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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Coming here to vent about the 5 upvote a day rule. Seriously, what is the point of that? I might be TOO positive and uplifting? So many people deserving of rep.... so few upvotes to give. ;_;
  2. I agree! should you like to aid in the distribution you can click on it and copy the image address and paste it in and the meme should populate
  3. I agree with everything written here -- I withdrew an app last time around when I was applying to MA programs. Just send them an email. Not only will they appreciate you not wasting their time, you'll have the happiness of knowing that someone else got your spot.
  4. @jacbarcan are you sure that indiana has released accepts? I'm curious since there's only the one accept and no one's claimed it. (Not to mention that my inbox is nothing but crickets ://// really thought I had a shot there).
  5. Why not mention it when you email her to say thanks for the WL? Perfect opportunity to bring it up!
  6. Indiana accept is up! Anyone want to tell me more??? Personalized/not personalized?
  7. It was a really tough choice for me but I got a fully funded offer to a top MA program in a location with a lot of friends and family (whereas i didn't know anyone in upstate ny). The director of grad studies at my MA convinced me that I could do much better if I were to do the MA and reapply. Hope he was right! So far so good.
  8. I was admitted there two years ago and they offered me a fellowship and, actually, the most amount of money I've seen for a stipend. I think if you get in there you'll be taken care of.
  9. That's awesome!!! boulder is beautiful.
  10. Positive thinking? or denial? Two sides of the same coin I'm right there with you bud.
  11. They'll leave you a message and then probably email you.
  12. Just realized Stanford and Yale are predicted for the same day. Better to crush my dream in one fell swoop!
  13. I got impatient and emailed Indiana (non-HPS). The administrator there says the admissions committee is finalizing decisions and she should receive a list of acceptances "soon."
  14. For the record a lot of schools don't do visiting *weekends* because they want you to attend a class, so they're often weekdays. In my past experience, they worked with me to arrange a time. There wasn't a designated time for all admitted students.
  15. I feel that. My significant other is also not super excited about the location of certain schools. Here's hoping that everyone ends up happy!
  16. Personal - ish. Had a letter attached with my name on it.
  17. You'd think it would get old but I'm still cracking up.
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