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About tupacodaman

  • Birthday 08/27/1988

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    Pittsburgh, PA
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  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/us-pushes-for-more-scientists-but-the-jobs-arent-there/2012/07/07/gJQAZJpQUW_story.html and this article is talking about the sciences in general... I'm guessing psych is even worse. for a professor job at the top schools, I'd say a 1-5% chance, maybe even lower
  2. bootcamp lets you run windows on your mac, though you do have to reboot, but it is free. I've used it for two years for gaming, music making, spss, behavioral and neuroimaging data analysis, and have not had a single issue with any of those. also very easy set up and parallels is an alternative, in addition to fusion, if you don't mind paying $50 so you don't have to reboot
  3. yes, there are definitely jobs outside of academia to be had with a PhD, but there are similar, better paying jobs that you can get with job experience and a master's in statistics/MBA/etc, and there are more of the latter kind of jobs. Even if the economy gets better, there are so many post-docs out there working to get professor jobs that will continue to snatch the jobs from the newly graduated and it will stay that way for at least another 10-15 years... I'm bailing though not sure if you had better luck than me, but good luck in whatever you decide to do!
  4. Just got rejected all around too. It's not a big deal though, as everyone said, even if you do get a PhD, the competition gets even more intense afterwards when everyone's scrambling to get a professor job. CMU just hired one professor. They most likely received 200+ applications and only interviewed 4. All had worked at least 3 years as a postdoc, and the guy who got hired had worked for 6 (!), which means he got his PhD in 2006, just BEFORE the economy went to hell... so just try to stay positive. I know it's hard, but just know that in the long run you're probably going to save yourself a lot of time, grief, and will instead spend time working and MAKING $ (instead of slaving away at research while trying to survive on $1400 a month)
  5. I have the same question, but about the Dartmouth poster. official rejection email? thanks!
  6. can the dartmouth poster who got accepted PM me if it was an automated acceptance email or if it was specifically from your POI?
  7. someone posted and said they got accepted on the 27th for social psych
  8. try this site out. hercjobs is the one for the entire country, but this link is only for jobs in new england, so lots of boston jobs http://www.newenglandherc.org/c/search_results.cfm?site_id=660&page=1&keywords=psychology+research+assistant&search=SEARCH&t2204= if you go to individual college websites, there's usually a jobs page that has available positions. but your fiancée should definitely try emailing individual professors of interest to see if they currently are looking or think they'll need a research assistant in the near future
  9. maybe about good areas to live in and ask if anyone needs a roommate for the next school year? also, random, but depending on where you're moving from and where you're going to it might be a good idea to set up a new bank account in whatever the dominant bank of the area is. so figure out what that bank is. that's all I got for now
  10. pitt already did all interviews, sorry
  11. it's ok though, everyone in the department is getting pretty old, has retired recently, is planning on retiring, or is being recruited by some other school so... yeah i'm sure you'll get in somewhere good
  12. if you applied this cycle they would show up, but if you're not applying until this fall you're in luck either way, like rkg2012 said, I really doubt they'll care since you obviously were able to improve your scores http://www.ets.org/s/gre/pdf/gre_asrform.pdf "GRE SCORES ARE REPORTABLE FOR 5 YEARS FOLLOWING THE TESTING YEAR (JULY 1 TO JUNE 30) IN WHICH YOU TESTED. CURRENTLY, GRE SCORES EARNED AFTER JULY 1, 2006, ARE AVAILABLE."
  13. Hey, don't worry, this application process sucks... I just tried to find the article but can't, but I read that a 2005 study (pre-recession) found that only 23% of applicants to psychology programs got at least one interview, and of course the actual "admit" rate was even lower. Clinical and I/O psych were between 5-10% if I remember, and all the other psych subfields were between 20-25%. And remember this is for ALL schools! Even "less-known" schools are extremely competitive, and as you can imagine the Ivies/Stanford have even crazier stats. Here's Duke's info, one of the few transparent programs out there... http://gradschool.du...cs/admitpsy.htm In other words, don't get down on yourself, better luck next time (if you are planning on applying again, but good luck in general )
  14. it really is a crapshoot. everyone said I was a shoo-in at CMU but my boss ended up not taking any students this year and the other professor I wanted to work with got a bunch of unexpected applications from computational students and decided to take one of them instead of me. I'm non-computational, interest in fMRI/behavioral/neuropsych, in that order... this professor is non-computational, interest in neuropsych/fMRI/behavioral! wtf... btw I applied to princeton even though both professors (todorov and turke-brown) said they probably wouldn't take anyone this year, so if you wanted to work with them, don't feel bad
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