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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey all I am also attending ND in the fall but am moving from NYC. Would my best option be finding rent or living in Graduate housing my first year then finding an apartment or house afterwards?
  2. Anyone visiting Notre dame this coming week?
  3. Wow that is something I have not considered. My department has a full-time guy to do repairs and is excellent at it. I just assumed that every department had a maintenance guy, but that is something I will be looking into now. Thanks and excellent advice there!
  4. Inorganic. Thats where its at!
  5. Nah dude, I am going end of March to visit. What field you going for?
  6. Not bad but if your training for a half marathon you might want to consider more carbs in your diet so have energy for those long distance training runs. Got to have those glycogen stores plentiful! (i.e personal experience and my marathon training diet )
  7. So first off congrats to us for being accepted into Ph.D programs. When we go visit these school what are somethings you will be looking for and asking in order to see if that school is a good fit for you? These are something I will be looking at: -Personality of possible PI's -Graduate Students in that group -Other faculty and there personalities -Facilites for research (instrumentation, libraries, etc..) -Town of school I am visiting -Things to do around the area ( For example escapes when my research is not going well, hangouts,bars,food etc..) -Overall feel of the location (are people friendly or snobby like here in NYC) Anything else you guys will be considering?
  8. A nice bottle of Special Reserve Jameson and a Cigar. For every acceptance of course.
  9. Yeah I was wondering the same, they have some interesting research there I would like to be part of but still waiting I heard back in first week of January, since my research experience completely aligned with one of my possible PI's research intersects. Don't lose hope though!
  10. I am going to agree with all the other posters here, MS in Chemistry is really useless. Got that advice from most of my Professors and other alumni from my university that currently work in industry.
  11. Have anyone of you heard back from U-Michigan?
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