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Everything posted by canuck

  1. canuck

    San Diego, CA

    ah.. those rates are split.. they stick you with someone else. I was utterly baffled as to why they would build 2 bedroom apartments and charge 1200 for them.
  2. Not to any of those schools. I think we can eagerly anticipate a Berkeley rejection this week however.
  3. canuck

    San Diego, CA

    Sooo, is it just me or is any 1 bedroom apartment in La Jolla 1200+? Where do all the grad students live?!?!
  4. The M.Eng is just taking a bunch of classes with a project tacked on at the end. The M.S. is basically a research degree, a primer to a PhD.
  5. From my experience the M.Eng project is considered virtually irrelevant by all those concerned and any old hack job will do, whereas the M.S. thesis is taken seriously.
  6. Cornell is a much stronger school for Engineering than UPenn thats for sure but the M.Eng is a much weaker degree than an M.S. However since you plan to go into a business program I think that its essentially irrelevant. Both schools have strong business reputations.
  7. I've never been but my masters supervisor spent a year there on sabbatical and said it was an absolutely fantastic school. I considered it my top choice for a while until I rationalized that my SO couldn't work there (she's SLP). Zurich is by all accounts perhaps the most gorgeous city in the world, and the ETH is well funded (their stipends are enormous). ETH-Z is much higher ranked than the rest of the schools you applied to if I'm not mistaken as well.
  8. Well Mariner I guess Berkeley will finish their final round of acceptances this week and send out the rejections next week. I was rejected by Cornell today, although they did slap me in the face with an unfunded M.Eng offer. Perhaps I will decline a national federal phd scholarship and fellowship offers from other schools to take them up on it........
  9. A fellowship is virtually irrelevant if the work you do during your PhD is trash. Pick where you think you'd do the best work, everything else is window dressing.
  10. It is not. If your aim is to work afterwards then the choice is clear to take the M.Eng. But the choice is not so clear if you want to do a PhD. If you go to UCLA and get the MS then you shorten up the process to get your PhD, and UCLA is a great school (Cornell ranks 12th in the World and UCLA 13th). UCLA might also let you just carry right on into the PhD program or you can apply elsewhere. An M.Eng is virtually useless if you want to pursue research aside from the fact that it gives you a chance to pad your resume. I mean it does not look bad if you go to Cornell for a year, and put down a 4.0 in graduate courses. Paying for 1 year of tuition vs. 2 years is a significant advantage, although the tuition at UCLA is probably half that of Cornell. If the choice was mine to make I'd do the MS at UCLA, then you can either transfer to the PhD, finish and apply directly to to another school's PhD program rather than MS/PhD, or just go to work.
  11. This was not in CS but my impression was that UCSD had very little money for international students and thus probably took very few.
  12. Pretty much anywhere near UBC is really nice... but expensive. The UBC is on some of the best land on the planet.
  13. canuck


    When is the formal recruiting weekend? I've been talking to a professor and he said the department would pay for me to visit but stipulated no particular date.
  14. I think the process is designed in a way such that it maximizes the stress applicants go through. I know for the two schools that I've spoken with so far, the professors told me I would be admitted weeks before all the decisions were made. Naturally I post this and then others who were interested in those particular schools become desolate thinking all is lost, when it is not... yet, and spend a couple weeks deep in anxiety before they hear the ultimate yay or nay. I feel that pain with my other schools, where I didn't receive a magical early call from a professor, and just sit here quietly as my sense of self worth deteriorates. It is a miserable process.
  15. SD ranks higher overall (ARWU) and ranks much higher in Engineering/CS. If the state school offers you anywhere near the money I'd say thats the better choice. Also SD is way nicer imho... but I might be a little biased, since theres a good chance I'm headed there.
  16. If you are looking to do a PhD, you really have to weigh three things really carefully, 1. how good a fit you would be there, 2. the prestige of the department 3. Funding. Really I wish only 1. mattered, but the fact of the matter is that it is tremendously competitive process to get faculty positions so you have to seriously consider how the department is thought of. On that front I don't really know much about the Columbia or Yale engineering programs tho they are both fantastic schools in general. Out of the schools left Princeton is obviously great.
  17. My contact with professors so far has been very casual. Both essentially just wanted to let me know that I would be accepted and wanted to discuss my research interests. It would be terrifying to get grilled over the phone unless they gave you some advance warning.
  18. I've been in contact with a professor at UCSD who let me know that I will be accepted, I think funding decisions have been made as well but don't know for sure; I've not heard anything official yet. When I contacted the Cornell grad admin last week she made no mention of decisions having been made but I notice someone posted an acceptance on Friday... I've not heard anything yet. I also have a phone interview with a professor at McGill next week so I know they are looking at the applications now. I don't know anything about Berkeley.
  19. I really don't think so... although its been the case for me so far. I think mainly the call is to gauge your interest in working with them and not really anything else.
  20. Scratchawl, Congratulations on your admits so far, I seriously considered CMU, UIUC, UM and JHU, in the end I crossed them off because of the location.. but now I regret it! Hopefully next week....
  21. Is it just me or is Mechanical Engineering the slowest department there is. A friend of mine has heard back from every single genetics school he applied to (even the rejection) and I have yet to to receive a single thing (officially, unofficial acceptance was given through contact with a professor). Its just stunning.
  22. Well it did happen for me the next day! A prof emailed me from my top 3 and said he was interested and that I had a very strong application!
  23. I am shocked at how much more anxiety I have waiting for applications than I ever expected. I applied to the only school I was interested in last year and was offered full funding. I decided to defer for a year, and in this year I somehow got the idea that I might apply to some foreign schools, just so that the option was open. The schooled I had planned to attend is the top domestic school (and likely still will), so basically I only applied to schools I thought might lure me away. Somehow I've gotten myself worked up into such a frenzy now that I check my email about a million times a day and check this website and others looking for the fatal news that my applications have all been launched mercilessly into the wastebin... and this is all thinking that I will probably still go to the school that offered me admissions last year. Now I'm thinking, jesus, why didn't I apply to way more schools! I must have been mad to omit Princeton, UIUC or Carnegie-Mellon. Perhaps some of those schools would have had results back already! The long and the short of it... this waiting is really a damn nightmare isn't it?!
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