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Everything posted by Silent_G

  1. Ugh. I can't articulate anything beyond this sucks.
  2. Yeah, it wasn't me either. Though I wasn't expecting an acceptance call from Harvard, that's for sure. I'm curious to know if the call just came (6:00pm over there!) or if it just now got posted. Most likely the latter, but I can't help looking at my phone every few seconds. Just in case.
  3. I'm in the same boat. My undergrad majors were Anthropology and Philosophy, but now I'm applying for PhD programs in English. So far I have one rejection and still waiting to hear from the rest, so I can't speak to whether or not I've been successful. I, too, am hoping that the schools I've applied to will appreciate my interdisciplinary background. Fingers are crossed.
  4. I've thought about that too, but I know I'd be a MUCH bigger stress case if I didn't have some clue as to when/what people were hearing back from schools. If I hadn't found this site I'd be an absolute wreck, wondering why I hadn't heard anything from anywhere and whether I was the only one.
  5. This whole process is absolute agony. I'm not typically an emotional eater, but yesterday I polished off a pack of Red Vines without even realizing it until I was done. And today I fully intend to buy myself a banana milkshake. If only I didn't have to wait five more hours to start drinking.
  6. I agree that when read as a book and not the divine word of God--I was raised Catholic and am now somewhere between agnostic and atheist--it has a lot of interesting subject matter. The problem is, it manages to take things as intriguing as incest, murder, betrayal, a man living in a whale, etc., and makes them so dry that even teenage boys fall asleep reading it.
  7. Oh man, I refused to even try it. I'm from California and we have some AMAZING Mexican food here. My friends who have grown up here and moved away have literally cried when eating burritos elsewhere. I'm scared
  8. This. Also, since I was rejected from Brandeis (not a good fit for what I want to study, but threw it in anyway) my fiance has less clout in his attempts to convince me that we should live in Waltham. I spent five days there and it's definitely low on my list of places I want to live someday.
  9. Seriously, my condolences. Keep your head up though--let's hope you have an acceptance coming your way soon!
  10. I sure hope so! They're my top choice and I've been torturing myself by reading through their faculty profiles and the archives of courses they offer. It would be such a great fit for me! Fingers crossed, Trip!
  11. I have to echo the hatred for Dave Eggers. I couldn't make myself finish even half of A Heartbreaking Work. I also did not at all care for On the Road, which I'm sure will get me some boo's, but it just wasn't my thing. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is another one that I really wanted to like, but was entirely unimpressed with. I actually just put it down one day and couldn't be bothered to pick it back up. I tried to make myself read Paradise Lost while studying for the GRE subject test, but I only made it about halfway through that too. I have a tendency to push through to the end of books even if I'm not particularly enjoying them, but when I can't even force myself to the end it's a bad sign.
  12. By far. I absolutely hated it and was forced to watch the entire thing in high school during English class. I was ready to walk out after the first five minutes.
  13. Well, it's official. They just sent me a rejection email. They hinted that it was because my research interests wouldn't be a good fit, which I was already aware of, but it still hurts. I know I'd be a better fit at all of the other schools I've applied to, so I'm hoping at least one of them sees it that way too.
  14. Just got my first official rejection. Not a good way to start what will be a very long day.
  15. First implicit rejection for me. Still no acceptances. Pretty depressed today.
  16. After seeing that post about a waitlist call I've pretty much given up all hope of getting into this one
  17. Nothing for me yet either. I'm starting to feel like all of this is a watched pot that will never boil if I can't find some way to distract myself from constantly refreshing my email and checking the app site. Can't seem to help myself though.
  18. Three acceptances posted now. Congrats to everyone who got in! I'm feeling more anxious with every minute now.
  19. Congrats! That's wonderful
  20. Acceptances and rejections are starting to come in for the schools I've applied to, and I've still heard absolutely nothing. I vacillate between hoping this means I have a chance of being accepted (knock on wood--yes, I've resorted to being superstitious) and feeling certain it means impending rejections. Endless sighs.
  21. Good to know. Their email also said they would only send admissions decisions via postal mail for privacy reasons, but clearly someone received an acceptance via email, so I'm taking that with a grain of salt.
  22. Great, now I have another school to start worrying about. I applied to the PhD program, but haven't received an email and the system has no news. My fiance is a PhD student in the MCB program there, and they're closed next week for "spring break," of which they have two.
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