided it wasn't worth applying for that step after what I was told. Oh, and I was also told NYU wants "fresh" candidates (students without master's already), but I have heard of them accepting some with the master's. It's all a giant crap shoot really. Unless you are actually in the room with adcom's who can possibly know what they are thinking???
  3. These are the three I most identify with. #14- yeah, the idea of failing at something that I am trying so hard for scares me. It means I have to admit for the first time in my life that I might not be worthy of something, and not because I didn't try hard enough but because *I* may not be enough. I have avoided this situation in the past because I know I have a fragile ego... so scared doesn't come close to what I am feeling. #16- I came to this realization a few semesters ago. I had a prof that ripped me to shreds on my paper but then gave me an A for the assignement. i went to his office to find out what the deal was and he basically told me that he thought I had potential to be a great scholar, but it would never happen if I was just allowed to pass with A's. He wanted me to work for it and he wanted more from me. I came to appreciate his comments and dedication to me. I ended up taking several classes with him because I knew he would help me grow intellectually. My other profs got word that I like being ripped apart and the lessons continued #23- Definately learned this one during the app process. I found that if I took a break and went for a walk at the right point I could energize myself for another 5 hours as opposed to working through it and doing half a$$ed work for the next 3 hours. Made the getting only 4-5 hours a night of sleep thing more possible.
  4. I love it when people ask me how I'm going to pay for it... I tell them I am so in demand that the grad schools actually PAY me to attend If nothing else it makes them stop prying into my personal finances and then they quickly become interested in what I am studying (Of course I usually end up telling them how little money I will make when I graduate which then convinces them to *not* talk their child/niece/neighbor's kid into studying anthropology)
  5. Most of my programs stated they notify by March 15... that means five more Fridays! I have never in my life hated Friday afternoons so much.
  6. Ah! You didn't say Steinhardt I looked up GSAS. Sorry. (And your location says South Korea so that is also why I thought perhaps you fall under different guidelines)
  7. Perhaps it is different for international students because I just checked the website and it said to not submit anything unless you have been accepted.
  8. You need the option of "life experience before undergrad" in this poll. I was always told to take a gap year, even from profs who knew my past experience. When I told one that I really didn't want to because I might not return she said "good, thats what it is supposed to do, weed out only serious students." When I explained that it would be hard for me to convince my family I should give up a good paying job after all these years of hardship to pay for my undergad she responded with "in your case, I don't advise a gap year." Go figure!
  9. It's Groundhog Day, and like every other day I check my email every 10 minutes and TGC results page every hour. I feel like BIll Murray ::sigh::
  10. Recent conversation: Guy: "So what did you apply to grad school for?" Me: "Anthropology" Guy: "Oh! That's so cool! You get to go to Egypt and dig up the pyramids and stuff!" Me: "No, thats archeology. I do cultural anthropology. So I talk to people and try to better understand their culture." Guy: "You talk to dead people?! How do you do that?" ::facepalm:: Me: "No, I talk to real live people." Guy: "What do you do with that anyway? And what, are you just going to spend the rest of your life talking to people? How will you support yourself?" Me: ...smh... "I'll write books" and with that I walked away
  11. Tomorrow is February 1 and most programs still haven't done interviews (based on the results survey) so I guess that means we are in for the long haul with admissions this year. I had expected to start hearing back already- based on last years results.
  12. You would have to check with the Department. Perhaps if you explain your situation you can submit an unofficial copy for your application with the understanding that you will submit an official one as soon as possible.
  13. Forgot to edit out a phrase in one of my SOP's. So now the sentance has to verbs which are different tenses. ::facepalm:: I figure I wasted $100 for that app.
  14. I've been thinking about this one a lot as I have also been seriously wondering what I should wear!!! So I decided that if you can rock a very specific look that speaks to people about who you are then you should absolutely wear it. If, on the other hand, you are like me and just try to blend into the crowd I think business casual is best. This means I will be going shopping.... I only own two types of shoes: street shoes and hooker heels, neither of which screams business casual. And what about the weekend long "events"? Does anyone think it is possible to wear a comfortable pair of jeans with a nice shirt one day? I can be more myself if I feel comfortable in my clothes. I am concerned that if I am wearing something I wouldn't normally wear I will feel uncomfortable and not leave the impression I want to leave with the adcom. (why I think one should wear what they feel comfortable in if it speaks to their personality)
  15. Had that doubting (annoying, whiny) inner voice yesterday..... so I fed it with a plate of nachos and a chocolate bar. I'm good to go for another week of waiting!
  16. Oh yes, and the discussions about not actually getting in this year. We've been having those too. It's my least favorite discussion because whenever they get excited about living someplace I have to remind them we may not actually be moving And I too did not apply to two schools due to having a family. The one was just way to expensive to live in a good school district. The other, my partner could not see living there for several years. The thought of it depressed him so I had to rule that one out as well.
  17. I applied to only five programs because I have children. I had to take into consideration the cost of living (my other half may be jobless if we move), schools, and opportunities for them as well! Personally, I am not so worried about the kids making the transition. I think it is all about how you present the idea. My kids have visited three of the schools I applied to (we have visited family near one of the others and the last one, I am the only person who has been in the area). So far they definately have a favorite.... and fortunately it's my first choice Of course I have to get in..... As a child I moved often and as an adult, I appreciate the experience. I learned how to make friends in a new setting, how to be flexible, and to enjoy new experiences. These are the things I tell my kids to look foward to. My daughter complains a lot, but that is part of her personality. I hope that by moving she will see it is not as bad as she imagines it to be. Everything has positives and negatives... my plan is to highlight all the positive aspects for the kids and be prepared for experiencing some of the negatives. I will be moving ahead of time so we can take some time to explore the new area and make it an adventure as a family. Plus, I will get on message boards as soon as I know where we are going and try to find other families in the area so the kids can meet and have friends before school starts. Of course there will be days that are not so great, but with some planning and continued discussion I think we can handle it.
  18. oh, and the streets of Monopoly are named after streets in Atlantic City which also has the world's first and longest boardwalk.
  19. and a Berlin, NJ .... a state which also has five Washington's!
  20. I can relate to you on this one. I am in the same situation. Fortunately, I have a partner who is willing to support me but I was geographically limited to applying places where my partner could get work. If I had been single, I would have applied all over the world. Financially I am very constrained so I absolutely cannot consider a program that does not offer a good financial aid package, especially if we have to move. Two of the programs I applied to require a drastic move and I am not sure we could honestly afford the move even if I was offer an excellent package! I also will not apply again next year if I don't get in. I will have to work and start paying back my student loans before I could even imagine throwing away another $700 on the process. In many ways, this process makes me feel selfish because my family has sacrificed so much for me to pursue a very private goal.
  21. The anxiety of anticipation is KILLING me! This is worse than any other application I have ever submitted for anything else- at least those I knew I had better odds.... and this is why I don't gamble. It's a good thing I'm going drinking tonight
  22. A new wardrobe (I am working on losing some pounds during this proces) and a bottle of champagne (or two or three ... If i don't get in, a big a$$ box of kleenex.
  23. I did already start sending out resumes as a just in case. I have a family, so I cannot wait around for the next application cycle I figure I can give working a year or two and re-evaluate my situation. If I still really want to go to grad school then I can start working on apps again. As an older student (ahem), I have already been in the work force. I hated what I was doing so I went back to school full time with a double major. This is the only thing that makes me feel truly happy and I cannot imagine going back to the work force after trying to make a change for myself (actually makes me burst into tears to think about). But, I am looking at a different industry, so who knows maybe I will find some enjoyment in it. With a 95%+ rejection rate in Anthro programs I had better have a plan B...
  24. Pfft... my thesis is going to write itself so I can be OCD about the waiting game. I knew nothing would come of today, it is a holiday after all.... but tomorrow???
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