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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. I suppose it's possible. I guess we'll see next week!
  2. It only makes sense to release acceptances first. The school would want to hold everyone who's promising in their back pocket just in case their first batch of accepts decides to go elsewhere.
  3. Actually I think it's promising, because that seems to indicate the acceptances will also go out soon.
  4. Gotcha. That would make sense. Also, I called USC just to make sure -- they have all of my info, which is with the department. Good luck to everyone else, and beware of the 15 minute hold and godawful music.
  5. Wow, so basically three of us have three different application status messages? this is weird.
  6. I edited mine because at first glance I thought we had the same message. At second glance, I had the message above ^. What does yours read?
  7. My application says it's submitted and: "YOUR FILE HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT FOR REVIEW AND AN ADMISSION DECISION. YOU MAY CHECK THIS SYSTEM PERIODICALLY FOR UPDATES, AND IF THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT REQUIRES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR RENDERS AN ADMISSION DECISION, YOU WILL BE CONTACTED." Kind of weird that we would have different messages... but maybe mine's just not under review yet? **EDIT: At first I thought we had the same messages. Now I realize they are different... mine reads as above. Also, to clarify, I did not receive an email from USC and I assume my app is complete.
  8. oof. did you explain that in the "explanation" section?
  9. I've mentioned on a few other threads -- I used to work in a graduate admissions office, where basically I was the transcript person. I used to be the one emailing people, etc. Send them a scanned/unofficial copy. If they have that they'll go ahead and send the unofficial copy for review. They wouldn't hold up the process for that reason. On a related note, I'm anxious because on my main transcript there was a third, blank page. I deleted this page to make the file smaller when uploading, but on the bottom it reads "page 1 of 3" etc. I'm afraid they'll think I'm hiding the last page for some reason... though the degree conferral and final gpa on the front should confirm there are no other classes. :/
  10. I second that you might as well send an email, but know that your file may already be out with the adcom.
  11. You so clearly missed the point of the other thread that you went and started a new one. Interesting.
  12. Two more posts! One from University of Illinois at Chicago and another from Stoneybrook
  13. Anyone else freaking out about the radio silence from UNC?
  14. And the second! No email for me , but congrats to those who are in!
  15. I think it's funny how people keep referring to "handwritten thank you notes." It's like... is there really any other type of thank you note? Ah, 21st century. (I guess I don't consider an email "thank you" to be an actual thank you note.)
  16. Post on gradcafe... And post on gradcafe
  17. I don't think this is true at all. My AOI is epistemology, and formal epistemology uses quite a bit of logic.
  18. You're very welcome! Hope it churns out something good for you
  19. I asked my department administrator for advice. Not sure about your school, but at mine she sits there day in and day out dealing with these crazy profs, and she knows them inside and out. I'd start there.
  20. That sounds nice! I wish I had a department like that.
  21. True, but i applaud ianfaircloud for trying to give us a rough idea.
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