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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Let's be real. You have two options: 1) Booze. 2) Everything else.
  2. I dropped thank you notes off in the department (because I'm local), and I got them giftcards... IE one of my letter writers loved peat's coffee, and another one likes ethiopian food. My advisor has a fellowship in Germany -- he was the hardest! He's there in Berlin for two years, so I thought he'd be missing american food by now. I shipped him vermont maple syrup, texas bbq, peanut butter and a few other small things. Anyway, it's just good to say thanks for their time.
  3. understandable, though can I ask what the difference is between logic and philosophy of logic?
  4. can we condense philosophy of logic to logic, and add history of philosophy? seems redundant
  5. Very interesting! thanks for the poll. I'd love to see the result. It's good to know how many people you're competing with
  6. That's definitely good to know. I'm just going to have some hard decisions to make. I've been out of school for a year and a half, working my way up in higher education. I have a pretty comfortable job at Harvard right now, and I would have to get into at least a decent school to drop it. Being a philosophy professor is definitely my dream, but if that means 7 years at a lower-ranked school and a questionable job market, I may need to stay with my current job and go the higher ed route. (My other aspiration is to be an academic dean). Time will tell.
  7. While I am slightly worried about a shutout, the bigger and far more probable concern for me is what to do if I am only accepted to lower-tier schools. Philstudent1991 hit the nail on the head -- the job market is crappy enough for people who get their degrees from top institutions. There's definitely a at-what-point-is-it-worth-it feel. I'm worried about the possibility of having to choose between my pretty nice 9-5 and a lower tier school, and having to make decisions I may or may not regret. Also, I agree with DHumeDominates... some days I'm totally confident and other days I think it'll be a miracle if anyone takes me. I imagine this is a rational, human response, though, considering the upcoming month will either bring victory or tragedy.
  8. They wouldn't have told you about it if there was any question left in their minds. Unofficial is as good as official. I say congrats and share the good news! Now you have us curious!
  9. That is seriously awesome, congratulations! You must feel amazing. (Also, I see you're form JP -- hey from Brighton!)
  10. I agree, but I'm bummed because I didn't apply to any of those schools!
  11. Possibly. Perhaps it was an email to check the website?
  12. Oh I don't know, the person bothered to add their stats, etc.
  13. My thoughts precisely. I've come to ignore those cross listed result submissions.
  14. Interesting. I googled the program and it looks pretty interdisciplinary (history, philosophy, science, theology), so not sure if we can count it towards our cause.
  15. So, anyone else excited about the upcoming week? So much promise!
  16. Be careful, a lot of schools won't take a rec letter from a gmail, yahoo, etc. because anyone could create those accounts. If possible, she should complete it through her institutional email. If she hasn't received any of them, I bet it's in her spam folder.
  17. This is kind of cryptic. Assuming the blue stripes don't mean anything, where did you read about it besides the results page, which has no answers? I'm assuming people are just freaking out over nothing... though it is weird they would bother to change the color.
  18. YES. CUNY sent an email entitled "Graduate Application," but it was really just a make-sure-your-app-is-complete email. It was from an actual person's email address so I was hopeful, then disappointed.
  19. Right, but there is the question of yield. If they make the offer to five people, not all five will accept... so they will probably hold off on sending out rejections, and may go down the list until all the spots are filled.
  20. Thanks for the clarification, and congrats to you!
  21. Second acceptance has been posted... though, if you are a stronger candidate that didn't make it through to the top fold they may hold onto you until they have a solid yes or no from the first round of acceptances. It seems like they often hold off on rejections in order to not put all their eggs in one basket.
  22. Looks like Ohio State is real, seeing as there's another acceptance post. Congrats to those accepted!
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