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    Comparative Politics and Canadian Studies
  • Program
    Political Science

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  1. Oh my God I am with you. Only I keep freaking out about my Visa not getting approved in time, getting stuck at the border and now allowed in haha.
  2. I'm also being paranoid about being under the Faculty of Graduate Studies review, after being recommended for admission by the department 2 weeks ago. I graduated in December, but when I sent my transcript it didn't have my final grades for my last 8 credits and my degree posted. Do they contact you if they need a final copy? Or should I just send one? I just want my "official" letter, so I can relax (a little).
  3. "What is more counterproductive than throwing a grad school applicant with no sense of perspective into an online mosh pit of other grad school applicants with no sense of perspective?" HA! At least we're all in it together. (cue High School Musical? yes? ...no?)
  4. I'm worried about this myself. I had my own struggles with depression/anxiety throughout my undergrad, and caused me to withdraw from all of my courses one semester. I was younger then, and I've learned a lot since about my body and mind, and I'm now on a steady program of meds and the occasional therapy session. I'm super excited about my grad program, feel so full of purpose and determination, but I'm sure the stresses of graduate school will take its toll quickly. I'm honestly kind of terrified of having something happen. The up side - most people that stuggle with mental health issues tend to be quite smart For anyone interested, this is a facinating book about the link between mental illness and leadership: A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness, by Nassir Ghaemi. http://www.amazon.co...p/dp/1594202958
  5. Anyone know anything at all on Manitoba? It seems like no one has heard anything... so I can't decide if they just take forever to go through applications, or if I'm just waiting to get rejected...
  6. April 1st! And another business week starts tomorrow... here's hoping all of us waiting eagerly finally get our good news this week
  7. Congrats! I feel like I've been waiting forever to hear from Manitoba - poltical science and not history though - but this still gives me hope that I'll hear soon! Oh, the waiting game...
  8. Can't believe I'm still waiting on 2 schools!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. snes


      gopher, I didn't see this before I posted my almost-exactly-the-same status update, lol.

    3. Rachel B

      Rachel B

      Same here! I'm so anxious and so nervous :(

    4. DualCitizenIR


      Yeah 3 left for me... but masters programs.

  9. I've been accepted to the U of Saskatchewan, but I am not sure if I will have the time or money to do a visit before deciding. Heard some really positive things about Saskatoon, but looking for some opinions and idea of living expenses.
  10. gopher47

    Minneapolis, MN

    Haven't lived there but had friends that have. The location is good, near campus, food, bus lines and the stadium. It will be mainly undergrads through, half of it is run by the res halls so there are C.A.s. Went to the U for undergrad - lived in Minneapolis, without a car, and also lived the commuter life living in the suburbs driving to campus. Up for answering any questions. The Twin Cities are fantastic.
  11. Western graduate advistor told me that there are about 150 applicants, with around 25 getting accepted. Although I'm sure this can vary year to year.
  12. I'm an American looking to go into comparative politics and Canada-US relations - Canadian schools I applied to are Western Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (for M.A.). Still waiting on Western and Manitoba, getting SUPER antsy... "Prestige" isn't the most important thing for me - more looking for a program that fits my interests & budget - but can anyone give me an idea of how each of these programs are viewed within Canada?
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