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Vanderbilt - Peabody


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A friend of mine just called peabody to ask about the status of their application to the Human Development Counseling program. They were told that the program was substantially behind on responding to applicants and that not all decisions had been made yet, including my friend's application. This was today, March 22, about three weeks from the deadline to decide.

This called once about two weeks ago, was told to call back, and the was told to call back again. I guess my question is, how close to the deadline does it need to be before they are justified in demanding a response? They said that my friend was not wait listed, but that the peabody is just way behind. Isn't this a bit excessively late? What should they do to get a response?

Has your friend heard anything from Peabody yet? I also applied for Human Development Counseling and haven't heard anything... I have emailed the person I interviewed with but haven't received any response. They told me they were going to send out letters on February 14th...

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Has your friend heard anything from Peabody yet? I also applied for Human Development Counseling and haven't heard anything... I have emailed the person I interviewed with but haven't received any response. They told me they were going to send out letters on February 14th...

Wow! No! They are still waiting too! I thought for sure that no news was bad news, but I guess they are just ridiculously behind schedule. I love vanderbilt (I'm there right now in a different department), and I know peabody is pretty awesome, but this is borderline ridiculous. The deadline to make a decision is in two weeks and they still don't have decisions out!!!

Best of luck waiting it out. Please let me know when/if you hear... I'll do likewise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to pester the admissions office, but I got my official notification today. I am IN, and I am GOING!

First, congrats on getting in!!! Totally awesome for you. But wow... this is truly unlike anything I've heard before. The deadline for most programs is tomorrow, and they still haven't made decisions yet!!!

Can you give me any advice to share with my friend on "pestering" them? They have called a few times, most recently a week ago, and they are afraid of being too pushy. But, decision time is tomorrow. Did you pull the "my other programs are waiting to hear" card, or did you just say, "the decision date is tomorrow! I need to know now!!" ?

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First, congrats on getting in!!! Totally awesome for you. But wow... this is truly unlike anything I've heard before. The deadline for most programs is tomorrow, and they still haven't made decisions yet!!!

Can you give me any advice to share with my friend on "pestering" them? They have called a few times, most recently a week ago, and they are afraid of being too pushy. But, decision time is tomorrow. Did you pull the "my other programs are waiting to hear" card, or did you just say, "the decision date is tomorrow! I need to know now!!" ?

Yep, I called and just stated the obvious: "Vanderbilt is my first choice. But I have to make a decision TODAY, as other schools want to know by April 15th". It wasn't pestering; it was just matter of fact and the need based on other school's deadlines. They were very understanding, and I got my notification after a day or so.

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Thanks for the insight, kismetcapitan.

The mystery person I kept talking about is my wife. She called again today and made the same points you did... and she was told "we have a spot for you"! Ridiculously fortunate... the only place she could apply to was the #1 program in the country (because of location on account of me), and she got in. Official letter is on its way next week. No word yet on funding and research opportunities.

Apparently when they say "rolling admissions" on their webpage, they really mean it! She interviewed with a pretty small group of other people in her program early in February and she was told that the admissions committee only looked at her application a week ago. I thought for sure no news was bad news, as is the case with most programs. For those of you still waiting, it sounds like there is still hope.

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  • 1 year later...

I got in and am about 95% sure I'm going.  I won't make a final decision until I hear something about financial aid.  It seems like a lot of students get some level of assistance at least.  Does anyone know how it works if you get a scholarship AND an assistantship?  Like if you get a Dean's 1/3 scholarship and an assistantship that pays 2/3 tuition plus stipend, do you get to go to school for free?  


I like free.  

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I got in and am about 95% sure I'm going.  I won't make a final decision until I hear something about financial aid.  It seems like a lot of students get some level of assistance at least.  Does anyone know how it works if you get a scholarship AND an assistantship?  Like if you get a Dean's 1/3 scholarship and an assistantship that pays 2/3 tuition plus stipend, do you get to go to school for free?  


I like free.  


I believe that is the case! There's a similar type of scholarship I am being considered for for another school that can be added on to the assistantship so that you can technically graduate without loans. I would imagine that Peabody works that way too... unless your assistantship pays full tuition on TOP of the scholarship, in which case I doubt they will let us keep all the extra money!  :P Completing my education debt-free been my goal since high school and I'm hoping that'll be the case for a lot of us!

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I applied there for a PhD and I'm still waiting...  They're taking a LONG time!


That's really surprising! Have you tried emailing the admissions folks? They're quite approachable...

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I applied there for a PhD and I'm still waiting...  They're taking a LONG time!


I'm still waiting to hear about the PhD program too. Did you go to the recruitment event?  I think there they said they'd notify the first week of March.


Has anyone heard yet about the PhD program?

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I was at Visit Day last weekend I'll definitely be headed to Vandy in the fall! :) I got an apartment already, so it looks like I really have to go now...haha.


Oooh you got an apartment already??  That's one of the things I'm nervous about is figuring out where to live from so far away and not knowing much about housing there.  Is your apartment downtown, right by Vandy or a bit farther off?  I was thinking it might be a good idea to find a place that was like 10 minutes away since I'll have a car and it's way cheaper but it would sure be nice to live right by downtown.  

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Can someone post on here when they hear back about financial aid/packages?  They said they would be released around the beginning of March, which is now.  I'm paranoid that they won't tell you if you get no aid and then I'll be waiting and wondering.  

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Well I haven't heard anything either so either neither of us got aid or they haven't released information yet.  I am living on these forums just waiting to hear decisions about so many things!!!!


I was told I would hear about a grad assistantship I interviewed for when I was down for visitation day by the end of last week and I still haven't heard.  The suspense is killing me.  I want the position so bad and the interview went really well - they spoke very positively about the likelihood of me getting it, but now I'm nervous that they were just being nice. AHHHhhhh.  I want to know!  And I want money!! Haha.  

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Ugh, not good!  I mean, at least at Visit Day it sounded like most people do find their way into great assistantships and internships even through summer and the beginning of the school year so even if we don't get the ones we interviewed for, there seems to be a good chance of finding something.  


I don't know that they will let us know if we receive no aid though, so as people get scholarships and such, it would be nice for them to let us know as it might be the only way we learn we aren't getting aid.  :(   

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It does sound like the PhD candidates have received their aid information before the Masters students...that's a good point about the sequester factor, though. I think they said "early March," so I'm hoping any day now we'll get some news. Am I the only person who checks their e-mail and mailbox frantically around this time for any information at all?


Also, the wait from my other two schools is slowly getting to me. Even if I don't go elsewhere, I just want to KNOW if I got in!

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