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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Whatever indeed! Onwards and upwards!
  2. Personally, I thought it was bad advice to tell someone not to contact the department. When the information is that vague, it's certainly better to be safe than sorry, especially when each offer is so precious. Telling the student to worry only if they plan to accept the offer is not very helpful, in my opinion, as it's better to be proactive and verify with the department whether or not the offer has conditions in place.
  3. slow going today. hope it picks up in the afternoon!
  4. Thanks, but I'm not at all interested in law (unfortunately). In terms of what drew me to philosophy, probably the thought experiments, the good-spirited debate, the emphasis on writing and critical thinking -- hell, it's all pretty interesting stuff. Reapplying is not in the stars for me. I've been out of school for a year and a half, and that time has come between me and my letter-writers already. That, and I'm not going to produce a writing sample any better than this one, considering I've got a full-time job and haven't been in class for quite some time. I'm not trying to sell myself short, it's just that if it doesn't work out I'm starting to wonder what I should do for my next adventure. Obviously this is the dream, but it would give me some peace of mind to have something else to hold onto if all else fails. I've always had a plan, but something about staying at my 9-5 job feels rather easy and unsatisfying, and I want a challenge and to move onto something bigger and better, once I figure out what else that could be. Guess I've got some thinking to do!
  5. Very clever folks. *closest thing I could find to eye-rolling emoticon*
  6. I was thinking I might pick up my life in Boston and try my luck at politics.
  7. philosophe

    Plan B?

    After my first rejection yesterday, I realized that I would probably feel better about a possible shut out if I had a plan B. I've planned on a PhD in philosophy for the last four years, and now I'm faced with the realization that I might need to find something else entirely. I was wondering if anyone else has thought about their plan B? I'd be interested in hearing everyone's alternative ambitions for the just-in-case.
  8. Someone mentioned earlier that Berkeley had multiple rounds of acceptances last year. I hope that's accurate. Also, it seems interesting to me that half of the accepts heard by phone, and half by email. Wonder what's up with that.
  9. Just kidding -- just received it. Bummer, but expected. Good luck to everyone else!
  10. You received an email? I'm still waiting, assuming the same as you... but nothing. wonder how they do this.
  11. ughhhhh i'm dying. Anyone else refreshing their email every five seconds? Rollercoaster of hope and despair. One minute I know I'm rejected everywhere, and shouldn't even bother, and the next minute I'm hopeful. Excuse me while I implode.
  12. Also a UNC wait list has been posted.
  13. I agree with your comments, but I also am concerned about the trend towards the MA basically being a requirement to get into a solid PhD program. I mean, even if you are funded, that's still an extra two years of opportunity cost, and results in almost 9 years to getting your PhD. This is still a significant obstacle for people who can't afford to not work, because of loans, families, etc. I also think the additional time is a significant deterrent for women, making it even more difficult for them to achieve and complete their PhD. I don't mean to generalize and I'm sure that there are many people that do not fit this mold, however it does seem to me that one is more likely to be able to complete this 9 year task if one is male, single, not planning on having a family anytime soon, and from a middle class or higher family. I'm not implying that people come from wealthy families so much as I am recognizing that this is more difficult perhaps to the point of impossible for the truly poor, or for women who want to have a family before age 35, or for those needing to repay undergrad loans. I realize I may be called out on this, but I do think it is a valid point. In the end, while I understand the training is great and the experience is a plus, I still think in an ideal world, BA students should be able to seriously compete for a spot at the table.
  14. I totally agree with this. It's unacceptable of them. If they weren't able / willing to write the letters, they shouldn't have committed to you. Absolutely tell your chair, if you're lucky they'll write you a letter. Good luck, this really sucks and I totally feel for you.
  15. Also interesting that one was via phone and one was via email. I'd like to know more if any of you were among one of the chosen!
  16. Yeah, I saw Leiter's post as well. How embarrassing for that department... I feel awful for those grad students.
  17. I'm actually glad this thread has been bumped... even though I've seen DFindley's ridiculous comments in other threads, I hadn't seen where it all began! What a good read. loling all over the place.
  18. I graduated from Brandeis, so I can answer general questions regarding their (MA) program. (Though I was an undergrad). I'm not currently in school, so I don't really have a stake in remaining completely anonymous. While I understand the desire for total anonymity, I confess that I don't believe it is very helpful to say that you are willing to answer questions without providing the school you can answer questions about. Just my thought.
  19. Wow! This is the first I'm hearing of this. Though of course I was speculating... crazy. As a woman I am so glad I didn't end up applying. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I would hazard to guess that Northwestern, Berkeley, and Indiana University come out next week, if history is any indication.
  21. I read your "it's going to explode next week" as "I'm going to explode next week," ... because that's pretty much how I'm going to feel haha
  22. I know the day is young but anyone else surprised we haven't heard anything yet today? I thought for sure because it's a friday...
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