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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    English PhD

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  1. Super pumped to be able to say: officially attending Rice University in the fall!
  2. Hi obrera, Barrett Watten at Wayne State is an incredible asset to the department. If you haven't checked him out yet, you should. I'd shoot him an email--see what he says about your project, for example--and gauge it from there. Hope that helps?
  3. Accepted into Michigan State's PhD program this morning with funding info to follow in the coming weeks. Anyone else get the same email?
  4. Things could be worse. I think.

  5. Hey duders, Long time lurker, second (?) time poster. I just received word that I am wait listed at Rice! I am excited, for it's my top choice. Hopefully the news will get better. If you're accepted, message me!
  6. Why thank you. Congrats, by the way. I obviously have a vested interest in the ASU acceptances even though I'm lit. and not rhet/comp. Love the Goldblum. You gotta ride that 'Blum. Like this!
  7. Anyone want to claim the Arizona State acceptance? We know you're out there...
  8. Long-time lurker, first time poster. Right now I'm reading (probably too much, I've been told) for my thesis: Gramaphone, Film, Typewriter--Friedrich Kittler, N. Katherine Hayles' Writing Machines and How We Think, and Obscure Invitations: The Persistence of the Author in 20th C. American Literature--Benjamin Widiss. That's the fun stuff. To help me settle down I'm working through Steven Shaviro's Post-Cinematic Affect and the new collection of short stories by Junot Diaz. One of these books isn't like the others....
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