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Columbia Social Work Program Fall 2018


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5 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

That's true lol. This forum has been very therapeutic for me because no one in my everyday life can understand this particular struggle?

Omg it's so true, lol. I tried to text my friend who applied to MSW programs last year and is currently at Columbia about it, but I'm pretty sure she was lucky enough to hear back from everywhere she applied (including Columbia) within like two weeks, haha. If only!

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6 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

That's true lol. This forum has been very therapeutic for me because no one in my everyday life can understand this particular struggle?

OMG preach!!! this forum is letting me vent all this nervous energy I keep creating!!

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6 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

OMG preach!!! this forum is letting me vent all this nervous energy I keep creating!!

It's like I know I'm still going to go if I get accepted, but I've been needing to vent with people in the same situation about how dirty they're doing us (I don't even know if it's intentional or not at this point). I would be going crazy if I didn't have this forum!

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11 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

LOL if we all get in, we have to all meet up in person. I feel like ive gone through a war with yall and we bonded over a traumatic experience. We will be the closest MSW class ever

That's how I feel!! We will definitely be the tightest group ever?

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3 hours ago, MSW2018?? said:

Does anyone know if there was a deadline for fellowships/scholarships? I applied late ☹ 

I think the priority deadline for financial aid was 12/1, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean you won’t receive any financial aid if you are accepted. Just that you’ll be considered for aid after other applicants, if that makes any sense.

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1 hour ago, doctormelody said:

I think the priority deadline for financial aid was 12/1, but I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean you won’t receive any financial aid if you are accepted. Just that you’ll be considered for aid after other applicants, if that makes any sense.

Thanks so much. I wish I applied earlier. I have good stats- 3.98 GPA, 4.0 in my associates in chemical dependency counseling, vice president of phi theta kappa honor society, volunteered for Make A Wish, Special Olympics, Breast Cancer Walks, ect. I won the All- USA Academic Team Award in 2016 and i was All-NY State in 2016. I hope my applying late doesn't hurt me!!

Edited by MSW2018??
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8 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

Thanks so much. I wish I applied earlier. I have good stats- 3.98 GPA, 4.0 in my associates in chemical dependency counseling, vice president of phi theta kappa honor society, volunteered for Make A Wish, Special Olympics, Breast Cancer Walks, ect. I the All- USA Academic Team Award in 2016 and i was All-NY State in 2016. I hope my applying late doesn't hurt me!!

Wow, that is an impressive GPA! What is your degree in, if you don't mind me asking?

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8 minutes ago, lanabeni said:

I want to believe they aren't sitting on rejections. They have nothing to lose by just sending them out as they know because clearly we aren't going to send them our money. Then again, if there is a rejection incoming that means they can sit on it because who cares, we aren't sending them money anyways. I highly doubt they would be like that unless someone wants to highlight otherwise lol

It was what, two weeks ago that someone (might have been me) that heard if people are hearing back then that means they aren't your program. That doesn't make much sense because I see someone from clinical online was waitlisted who applied 2.5 months after me. BUT that would fall in that they are reaching their point or are going through priority applicants still to ensure they get priority to decide to attend or not. Maybe they have a next batch of acceptances, but can't release until they know with how many accept from 2/15 cutoff. This would line up with 3/15 being a release date because people need to give answers by then (aka the two weeks we keep hearing). However, I don't know how online/residential works. Do they accept more online students versus residential due to not needing to save seats? Does it not matter? These questions mostly apply to me because I'm online clinical and I've only seen one person. People i've messaged have not responded back to me if they were residential or online.

That would then potentially line up with residential people get heard first because those are physical seats they need to fill and then online is just released at a later date. Then again, online people might hear back first because they don't need the seats. I'm not sure for the other programs, but I haven't seen clinical online people post really.

But this all comes back to that strange information about applications haven't been seen yet because their system got messed up this year due to so many people applying and I'm just in the unlucky batch to not be considered yet. 

If we call, they look us up and then they tell us what the issue is. So that makes me wonder if they actually are having issues or if they know and won't release the information just yet for whatever reason.

We just have to assume they are being honest and doing the best they can right now.

I applied to the 2 year online clinical track, but I applied much later than you did so I didn't think my disclosing my track was very relevant. It actually worried me that one girl was already waitlisted for that program because I am wondering if seats are filling up in the online track. There is DEFINITELY a limit to the amount of people for online courses, in my experience, they are smaller than regular classes.

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4 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

I am graduating with my bachelor's degree in English this May. What a nightmare! Never again! 

Haha, how come? I also majored in an unrelated field so that reassures me slightly. What made you decide you wanted to pursue social work?

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4 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Haha, how come? I also majored in an unrelated field so that reassures me slightly. What made you decide you wanted to pursue social work?

I've been working as a substance abuse counselor since 2015 and love it. I had majored in English because when I graduated with my associate's I thought that I wanted to pursue teaching as well, but the longer that I stayed in the field I decided that I never want to leave it. So here I am, getting my MSW in the Fall. 

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16 minutes ago, lanabeni said:

I want to believe they aren't sitting on rejections. They have nothing to lose by just sending them out as they know because clearly we aren't going to send them our money. Then again, if there is a rejection incoming that means they can sit on it because who cares, we aren't sending them money anyways. I highly doubt they would be like that unless someone wants to highlight otherwise lol

It was what, two weeks ago that someone (might have been me) that heard if people are hearing back then that means they aren't your program. That doesn't make much sense because I see someone from clinical online was waitlisted who applied 2.5 months after me. BUT that would fall in that they are reaching their point or are going through priority applicants still to ensure they get priority to decide to attend or not. Maybe they have a next batch of acceptances, but can't release until they know with how many accept from 2/15 cutoff. This would line up with 3/15 being a release date because people need to give answers by then (aka the two weeks we keep hearing). However, I don't know how online/residential works. Do they accept more online students versus residential due to not needing to save seats? Does it not matter? These questions mostly apply to me because I'm online clinical and I've only seen one person. People i've messaged have not responded back to me if they were residential or online.

That would then potentially line up with residential people get heard first because those are physical seats they need to fill and then online is just released at a later date. Then again, online people might hear back first because they don't need the seats. I'm not sure for the other programs, but I haven't seen clinical online people post really.

But this all comes back to that strange information about applications haven't been seen yet because their system got messed up this year due to so many people applying and I'm just in the unlucky batch to not be considered yet. 

If we call, they look us up and then they tell us what the issue is. So that makes me wonder if they actually are having issues or if they know and won't release the information just yet for whatever reason.

We just have to assume they are being honest and doing the best they can right now.

On their website it says that the admissions standards for online and residential are the same. What do you mean by 2/15 cutoff? Were they able to look you up and tell you anything specific, or did they just say it would be within two weeks like they've been telling everyone?

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5 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

I've been working as a substance abuse counselor since 2015 and love it. I had majored in English because when I graduated with my associate's I thought that I wanted to pursue teaching as well, but the longer that I stayed in the field I decided that I never want to leave it. So here I am, getting my MSW in the Fall. 


4 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

English was crazy. Like right now I am taking Chaucer. It's honestly a nightmare. An entire class of the most boring and uninteresting content I have ever read in my life. It's all in Middle English. I can't wait for it to be over.

That's so awesome! Yeah, I originally thought that I might want to study English as well, but taking AP English Lit in high school pretty much cured me of that desire. Ugh, did you have to read Beowulf too? Reading all that crap in Middle English is seriously the most useless and tedious thing I have ever done in my life.

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3 minutes ago, doctormelody said:


That's so awesome! Yeah, I originally thought that I might want to study English as well, but taking AP English Lit in high school pretty much cured me of that desire. Ugh, did you have to read Beowulf too? Reading all that crap in Middle English is seriously the most useless and tedious thing I have ever done in my life.

ugh. I took an entire class on Shakespeare. An entire class on Milton. I can't even get into it. I literally cannot wait to get back into the stuff I am interested in again. I honestly thought about transferring out halfway through to a BSW program, but I am on a full-tuition academic scholarship at my school so I just stuck with it anyway. This last year, since I became certain I wanted to be MSW, has been rough for me to stay motivated in this major. Did you get an admissions decision yet or your still waiting?

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8 minutes ago, lanabeni said:

This is where I'm wondering because there is a finite amount of seats, but they are supposed to give priority applicants first dibs. I don't see any information that online clinical people have heard back who were also priority. It makes sense if someone was waitlisted, but we come back around to if they are sitting on rejections. I want to think that isn't the case because if they can tell someone they are waitlisted so soon, clearly they know if we are in or not at this point but haven't released for whatever reason....

I wouldn't be too worried about it. If you have decent stats you will get in. I don't think you should over-think their admissions process. I bet you will hear very soon

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11 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

I wouldn't be too worried about it. If you have decent stats you will get in. I don't think you should over-think their admissions process. I bet you will hear very soon

Overthinking is what I do best though!

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7 minutes ago, lanabeni said:

The standards are the same, but there is probably a different amount of seats allowed per program. They have a literal finite amount of seats for residential. With online, they can have more but not to the point that they overwhelm the instructor/professor. That would probably be the main difference between the two. Some people heard they were accepted in 2/15 and have 30 days to decide yay or nay. I haven't seen anyone posting about being given an extension yet so maybe 3/15 is the day that more get released, but since it is a thursday, next friday could see more people finding out. That would line up with the two weeks we keep hearing about.

The only thing they told me that was different was that they had a lot of applicants and that I was in the unlucky batch to not be considered yet.  I inquired if that was bad news and she said no, just I'm in the batch that hasn't been considered yet. I'm taking it that is actually the case, otherwise those people should get into politics for how cold they are. This overall makes sense because I see other priority people still waiting. Then this ties back into "going by specific program" we've heard so it might be they really haven't got through a lot of people yet. Plus someone posted that it is just two people going through applications this year which I can only assume is overwhelming. So if we assume everything is accurate, us waiting and things slowing down makes sense right now. Then results were forthcoming throughout March last year also.

I don't think what they are doing is nefarious but is probably just they are adapting to their load of applicants to make sure people find out when they can and at a level they can let a lot of people know versus trickling everyone to make decisions at different points throughout the next month or two.

Gotcha, I see what you’re saying.


11 minutes ago, Sunset95 said:

They seem to send out the acceptances in the 5pm est hour so I'll check back around 6pm to see if anyone has heard anything. If not then it'll be a looooooong weekend.

Same, I’m going to see a movie now so I’ll check back later. Good luck to everyone!!

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