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Everything posted by Silent_G

  1. Well, I got my official rejection from Boston University, but of course they would be happy to offer me a place in their unfunded MA program. The sad thing is, I'm actually considering it. Anyone else in a similar position?
  2. Same email, but the decision is still blank. It's so obnoxious. Why wouldn't they wait to send the email after they posted my rejection? I know what it's going to be, but I still need to see that official decision. This week has been one of the worst in my life.
  3. Also, thank you for the congratulations! Didn't mean to be rude. Best of luck to you!!! I'm rooting for the other people on this forum more than I am for myself these days, it seems.
  4. Haha! Exactly. My fiance is getting his PhD in molecular and cell biology. He wants to cure AIDS, like you do. What is it with science and literature peeps getting together? I hear it a lot. I'm totally counting on him to make the bulk of our subsistence, which is completely in contrast with my feminist self and the fact that my mother and aunts have always drilled into me how important it is to have your own money. Alas, I don't expect to make much as an English professor. If I ever even get to become one.
  5. This. I was rejected from BC and Brandeis. And at the time I thought applying to six schools was a lot. It was certainly a lot of money! But now I'm seeing that I should've cast a wider net. Of course, I'm geographically limited to the Boston area because I was silly enough to fall in love and get engaged, but I still wish I had applied to more schools.
  6. Sorry to rain on this parade of hope, but I just can't work up any confidence today. I have two official rejections, three implied, and I'm not holding out much hope for the last. The implicit rejection from my top choice hurts the most. I'm absolutely positive that I won't be getting in this year, and it's sent me into a deeper depression than I could have imagined. I cried myself to sleep last night, then woke myself up coughing (I'm terribly ill), so I'm sure this mixture of sleep deprivation and sickness isn't helping. I just worked so hard for this. I know we all did, but it sucks to have spent so much time and money and effort and have nothing to show for it.
  7. This. Except I do want to teach.
  8. As much as I don't want to have to go through this again next year, that's not my real worry. I'm getting married in August, and I'm supposed to move to Boston after the wedding. The plan was to start school soon after the move, but as it's looking more and more like I won't get in anywhere, I will be quitting my job here with absolutely no prospects waiting for me on the other side of the country. In this economy, I expect to use all my time and effort--which I should focus towards my next round of applications--on finding a job that I plan to quit as soon as I get accepted somewhere next year. If I get accepted somewhere next year. My confidence is pretty shot these days.
  9. I was thinking maybe they were in touch with Brown and decided to be kind and only have one massacre per day...
  10. You shouldn't feel guilty. Think of it this way--if you get into an ivy league school and end up going there, you open up a spot at your other acceptance schools for someone who was waitlisted. You're not taking a spot away, necessarily. Besides, the most qualified/best fit should get in, regardless of how many acceptances they have. I'm rooting for both of you! (As I curl up in the fetal position, force my dog to cuddle with me, and cry over my rejections.)
  11. I would not be at all surprised if YOU got into Harvard or Yale. I will be rooting for you. I have just about given up all hope. Still holding out a little for WashU, but not holding my breath. You will make it though. I have a good feeling.
  12. I'm really sick of all the flippant, "Of course you'll get in somewhere"'s. Even my fiance--who applied for his PhD two years ago and was rejected across the board, and then reapplied last year and received a handful of acceptances--keeps telling me he knows I'll get in because he has "a good feeling." I know he's trying to be supportive, but I figured he would understand how it feels. Plus I'm incredibly sick for the second time in two weeks. FML.
  13. Was it a 360 area code? I just got a call from 360, got very excited, then saw that it was a Washington state number, and since I didn't apply to any Washington schools I didn't answer it. No message, so I figure it was a solicitor.
  14. Well, my rejection finally came through. Super bummed :'(
  15. http://youtu.be/gCXQycyN_Vs This song encompasses how I feel right now. With "that woman" being all the schools I've applied to.
  16. Congrats!! Still no decision made for me either...so anxious!
  17. If you count taking night courses at City College, then technically I am in school. But I was born and raised here, then went away to UCSC for my undergrad, and eventually moved back. I have a friend who got her MA in Queer Cinema at SFSU, and my mom graduated from there many years ago, so I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you might have. As far as living and studying in the city, though, I can tell you that most SFSU students can't afford to actually live in the city and instead find cheaper housing either in Daly City or in the East Bay.
  18. All of this. I do realize that I'm being idealistic and quite probably incredibly naive, but I want to become a professor to do what I can to subvert the use of a dominant type of knowledge/education as a tool/weapon of oppression. I would say that kind of work would probably be most powerful in an elementary or middle school setting, where children are getting their largest and most potent doses of socialization, but I'm just not cut out for that. So I hope to do what I can with the means I have. If many of us are feeling the same way, dare we hope that we may actually achieve some results? Of course, first I need to be accepted somewhere.
  19. Thank you for this. Amazing. And still pretty relevant.
  20. Yep, I truly meant literally. It's happened to three of my friends. Broke down in tears when eating burritos in: Seattle, London, and Glasgow. I think all three of them were just feeling homesick and the physical act of eating something they associate with home and having it be all wrong just reduced them to tears. It really does worry me.
  21. Congrats!! Let's hope we all have similar luck.
  22. I thought the film adaptation of Brokeback Mountain was...not necessarily better than the book per se, but it certainly took it to a whole new level. Then again, the book was quite short, so making it into a film would require some embellishing.
  23. Aaahhhh!!! I feel your pain. Also, junk mail is infinitely more obnoxious when you're waiting to hear back from schools. Every time I see a new email I get excited/nauseated and then it turns out Gap is having a sale and I really couldn't care less.
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