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Help Indentifying Graduate Program

Austin J.

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Hello everyone,

I am hoping to apply to a graduate program in anthropology this calendar year. My research interests, broadly speaking, involve perceptions ofcommunal identity in South Asia and its intersection with historical, political, religious, and ideological processes. However, I am also interested in religion, spirituality, and cultural interpretations of the "human journey". Given these broad topics and my interest in South Asia, I am looking for recommendations for suitable graduate programs to which I might apply. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!


Austin J.

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Are you applying for MA or PhD programs? 

My best advice is to try and find a few specific areas of research you're interested in within those broad interests, and then find articles regarding those areas. Who is publishing those articles? Look at the professors recently publishing in those areas and find out what schools they are at, and if the schools offer graduate programs. It's much easier to find schools that way. 

Others in this forum may have similar interests and may be able to direct you to a few programs!

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