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Everything posted by Silent_G

  1. tech savvy
  2. food coma
  3. Seriously so frustrating.
  4. This is very helpful! Thank you!
  5. I agree! Where are you people finding affordable one bedroom apartments in Somerville? I can't find a studio for less than $1600, and I definitely need a one-bedroom. This is ridiculous.
  6. Thank you! This is all very helpful. I feel better knowing that I won't be going in completely blind
  7. flesh wound
  8. Trip, your advice has always been invaluable! Thank you! And I hope The Boss comes through for you!
  9. That's kind of what I expected, so I'm glad to know I was on the right track. I took a course in pre-Stonewall queer literature and culture last year--granted, it was a community college course, so not all the students actually kept up with the workload--and we read at least one full novel a week, plus 2-3 articles. I figured a graduate level course might up the ante a bit, but I think I can handle it. Especially when I'm no longer working full-time on top of being a student.
  10. Thanks, Trip! I really look forward to being colleagues with you when we're both professors.
  11. Try to think of it as when rather than if. It'll happen. Don't give up.
  12. This is my plan as well. As much as I do get the urge to march and protest, I'd rather do what I can from the classroom than get arrested or even shot in the streets. Channeling my anger for good. That's my mantra.
  13. Although I'm still waiting to hear back from one more program, I'm in the fortunate position of knowing that I will in fact be going to grad school this Fall. It's looking more like I'll be in an MA program, but at least it's a start. The thing is, I finished my undergrad education in 2005, and while I've been taking classes and working full time for the past couple of years, I haven't been a full-time student in a while and I've never been a grad student. Everyone says it's a lot of work, and I understand that, but I'm looking for some more tangible information. So for those of you who have MA's or who have already started your PhD programs, what can I expect? What is the typical workload for a grad student? I understand this will vary between programs, but I just want a general idea so I don't feel completely unprepared. I expect English programs to have an especially hefty amount of reading and writing, of course, but what exactly constitutes "hefty"? How many pages do you typically read in a week? How many papers do you write in a semester? Also, given the competitive nature of grad school in general and the Humanities in particular, what has been your experience as far as interacting with other students? Have you encountered many backstabbers or have you had a more collaborative experience? I'm just curious to hear about different experiences. Any advice on what I should look forward to/be wary of will be much appreciated.
  14. French toast
  15. turtle wax
  16. All of this. I hear all the warnings about the job market, but somehow I can't be discouraged by them even if I try. It just doesn't bother me. I'm pursuing my passion, my dream, the only thing that I can see myself doing happily for the rest of my life, the only career that I can imagine being fulfilled by, and if it doesn't work out--and I can't believe that it won't, eventually, after a LOT of hard work and persistence--then at least I know that I went for it, and I won't look back on my life wondering what if...
  17. Got mine too! It was kind of exciting.
  18. bat boy
  19. Roman Holiday
  20. Still waiting. I know it's coming, but don't officially have it yet. Or maybe it isn't coming. Maybe they can't be bothered to send out the rejection letters and they expect us to realize we're not worthy.
  21. Awesome! Thank you! I will definitely look into that too.
  22. oven range
  23. Great advice!! Thank you!
  24. Thank you! I hadn't heard of Watertown, so I will definitely look into that. Somerville does sound pretty convenient though.
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