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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Personally, I think it's more important for you to be at a school that will make you feel happy and productive -- and one of the main factors in that is finding an advisor (or multiple advisors) in your area of interest. If the lower ranked school is much better for your AOI, then I would recommend comparing placement records to break the tie.
  2. Yeah, I'm not getting any younger
  3. This seems uncharitable... the MA program I am considering is just one year, so I would need to reapply after being there for 3 months. I am operating under the assumption that the paper I worked on for a year will be better than anything I might put together in the first couple of months after returning to school when I've taken a two year gap. Additionally, this writing sample has been successful -- so I wouldn't mind simply polishing it, and then adding the additional qualification of the new degree to see what offers might be on the table.
  4. I'm also considering this... But my program is only one year. I think I'm going to request to defer my acceptances, but I'm not sure if they'll do it. I'll report back. Just remember the admissions process is a real crapshoot, so I would be wary to give up your acceptances, but if you can secure them for a future time, that's a different story.
  5. To Table's point, that was my thought exactly. The rankings are purely based on general speculation on the reputation according to fellow philosophers in the field. It's not exactly science.
  6. True, I just really like my writing sample
  7. I just feel like it would be a risk, when right now I have funded offers... I agree, I think it would strengthen my application. First, I need to decide if this is what I want. (And see if St. Andrews will fund me), and second I think I'm just going to have to have a go at drafting a polite deferral request and see if anyone will take me up on it. I guess my fear is that it would appear that I am disinterested in their programs if I ask to defer to attend a different school. But I suppose I have nothing to lose, it's not like they're going to unaccept me at this point just for indicating I might do something else.
  8. Question -- is it tacky to re-use a slightly edited writing sample? If, say, I decided to do a master's and to reapply next year.
  9. It's less about the need for the MLitt degree and more about the opportunity to spend a year abroad. I'm a 23 year old woman from California and it's just never going to happen again. So, I'm basically wondering how I can play this to my benefit... I agree with you that it doesn't sound very advantageous for the admissions office -- however, if they accepted my application this year, it seems like an additional degree in philosophy would only strengthen my application. I'm wondering about the most courteous way to breach the subject with my the departments that have accepted me. Ideally, I would like to have a shot at applying elsewhere... but if necessary I would probably settle to sign a contract paper stating my intention to enroll in 2015. So many thoughts a brewing.
  10. Bumping this thread because now that I've been admitted to St. Andrews, I'm wondering how much of a faux pas it would be to defer phd admission and apply again... I wonder if any school would be willing to defer admission without the condition of my absolutely accepting their offer
  11. Thanks! I remember someone else on the thread saying they had attended, and that it was grand. If anyone who's attended SASP is on the threads, please message me. I'd love to hear about your experience!
  12. Thank you! So many good options, huge decisions ahead... of course if NYU called I could just call it a day
  13. Accepted to the MLitt at St. Andrews
  14. WAIT they just got back to me ACCEPTED! Edit: St Andrews, not Oxford
  15. They sent out beginning the 5th last year. You didn't also apply to St. Andrews, did you? I'm freaking because my application says admission decision has been made... but then it doesn't say what the decision is.
  16. So I applied to the MLitt at St Andrews... and it says decision made, but it doesn't say what decision! UGH
  17. oh my, this thread is excellent! will return with upvotes tomorrow.
  18. I've had friends who have done the Fulbright and they've had the best experience. It looks great on your record... If it were me I would definitely attempt to defer if Fulbright was an option.
  19. But an MPhil is longer than a year, no? Just a year makes it very tempting!
  20. Thanks for your perspective. I think I'm only going to give this serious consideration if I get into Harvard... but I'm just swishing it around in my brain because I'd like to stay in Boston for another year.
  21. Question -- Have any of you heard anything about policies regarding deferring admission by one year? I've heard that departments will usually only do this in "exceptional" circumstances... but I was wondering if anyone had any information on that. Background: I've been working in higher education for two years as an administrator at a top 5 university, and the dream for me is basically to one day teach philosophy and hold an administrative role (dean, provost, etc). I was recently accepted to BU for an MA in Higher Ed, and it's only a year. (I'm also waiting to hear from Harvard, though not holding my breath). Anyway, I was wondering if I could even consider it an option to defer a year and get the extra credential. I'm not sure if this would be seen as overkill on the job market, but considering my eventual goals it seems like it might be well placed. I'm wondering if it's even worth it to ask, or if they will take this as a sign of lack of interest. If it comes down to either / or, then I'd definitely take the philosophy phd. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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