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  1. With an offer from Yale, I can finally sleep at night! Since the department hasn't sent out an email to everyone yet (maybe some applicants haven't been contacted?), I would love those others who got in could write to me: 2012applicantconversations@gmail.com -- sorry for the mouthful, I couldn't think of a better name at the time). Also the person who logged an acceptance to Stanford ecology and environment track, I would be interested to hear about what your projects and interests are. In fact to all Stanford and Berkeley admits, please send me an email if it's convenient for you and I'd be happy to sit down and talk if you're in Berkeley at any point.
  2. Re princeton - maybe so. The visit weekend is to be the 9th of March. So you should hear of an acceptance well before.
  3. Would the other person who got into Princeton please message me, preferably by email?
  4. Contacted for an interview with Biehl at Princeton this morning. Let's see how it goes.
  5. A professor at Penn contacted me this morning asking for an interview the same day. It wasn't clear why, and I don't think they are doing interviews in general. She said they would be having a final meeting on Sunday and sending out notices that week. Apparently nearly all the faculty put my app in their top five, which is flattering, and that the three I applied to study with, Bourgois, Spooner and Urban all were enthusiastic. A really different reception that Michigan, for example, who rejected me outright.
  6. TripWillis, Congratulations! Davis also accepted me for the Anthropology PHD. Where did you do your undergraduate degree?
  7. I see... people got emails from MIT with links directing them to a website saying they didn't get in...
  8. I saw someone post a rejection to MIT HASTS through "the website" today. It's not clear to me how people are finding out anything through the website, whether its Embark or Collegeweb or whatever. Can anyone explain where such status are to be found on these sites?
  9. nothing so far from Stanford
  10. MMcKay, Who was your interview with? I have been thinking about how my interview went lately. Would be happy to talk. If you have a chance email me at the address below.
  11. Oh I see, Thanks. Results page on Gradcafe...
  12. What is the HASTS "results" page? I haven't been able to find anything of the sort for any of the schools I applied to -- even Davis to which I am already admitted. Help on this?
  13. I applied to HASTS. They sent an interview invitation yesterday; inviting me to either Skype or Cambridge early March.
  14. I don't think Berkeley has sent out all acceptances. You probably only heard if your POI decided to write personally.
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