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Do you email a program to decline an offer?

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Some of the programs I applied to have the option to press a "decline offer" button on their website. I was wondering if it's normal to just do this and not send an email. Or is it better to send a polite email that declines the offer as well? I just don't want to come off rude when I decline offers. Thanks for your opinions!

Edited by lbh33
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From what I understand, you're not obligated to, but it is the polite thing to do. Especially if you were awarded any departmental funding that you need to decline as well. Tell them thank you for considering your application and accepting you but you are pursuing your education elsewhere. You don't have to tell them why or where you've chosen instead either, though they might ask. 

Edited by AB121212
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For ones that had a decline button I just used that. The only one I sent an additional email to was to a professor I’d been in contact with about the program and had been nice enough to give me a tour. I don’t think it’s necessary to send an email unless that’s how they want your decision. 

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The programs that I declined I did so through email. That's probably because they required a written decision back whether to accept or decline but also I feel like it's the polite thing to do. Just treat people with respect and show courtesy and it'll treat you well :) . 

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21 hours ago, lbh33 said:

Some of the programs I applied to have the option to press a "decline offer" button on their website. I was wondering if it's normal to just do this and not send an email. Or is it better to send a polite email that declines the offer as well? I just don't want to come off rude when I decline offers. Thanks for your opinions!

If they had a decline button I used that.  If they didn't I sent an emailing declining the offer ( for both acceptances and waitlists)! 

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