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Everything posted by zebura

  1. Same.............so let's just wait or call them later
  2. That's actually a good thing. One of the PI's whose work basically gave birth to my project. Prepare to be grilled so please make sure you understand your project and think about possible questions. He has the same research interest as you so when either one presenting the project, both should understand what is going on. He probably thinks that your research project is interesting else why should he spend his time with you? Time to prepare and wish you good luck
  3. Good luck guys, I just rejected by them......
  4. Done with waiting. All rejected/no offer My dream school needs to reduce its class size by half (5 people for this year) because of sequestration. What to do for the coming year? Work in my lab, hopefully get published, and apply to grad school once more.
  5. Congrats to those who got admitted. I am still on the waiting list and my school said they are very willing to reduce the class size for this year because of sequestration. They said the professors do not have enough funding. As students from last year still in rotation, they really don't want to have too much students this year. So I guess I am done for this year and got nothing.......which is kind of sad
  6. Just want to ask you have you e-mail to your POI about your situation? Because I am also in waiting list right now and I really want to get into graduate school. Can you give me some advice? Thanks
  7. I don't know what is my situation but I assume that I am on the waitlist since when I called the admission office today, they said my application was on hold (I had an interview already) and they are awaiting peoples' responses. Also, they said they won't extend any more offers as they have limited funding.....so not rejected but no more additional offers, I assume that is a waitlist
  8. Same here. I had a very promising interview/recruiting event too. However, one of the members of our group told us that you may still be rejected after all these so unless there is an official message, there is no guarantee
  9. Still waiting from stony brook (genetics) but I am near mental breakdown as my parents just tell me to give up on grad school and find jobs. I plan to work for my professor for 1 more year as there are a positive results (although right now just a little), yet my parents don't like this idea, saying that employers will question me about why I don't find a job in the gap year
  10. Now I down to my last hope and my parents already said that I am definitely not getting into grad school. They said I was just wasting money and time. My professor said I can work for him if I cannot get into grad school this year, yet my parents really don't like it. They want me to find jobs in the job market. So now I feel there is a huge burden. If I don't make it, I will be screwed............and I really want to work with my professor as I spent so much time on my project and I am having positive results >.<
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