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Everything posted by spacezeppelin

  1. This is a super unnecessary post, but I wanted to say that those are the exact same scores I got, in every category. I've never seen the exact numbers before! I'm still waiting on my notification, so I guess i'll see. I'm going to go ahead and take your acceptance as a good sign (even though I know it doesn’t really work that way.)
  2. I'm 22 and will be 23 when I start. I'm going into an MPP program so I have a feeling many people will be older than me. Thats okay, I don't think it really matters all that much. That being said...I'd be surprised if anyone was under 18 and applying to graduate school. You would essentially have to be a child genius to finish high school and college that quickly. I guess it does happen though!
  3. Hello, I was recently accepted into UC Irvine's MPP program. I've had a hard time getting a feel for the credibility of the program. I know UC Irvine is well respected in general, but the MPP program seems to be less well known than the university as a whole. I know it is very new, so that probably contributes. Does anyone have any thoughts on this program? I am waiting to hear back from other schools, but I want to start formulating an opinion all the same. Also, i'm from Northern California (just outside SF) and was in Santa Cruz for my undergrad. I love northern california's culture and attitude. I've heard some very negative things about Irvine with respect to what it can offer students. I'm trying to decide if the program is worth moving to the area for... p.s: I don't mean to form any unfair opinions about Irvine, so please don't take offense. I'm mostly basing this opinion from other peoples comments on this board. I hope i'm totally wrong about the area.
  4. That was very harsh for someone who doesn’t mean to be harsh... I'm not going to say that you shouldn’t work to improve your scores. That part is totally true. How much did you prepare? If you took the test cold or didn’t spend enough time studying you may be able to improve them by quite a lot. I did very poorly on my first practice tests and they shot up by the actual test (by a WHOLE lot). The quant portion is going to be critical for computer science. If you did well in your major I assume you should be able to get a better score with more preparation. As far as your chances go, none of us can tell you that. The GRE is not the most important factor, but it is a factor. I would encourage you to shrug off your old scores (and probably that last comment as well) and focus on putting together the best application that you can. Apply to a range of schools and see what happens. You really should retake the test though, IMO.
  5. This is hilarious to me because its exactly what I was going to post. Except I just started season SIX! :/
  6. I think i've officialy gone totally crazy. I realize now that up until this point I was just teetering on the edge of madness. The strangest thing for me is that someone getting acceptances has made me MORE crazy. When I was just waiting to hear back from all the schools it didnt really feel real. I just went about my day and thought about it everyonce and a while, but it still felt "too early". I've heard back from two places and got into both, which is awesome, but now I REALLY REALLY want to hear back from my top choice. Everyone has said "why are you so anxious, you already got in!" I guess I am less "nervous" than I was before, because I know I can go somewhere, but no less crazy. Ugh...I really have to pull it together.
  7. Hey, so just to clarify, you got your USC ID from an email that says"IMPORTANT: Your USC ID Is enclosed"? I tried logging in with that number and my birthday and it didn't work...I hope thats not a bad sign. What did it say when you logged on?
  8. Honestly I would cut it as well. I'm a girl, but I actually do like / accept long hair on guys. That being said, its just hard to look "professional" in the interview sense with long shaggy hair. It will grow back really fast, and cutting it is actually good for the hair anyway. If I were you, i'd try to cut it a few weeks before the interview. I know that seems like a silly suggestion, but I've noticed guys haircuts always look better a few weeks after they were cut, rather than the next day. Just a suggestion, you still want to like how you look. I think confidence is more important than short hair.
  9. Honestly, you kind of want the acceptance rate to be low. I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but I think that may be the stress talking. If you want to go to a school with a higher acceptance rate than I promise you there are less competitive programs. I'm sure one of the things that drew you to UPenn was the reputation, and with reputation comes selectivity. Obviously fit is crucial in your decision making process, but I think if we are being honest with ourselves there is a reason everyone wants to go to an ivy league school, and its not because you cant get a good education someplace else. So take a deep breath. You got an interview; you haven’t been rejected. I honestly don’t see how you can think you are wasting your time. You’ve had nothing but good news, so be positive until you have a reason not to be. It looks like you are still very much in the running to be in that lucky 20 percent.
  10. I think I may be confused about what the deadline was / is. I thought it was Dec. 15th? I too, have been checking my mailbox like a maniac. I think perhaps I should stop if we wont hear back until march... The results board suggested that the MPP notices might start rolling in on Feb. 16th. There seems to be quite a range, however. Also, if I'm wrong about the Dec. 15th deadline, do you think everyone will hear back at the same time, or will there be "waves"? P.S: I realize that the MPP and MPA are different programs. I had the same question and thought it would be a little redundant to ask it again. I guess the timelines might be different though.
  11. gosh, this is the worst fake out ive seen yet. I wonder what they were even thinking...On one side it freaks out all the applicants and makes them a bit crazy. On the other side, the discussion about the awesome department just makes the same applicants jealous and want to go. Its all bad for those that haven't been admitted yet...
  12. I was in a similar situation, except with an employer. I wasn't planning on asking her at all, but one program required a professional reference. I guess it makes sense because it is a professional program. I outlined what I wanted to include (only things my boss would actually know and say!) then asked my graduate student sister to write it. My dad owns a large company and writes letters all the time, so I asked him to look over it as well. Then I brought it to my boss, sat down with her, and made SURE she agreed with everything that was said. She made a few changes and it worked out well for both of us. It was a really uncomfortable situation, and I wished she would have written it herself. However, I did get a good letter out of it AND I could make sure it got to the schools on time. I have a feeling academic references might be harder to draft, however. Employers have all different writing styles and abilities, so who's to say what a boss really sounds like. Just make sure it sounds professional and not too gushy.
  13. I fully admit this post is braggy. Sorry, but I have to freak out about it somewhere because i'm stuck at work and my co-workers arnt quite as happy about it because it means they have to replace me. I am officially 2 for 2 for graduate acceptances! The "omen" in this whole thing is that these schools are leading up to my top two choices which are both a bit harder to get into. Hopefully i'm building up positive momentum! Maybe the universe is telling me I will be a good graduate student after all!
  14. I think it depends on the "type" of pause. If it is a happy, supportive "I dont want to say too much" pause then it is a VERY good sign. If its a "oh gosh, I have no idea what to say because this interview went horribly" pause then that isnt so good. It sounds like the interview went well, so that has to be a good thing. I doubt she would say that after a good interview if she didnt think you were a strong canidate. yay!
  15. You're right, my bad. Mine just says submitted too. I didn't type that with the screen right in front of me and kind of ad-libed it. I thought I should clarify in case I started a stampede of anxious USC applicants.
  16. I kind of hate USC right now. On the online application it says "Status: under review". This leads me to believe that it might one day change to "accpeted" or "rejected", even though I'm pretty sure they mail out the results. Anyway...next to that it says "CONGRATULATIONS, your application is complete!" It is SUCH a fake out. I don't understand why they put so much emotion into that simple little idea. I want results!
  17. Ugh, I basically had a full on hallucination. We don’t get mail at my house (I know, its soooooo country), so I have to go to the little post office just down my street. My sister was pulling mail out of our P.O box and a big envelope came out. Ive heard USC sends their acceptances in big envelopes still. I know its still kind of too early but I got SO excited and shouted “IS THAT FOR ME?!?” It was not an acceptance and was not for me. Actually, it was misaddressed all together. Oh well…
  18. I agree you should move out as well. If you are worried about making a graceful exit (say your neighbores house), then you could just act all happy for them and say, "Its so great you guys are having a baby. This place might be a bit crowded with the two of you and and infant, so I think i'm going to find my own place to give you some privacy." I think 99.9 percent of humanity will understand someone not wanting to live in the same house with an infant that isnt their own. I've heard those tiny people can be realllyyyyyyyyyy loud.
  19. I have already been accpeted into one of my "lesser choice" schools, and already bought myself a reward (lol). I got a really pretty laptop bag/messenger bag/ breifcase thing. Wohooo, now I can carry all my apple products in one bag! My reward if I get into one of my top three schools: QUIT MY JOB!! (because all three schools are out of the area. ;P )
  20. First off, i'm applying to MPP programs, rather than political science. The Cal Poly SLO MPP seems to be in the same department as political science, so I thought my input might be kind of relevant. I'm applying to a few CSUs, Cal Poly, UCI and a few private schools. A 3.1 GPA doesnt kick you out of the running for a state school. Honestly, it doesnt really kick you out of the running for any mid-level program because graduate admission is a lot more personal than just number crunching. Anyway, ill give my thoughts all the same. How much prep did you do for the GRE? If you think its possible to improve it I would focus on trying to do that. The GRE cant get you into a good school and it isnt the most important factor. Still, your grades are what they are, but the GRE score isnt set in stone. I think most schools would like to see that number go up for sure. The worst the can happen is you apply and dont get in the first round. You can always try again with more work experience.
  21. Hello All, I'm applying for MPP programs and wanted to ask you guys what you thought about "brand name" in determining employability and earning potential. Ideally I would get into a prestigious program and have some/all of it funded. I realize that is the goal, but I'm not sure that is going to be the reality. I applied to USC which is crazy expensive (as many of you know). I'm hoping for funding, but then so is everybody else. I was recently accepted by local program that is conveniently located in my state capital and is SO MUCH CHEAPER. That being said, it has no name value at all. The university isnt impressive, but I think the education would still be good. I'm not looking to teach, I just want to work in policy analysis. Obviously I would like to make as much money as possible, but policy jobs are never exactly cash cows. What do you guys think? Is are the prestigious institutions really worth the money, or should I just focus on gaining the necessary skills? Not that it matters all that much, but I don’t have any student loans from undergrad.
  22. I think its might be for funding as well. I few of the schools I applied to asked for "diversty statements". I asked what specifically they were used for and they said it was just for funding purposes. I dont want to get your hopes up either, but I think that might be a good sign. Asking that kind of question to applicants they weren't interested in seems to be begging for legal issues. It also seems like a big hassle, so heres hoping! Obviously thats all just hopeful speculation. Fingers crossed.
  23. Hello, I realize that this is an oddly specific thread. I feel like most of the people on this site have 3.6 and up GPAs or are PhD applicants (and also have 3.6 and up GPAs). This is kind of a blow on my self esteem, and not super relatable to me. THEREFORE, I thought I would see who else is out there that is in a similar "average" applicant category. Where is everyone applying / any news back yet? Here are my super average stats to break the ice: Program: Public Policy Masters GPA: 3.15 (I have a 3.6 in my last 60 and a 3.7 in both majors. Not that it really needs justification, but I started out as a Bioengineering major and quickly realized that its not my strong suit. GRE: 161v, 154Q, 5AW Applied: UC Irvine, USC, CSU Sacramento, Mills, Cal Poly SLO I've been accepted at Sac. I'm still waiting to hear back from the other programs. Some are reaches, but I wanted to give it a try because I worked really hard to pull it together in my last two undergraduate years. Anyoe else out there?
  24. You should go to the "results" search portion of this website and look up when your schools start sending out interview invites. I'm not sure about and of your programs, but every school has a different timeline. Sorry, I dont have any more specific information to give you. P.S: The main reason I posted is because I went to UCSC for undergrad. You're probably familiar with the school because from your list of schools I think you must be from California. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that its a great campus. If you want to know anything about the city or school in general send me a message! I don't know anything about youre graduate program, but I love to chat up Santa Cruz.
  25. oh, my apologies. I thought you meant those scores were the actual GRE scale as opposed to powerprep. I think that might just be their grading system. Look around and see if you can see a "precentile". For example, I got a 161 on the verbal, and I believe that is the 86th "precentile". I havent used PowerScore so I'm not sure how their practice test results are reported. But anyway, yeah I dont think those numbers represent the actual GRE. Go to the ETS website and maybe read up on the test a little. They have a lot of really useful information about what to expect and how it is scored. Also, if that is your first practice test im SURE you will improve. Seriously, my original practice score was so bad I didnt feel like I should even apply. I think its the stress of it all. A few weeks later I was getting some scores I feel are completely respectable.
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