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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Congrats!!!! Are you looking to stay in new york? I'd love to move there. I applied to CUNY, NYU (never happening), and Columbia.
  2. In the stats section it asks you to list your undergrad gpa. However, many of us have gone to master's programs, so people will say "gpa is grad" in the notes section to indicate that, when you hover over the red diamond and stats appear, the gpa is referring to their MA program gpa and not their undergraduate gpa.
  3. I felt the same way about usc. I've learned the hard way to keep expectations low. Good luck! Rooting for you.
  4. I have a friend who's also still in the dark.... I hope that means they just haven't finished spreading the good news. If I were you I'd solicit if you have no news by tomorrow.
  5. I assume by UA you mean Arizona? That saves me from asking!
  6. Yes! I really hope stanford and yale.... I'd seriously die.
  7. Question -- are you folks emailing your wait listed schools to see if they'll fund a visit? Not sure if its polite to ask them to spend the money if I don't yet have an offer
  8. True, but I think this discussion is its own huge issue, which deserves a dedicated space if people want to continue to talk about it. (And will lighten up the venting thread for less weighty discussion).
  9. Ditto. I also think that any continued discussion of this might consider relocating to a new thread, so that we clear up the venting thread.
  10. Thank you so much for sharing this. These guys really need to hear it. I can tell that you're going to make it!
  11. Relevant excerpts of my WL letter: " The committee has now met and ranked the applicants who made the first cut in our admissions process. Due to budgetary restrictions outside our control, we aim to have only five new graduate students join us in the fall"... "we have made initial offers to several people and are now waiting to hear back from them"... "The majority of our applicants have already been rejected and have been notified of that." I would assume they're done if they're sending out WLs but nothing seems to commit them to being finished. Have you yet to hear?
  12. Wait listed at Indiana! I am the wait list queen.
  13. Clearly you have never been the lone person of your gender or lone person of your race anywhere. Consider what that must be like, and then decide if you would want to be that person for 5 years, especially with people thinking that you're only there to be that token person of race or gender, and that you don't deserve to be there solely because of your academic merit. (As many on this thread have suggested).
  14. Isn't it enough that men receive preferential treatment in all other areas of life? (Interviewing and salary negotiations, general respect and authority, perceived intelligence, bodily autonomy, making a dollar compared to a woman's 77 cents, I could go on forever...) Men need this one too? I'm sorry, I have no sympathy, even if it is accurate that admissions are skewed towards women.
  15. I flat out did not go to a Phd program two years ago because there were no women. Talk about isolating.
  16. Definitely the same guy who wrote "Expected" for Yale.
  17. This one really resonated with me the most: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/tat/pdfs/gender.pdf
  18. They will, just give them time. #WaitListBlues
  19. It's not beyond repair. Quick, vent about something we can all get behind.... uhhh... rejections are the worst! x school was really shitty in the process y. phew, close one
  20. Calling full-grown women "girls" is a reduction in status, and therefore perpetuates the notion that they are some how less worthy of authority, etc. It is relevant to the conversation.
  21. This bothered me as well. Thank you for mentioning it explicitly.
  22. The students themselves don't know what their letters say, let alone someone else's letters... not to mention grades, etc. So I find it hard to believe that someone else would be able to judge which application is "better," especially without having access to all the information, or knowing what kind of student the adcomm is looking for (which is notoriously difficult to know). Hell, I know plenty of info on other students in my program, but there's no way for me to objectively judge myself as superior or inferior. The whole thing is a crapshoot. And by 90% I was referring to the entire philosophical profession, not just current phd candidates. Although top programs might hit a target ratio of 50/50 many schools fail to enroll women in their cohort. I can think of programs without women in all of their years (Rochester) though they may have yielded one in the last year, I don't know. UCSB had no women in their entering cohort of 7 last year. The gender imbalance is real and nothing to laugh about. To say that adcomms actively discriminate against men is ignoring the larger issue.
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