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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Harvard accept? I don't know what to believe anymore.
  2. Looks great, you'll contact the other schools today? It would be so great to have that information.
  3. My research confirms that the USC rejections were released alphabetically. I know that they've gone at least through W at this point. You should be able to see your rejection letter, if it exists, online. womp womp
  4. Here to vent about USC. I was all set to be rejected, but after 3 days where others were rejected and my decision wasn't rendered, I was steadily more optimistic. Woke up this morning to no email, checked the website, and my rejection letter was waiting. Someone needs to teach these folks how to use computers. It turns out that there's an easy way to send rejection letters all at once... but no, had to do it the false hope route. /end rant/
  5. I'm not worrying yet, I don't think you should either.
  6. maybe, but both yale posts were entered in within a half hour of each other... I find it suspicious
  7. I mean yale seems like it has fraud written all over it.
  8. Another Yale accept?!!?! WHAT IS HAPPENING
  9. I completely agree with Abendstern. It's extremely difficult for *professional* philosophers to publish papers at excellent journals. Getting a paper into some obscure journal won't help, and in fact may hurt you later in your career. Take that time and effort and polish polish polish your writing sample.
  10. Found the Yale OP: hint.... he's a big tool.
  11. I mean I'm kind of dying. Before it's deleted, for your viewing pleasure: Yale, Philosophy Phd, Accepted: "Expected. 2 pubs in geology, pre-calc tutor, 2 letters of rec all from berkeley phds in geology, 3 letter of rec from a john jopkins phds in philosophy. undergrad research in continental w/ a faculty here at Texas A&M" Plus... I'm sure they *totally* called on a Sunday at 10:30 pm, haha
  12. What's with the weird yale acceptance? Geology?!??
  13. I don't think everyone's going to agree on each of these points, there are pros and cons for each. However, I do think if this is to be useful for this admissions cycle you should start contacting departments, as this will only be relevant for another threeish weeks. I think you should definitely try to ask for more information, especially for schools like Indiana, Brown, or USC. (Indiana and Brown have only posted 1 accept each and USC is doing the weird rejection thing). I think the main questions should be: have you made all of your offers? If you have a wait list, have you informed all of your waitlist candidates? If the answers to both questions are yes, all those who have not been contacted can know they've been rejected. If the answer is no, people will know to have hope. The worry that they'll be vague, etc. doesn't harm us in any way, so I don't see this as problematic or a reason not to try. As I've expressed before, I think that calling the department phone number is a nice way to meet in the middle -- I doubt people in the admissions office will have department specific information, and I think calling the DGS personally is too direct. Just my two cents, but I say phone or email, either way the sooner the better.
  14. Bummer, sorry it didn't work out for you. Still no decision for me, to say I'm on edge would be an understatement. If they're going to reject us they should've sent them all out at once... Staggering is just mean
  15. i tried again just now and the "user is not authorized" message is gone. still no decision letter though...
  16. I got that this morning.... I didn't get it yesterday. When I logged in yesterday it just didn't have any kind of decision. Either their website isn't totally working today or somehow they figured out that we shouldn't be on that page yet, since we don't have a decision (???)
  17. they have been... rejects from usc and ucsd yesterday, princeton etc. has been calling... see results page.
  18. I thought weekends were a safe space (time?)! I thought wrong. ;_;
  19. I remember when weekends were safe.
  20. Me too... hopefully that's not a suspiciously high number of us still waiting? :X If anything it seems like we at least made the first cut. Anything's possible, though, so let's stick with cautious optimism.
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