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Everything posted by 33andathirdRPM

  1. I'm shocked that you found a ThinkPad with spyware. One of the things that led me to buying a ThinkPad was the (relative) lack of extra crap included with the base OS install. My $0.02: Get a Macbook (Pro), or get a ThinkPad.
  2. Hey all! I'm looking for a place this fall in Raleigh, near the bus line or near NCSU campus. Anyone else in the same situation? If so, how are you going about finding housing?
  3. Have you been in touch with any faculty at the schools you've mentioned who are active in those areas? That could (should?) turn out to be a major factor in your decision.
  4. For those of you who have multiple offers, please let the programs whose offers you won't be accepting know that you won't be going there. There's no benefit in waiting until Monday to let them know (or not letting them know at all) if you know you won't be attending.
  5. Congratulations on the good news from VaTech Yes, I've received the "please be patient" emails from Northeastern. I will be contacting them early next week to remove me from consideration, though. At this point I'm really only waiting to hear back from three schools, and unless they really step up (full funding + liveable stipend) then it's not going to affect my decision at this point.
  6. I'm restating what I did in the other thread, but for IE/OR a 700 QR score is a red flag.
  7. Is anyone else still waiting to hear from programs? It's 11 days away from the funding acceptance deadline and I have yet to hear from five programs. At one program I have been "under committee review" for over two months and I've received two emails asking me to be patient.
  8. I would think that a 700 QR score on the general GRE would be a difficult for programs to overlook. Sorry to hear that you didn't get into those programs. You could always retake the GRE and try again next year.
  9. Looks like it will be NCSU or Virginia, and I'm leaning toward NCSU (contingent upon who I would be working with at NCSU).
  10. I should think that a probability theory course would be a prerequisite for a stochastics processes course.
  11. Congratulations, efh0888. Hopefully we'll run into each other at INFORMS someday.
  12. You might be on a funding waitlist. My application at Northeastern still says "Under Committee Review" for what that's worth. I think everyone is at the "wait and see" point right now. Those who are certain of where they'll be heading should contact their other acceptances so the situation can become more clear for others.
  13. I emailed them and four days later I received the rejection via email.
  14. Finally heard back from PSU today. Still waitlisted at 6 other schools... Is anyone else waiting to hear back from a lot of programs?
  15. I'm a bit lost as to how having an SSD would improve MATLab performance. (Over faster processor, faster/more cache, more RAM) I can see how it could help with video processing if you're putting the files you're working with on the SSD. Wouldn't that result in a lot of write activity on the SSD though? I know that SSDs have increased expected life of the devices these days, but I guess I would still be hesitant to push it even faster to its doom.
  16. This. For what it's worth I haven't heard as many complaints about Crucial SSD drives lately. The prices keep dropping too... I better stop before I get out the credit card. lol
  17. An SSD is nice but unnecessary for most personal computing jobs. Unless you're excited to the point of running off two hard drives just so you can be in the OS environment in 12-15 seconds, I'd pass on the SSD for now. That said, if you have the $$$ to drop on the machine, then by all means go for it.
  18. There are plenty of rental options near campus. In particular, you might want to consider University Towers, The Belcrest, or Studio One if you're new to the area. There are some newer apartment buildings that have opened this year or will have opened by next school year, but they're pretty pricey. Be aware that the number of people living in Midtown (the area of Detroit where WSU is located) has increased substantially in the past 5 years so rent quotes might be higher than projections made from data from previous years. Also, you're going to want to start scouring Craigslist, etc for room openings pretty soon if you're not looking to get your own place.
  19. Reposting because I'm in a similar situation. I'm looking for a place in Raleigh, and I'd like to start the search as soon as is feasible. Thanks in advance for advice on this matter.
  20. I received an acceptance to Minnesota's ISYE MS program today. However, I have only applied to Ph.D. programs. The only things that may have happened are that I accidentally selected MS instead of Ph.D. on my application (which I highly doubt) or that I have been accepted to the MS instead of the Ph.D. program. Is there a way to know if a program has accepted an applicant to the MS instead of the Ph.D. program without some communication indicating that? Edit - Never mind. I went back into my records and I did apply to the Ph.D. program. It appears that I was only accepted into the MS program.
  21. Vaios can be finicky. Caveat emptor...
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