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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. So if we haven't received any info on u mass, fair to assume rejection?
  2. Congrats! Any preliminary thoughts? p.s. google map St. Andrew's philosophy building, it's totally beautiful.
  3. Thanks, I'll keep all that in mind! I'm a California native who went to school in Boston, looking forward to seeing other parts of the country.
  4. keep in mind that many (most even?) schools don't rank
  5. Edit: whoops meant for the accept thread.
  6. I expect Brandeis to release soon. Also, I have some info on the school. If you have questions feel free to PM me.
  7. Not sure. That location is more appealing to me than upstate new york or iowa... I think I'd definitely visit.
  8. Ok I've been off the grid a few days. Anyone else interested in Tulane?
  9. Do we think all of the Cambridge MPhil accepts are out? Looks like two postings on the results page. I'm assuming yes, but sliver of hope
  10. I applied and haven't heard either. Last year they made offers on 3/6.
  11. I believe I will be declining, I hope this helps you!
  12. yeah, I'll contact if I still haven't gotten my rejection by next week
  13. ha! I was just typing that. I can't tell if it was a blitz email or not. My last name starts with P
  14. So I was just admitted to Tufts for the terminal MA. I'm under the impression that they have very good placement, and I'm back to my question of whether or not I should attempt to get into better phd programs by going the MA route first. Any additional thoughts on this would be welcome! thanks
  15. Accepted to tufts! Now seriously thinking about the pros / cons of doing an MA and deferring my Phd offers...
  16. Congrats to everyone re: Rutgers and Princeton! I missed so much today. (On an airplane).
  17. Yeah, I wish they would just let us off the hook. But i have a sad feeling that they will shortly. Re: Rochester v. Iowa, Rochester has made the process super personal, I would be one of two incoming students, and they offered me a lot of money. Also, I have a tie to that department (a former professor of mine is now tenure track there) so I have a number of reasons to be leaning that way. I honestly haven't heard a lot about Iowa's rep -- though Richard Fumerton is supposed to be an excellent epistemologist, and they don't make it into the PGR top 50. They offered me an additional fellowship, but it only provides real money for 4 years, and the additional year is only about $9,000 (although they would give me the first and last year without any TA responsibilities), which seems unacceptably low to me. Do you know something about Iowa that I don't? I'm definitely up for more info.
  18. Rejections are yet to be sent out. I wish it weren't so :'(
  19. I see. I'm surprised that that's done.. it seems like once they accept you and invest their time and money into you it would be kind of rude to be like, see ya around, write me recs for a better program. unless you have a really good reason (IE the person you wanted to work with left or retired, etc.)
  20. You mean accepting the Phd offer as a deferral and going to the MA first? I thought that's what you were talking about, but then I wasn't sure considering your second sentence. I'd be curious to know what you mean.
  21. I'm also wondering about Cambridge... it looks like last year the results for the MPhil came out on March 4/5 ish. Should be anytime? Edit: Update about Oxford. The BPhil website says that an opening day will be held for those admitted for 2014 on March 19. Therefore, I expect accepts will go out shortly.
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