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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Praying to the acceptance gods that today will be a fruitful day for all
  2. I don't even understand the concept of an unranked waitlist.
  3. I was wondering this too. Also, out of upvotes but congrats to all the virginia accepts and waitlists!
  4. Wow! You're on a roll! You're going to make people very happy when you eventually relinquish those spots.
  5. Out of upvotes, so voicing my agreement!
  6. I ran out of upvotes, but congrats to all admitted today! I'm very jealous
  7. Welcome! typically if there's more than one, I assume it's real.
  8. According to Ianfaircloud's blog, Brown has not released rejections. The results page has one rejection, but I wouldn't consider it verified until I saw more...
  9. Heads up on Indiana: I did email the administrator out of curiosity. She said they had about 100 applications and 40 rejections were sent out (no word on the number of accepts)... so if you haven't received anything you're still being considered. Nice to have some positive news!
  10. Any thoughts on Indiana for those of us who haven't heard? I know that I should really just patiently await my likely rejection, but part of me wants to contact them to check my status.
  11. Also, anyone want to claim the late Stanford accept? Jealous.
  12. why are you starting all the threads.
  13. I seriously hate how the arizona rejects are trickling
  14. It's kind of a wild troll, so I would lean on the side of this post being real and previous two posts being fake... though the Sharon Street one was particularly convincing.
  15. This guy is either trolling or the second incarnation of dfindley. He's clogging up the threads with look-at-me comments, creating new threads for topics that already exist, being uber defensive, and most of all he is not showing respect for his fellows in the admissions process. We all did well in undergrad/MA, we all wrote papers (that may or may not have been published), we all had strong LORs. The "I don't understand what more I could do because I'm already perfect" 'tude is one the rest of us can only laugh at, considering the fact that many good quality philosophy students do not make it in the PhD game. Anyone with this mindset clearly does not have a realistic understanding of the process or of his competitors.
  16. I still don't understand why they wouldn't do a mass email... or a check the website email. Seems tedious and time consuming to write a personal rejection email.
  17. Same. All in due time I'm afraid
  18. Heads up, the description of the most recent arizona rejection confirms that if you haven't heard from them, you'll be rejected shortly ;_;
  19. It seems like a lot of us have yet to hear form IU. I assume this means they're sending out rejections in rounds... or they have a very long WL.
  20. Trust me that's not a real thing. No one would waste their time phoning them for a rejection.
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