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Everything posted by Silent_G

  1. Thank you for this! $1300 is definitely doable for us. We would love a two-bedroom apartment, but a one-bedroom is probably more likely, to save a bit more money. He's a PhD student and gets a $27,000 stipend, but I will likely be entering an unfunded MA program, and so any money I contribute will be coming from loans. Also, Brandeis doesn't help much with commuter rail cost reduction, so that adds another $90/month or so, right? I think we'll try to find a one-bedroom to save that extra money if we can. But I would love to live in Somerville.
  2. My fiance is currently a grad student at Brandeis, and he lives in Waltham, about a mile from campus. He doesn't seem to mind it so much, but when I visited him I REALLY wasn't a fan of Waltham. I'll be moving out there in August, and it looks like I'll be starting at BU, so we want to find a place that's relatively convenient for both of us. The thing is, our economic situation will be extremely tight, so my fiance thinks we should stay in Waltham because rent is cheaper and then only one of us will have to pay commute costs. Any advice on where else we might look? He has a point that higher rent added to commute costs for two people can get pretty expensive, but I don't relish the thought of having to take three buses or three trains (suggested by Google Maps) to get to and from school everyday, only to come home to a town with absolutely nothing to do. Help me build a case, please!
  3. Well, that's frustrating. What was up with that one acceptance that was posted on the 2nd then? Why do these schools torture us so?
  4. Thanks, Trip! This is actually very helpful and encouraging advice. I was invited to join the terminal MA program at BU, which, after reading about StatelyPlump's visit there, I'm getting very excited about. It's an intensive program with four classes a semester, so I think that will be great for me. I was planning to look for work as a tutor, but all of your suggestions are great too, and some of them I hadn't even considered. I'm still waiting on word from Northeastern, but an acceptance went up last week, and historically they've sent out rejections about a week after the acceptances. I'm kind of torn, because as much as I want to be in a PhD program, I reeeaaallly want to be in Tufts' PhD program, and part of me actually wants the rejection from Northeastern so that the decision is made for me. But, of course, I'd rather join a funded PhD program now than an unfunded MA program. I hate that so much of this is out of our hands.
  5. Sorry to be a downer and bring this thread back when it seems that many of you are no longer in it (and congrats on your many acceptances!), but I am going absolutely nuts waiting to hear back from my last chance. I know it's going to be a rejection, but I still need that official confirmation so I can start planning the next year of my life. And I'm actually okay with the fact that I didn't get accepted into any PhD programs this year, because I was fortunate enough to be invited into an MA program--not THAT fortunate, as it's unfunded--so I at least have something productive to do that will hopefully help me enhance my application for PhD programs next season. But then there's a host of other worries that open up, such as whether I should even bother applying again next season or if it would be better to wait until I finish the one-year MA program and actually have something valuable to add to my application. If I do wait, though, then I need to find some form of employment after finishing the MA, preferably something that will also strengthen my application. As you can see, I'm a huge worry wart that thinks through every possible outcome, and so I just wish I would have the one possible outcome of my last PhD program settled already. Don't get me wrong--if by some miracle I'm accepted I will be overjoyed. I'm a planner, though, and I can't plan effectively while I'm still waiting to hear what my options are. This whole process is just so unnerving.
  6. I was just looking over my writing sample yesterday and found I was missing an "and" in a sentence. I was absolutely horrified. I read through that paper at least twenty times before submitting it, but of course our minds tend to insert words that we know belong in a sentence, especially when it's our own writing. I also emailed the DGS of the only program to which I've been semi-accepted (rejected for PhD, but invited into terminal MA) and ended my correspondence with "I'm looking forward to hearing from." Yep, that's right, just looking forward to hearing from....someone? I forgot the "you"! Geez, am I embarrassed.
  7. This. For so many reasons.
  8. My thoughts exactly! My broad research interests include gender and sexuality studies, and postcolonial literature. More specifically, I'm currently interested in examining the transformation of literary representations of gender and sexuality between the late 19th and early 20th centuries in British and American literature. What are your interests? Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer.
  9. Yes. I've found that as well. Have you decided between Edinburgh and Madison? That is, if Urbana and SFSU don't work out, which I hope they do for your sake! My cousin's husband is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Madison. I really liked the town when I visited them. It wasn't at all what I expected. But, living in Edinburgh would be pretty amazing. They have a castle!
  10. Boston University. When I applied to their MA/PhD program, I didn't think it would be the best fit, but now that I've taken a closer look at their faculty profiles and course offerings, I feel kind of excited about it.
  11. I'm feeling much more positive today, and as we all know that doesn't always last very long, so I guess I better enjoy it while I can. I only have one more PhD program left to hear from, and I'm assuming it will be yet another rejection, so I'm trying to view acceptance into an unfunded MA program as a good thing. Glass half full?
  12. Nice! I'm planning a trip out there to visit my fiance at the end of May, so I think I'll try to set up a meeting. Four courses per semester for the MA though. It's going to be intense! Congrats on your acceptance, by the way!!
  13. Is anyone else on here who was accepted into the terminal MA program considering attending? I was just looking at their course offerings, and I'm actually getting pretty excited. I'm still waiting on Northeastern's PhD program, but I'm preparing for another rejection there.
  14. Yep, me too. It's official. And it officially blows.
  15. Yes. Very much need a hug. One long, warm, tight squeeze. Huge e-hug to all of you.
  16. Same here. This is really annoying.
  17. Wow! I stay away for a few days and miss so much. Congrats to all the acceptees! I'm guessing we haven't had rejections in yet? At least, I haven't heard anything...
  18. I suppose it's possible. The thing is, despite the fact that I've given up hope for getting into a PhD program this year, I do believe in myself. I know I would make an amazing professor, and it's my dream, so there's no way in hell I'm giving up. I'm just realizing that my application wasn't as competitive as I had hoped this time around, and I'll just need to work that much harder next year.
  19. I'm 0 and 4 right now, which has made me virtually disregard any possible chance of an acceptance from Harvard. Everyone keeps saying, "But you still have to hear from Harvard and Northeastern," and I'm like, "Oh yeah..." I've pretty much put Harvard out of my mind. It's not happening.
  20. That sounds scary. This whole thing is scary. If it doesn't pay off, I will have royally screwed up my credit for life for absolutely no reason.
  21. Thank you for this information, it's very helpful! Especially knowing that subsidized loans are no longer an option. Do you happen to know, by any chance, whether I can use the PLUS loans to pay the interest on the unsubsidized loans? I don't know how else I'll come up with $1200 a month to pay off that interest.
  22. I filled it out, but isn't the school supposed to notify me of my loan eligibility? Do I have to wait until I enroll to find out how much they'll give me in loans? Because I certainly can't afford to make that decision before I know if I can get loans.
  23. Thanks. I replied to the email to see what my options are as far as loans and such. I will start looking into scholarship apps stat. I'm moving to Boston come August either way, so I guess my choices are to either hope I find a job somewhere, spend a year unemployed if I don't, or go into serious debt in the MA program. If it's going to help me get into a PhD program next year, I'll go for it.
  24. Got my official rejection this morning, but they are interested in offering me a position in their unfunded MA program. I'm still waiting on one possible program, though I have very little hope of an acceptance, and so I'm actually considering accepting their offer. Does anyone know how that works as far as loans? I certainly do not have $41,000 to shell out. Also, has anyone had a similar experience? Is it worth it to go for my MA and hopefully have more clout in my PhD apps for next year? I could really use some advice.
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