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Person I interviewed with got in


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I interviewed with a school last week and there was another student who also interviewed right before me. We had the same interviewers and everything. I emailed the school asking when we would hear back and they said the following week however, I just saw that this same student received an acceptance letter on the same day that the school responded back to me saying I would hear back the following week.

I was confident that I would have a good chance after the interview but now I'm getting a bit concerned. 

Do you think this is bad news? or am I getting ahead of myself. We interviewed right after each other on the same day so I'm just a bit concerned.

Any comments/thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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I’m not gonna lie...I’d be a nervous wreck as well. It’s easy to tell you to relax from the other side of a laptop screen but we all know that helps with nothing haha. Maybe she/he has a different POI or area of focus (which is my best guess), maybe it HAS come down between you and another interviewee, or maybe they’re slowly reviewing everyone one-by-one in between being professors/researchers by day. It could be anything but it may not be as negative as you’re perceiving it (hopefully!). Best of luck!!!

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10 hours ago, worried2018 said:

ok.. it's been a week past when they said I'd hear back by... would it be appropriate to reach out..? .. or should i stay put and drown myself in ice cream? haha

I’m in a very similar situation and I’ve decided to stay put and drown myself in ice cream. I don’t think it’s wise to reach out unless you are under a time pressure to make a decision. A week past is not very long in the grand scheme of things and sometimes there is a lag between the PI and the department in terms of communicating decisions. I’m preparing myself for alternative options and if my program comes through, it’ll be a nice surprise!

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I totally feel you on this situation. I interviewed for a program one month ago. I had a group interview with two fellow applicants. We were told that we could expect to hear back from the program within 3-4 weeks. Well, the other two applicants received acceptance letters the following week (I know this because they screen-shotted them, found my social media account, and sent them to me via PM). Well here I am, 4 weeks later and still nothing. I'm pretty sure it's a rejection at this point, but I wish they would just let me know!

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Thank you! @worried2018! Yeah I cannot believe how rude some people can be. Honestly I don’t even care at this point because it showed me what types of people this program accepts. I ended up accepting an offer at my second choice school and I think I will be happier there. Also keep your head high! Like you said, if they rejected you they would have told you by now. Stay hopeful! If you ever need to talk let me know!

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