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Communication/Mass Comm/Journalism

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I'm an upper junior in NYU's undergrad MCC program. (I'm a double major in the Politics program.)

I'm trying to figure out whether I want to go for my MA, and then move onto a PhD. All I know right now is that I went to a career roundtable last night and all it did was thoroughly depress me. I'm not interested in Marketing (unless I'm on a creative team), Public Relations, Event Planning or broadcast journalism.

I am interested in media studies and research. (I'm really enjoying the Video Game class I'm taking.)

I'm curious to know how people decided to go on for the PhD. I just feel a huge push to go into certain fields with a media degree.

Am I jumping the gun by thinking about the PhD now? Should I just worry about getting into an MA program first?

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Am I jumping the gun by thinking about the PhD now? Should I just worry about getting into an MA program first?

Admittedly, I don't know much about the area of Comm you are interested in...but I will say this - some institutions won't allow you to apply for their PhD program until you've successfully completed their MA degree. It's not like that everywhere, but you may also want to look into the possibility of doing your MA and your PhD at two separate institutions...but that is a matter of preference!

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Hey dischordinthegarden if you are talking about the twitter chat, don't let that depress you. Plenty of people get comm degrees and don't want to go into marketing or advertising. If you like media research try volunteering with a research team in your university, see if you can go to one of the conferences (ICA, NCA, AEJMC, or ECA because it's near you) and check out who is doing stuff you like. Read the journals and see who writes stuff that interests you. Its late now to apply for next year but that gives you plenty of time to prep. Find out what the programs where people you like are working would want in an applicant and try to get that experience or test scores. If you have high scores and research experience, you might be able to get funded for your MA (I did). The MA is also a good place to figure out if you a) like research and B) want to continue before taking the leap to a phd program. Most people I know in comm programs did one before applying to the phd program. Of course some people knew they wanted to go for the PhD at the onset, and for them applying directly to a PhD program (or one that incorporates a MA, like UCSB, or MSUs MA/PhD track) was a good option.

I know people applying this year have already done all this, but I was totally clueless when I started looking for programs and doing everything listed above helped me out a ton. Good luck :)

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I have been accepted to Denver and Oklahoma - waiting on funding though. I haven't heard from Nebraska or Ohio. Has anyone applied to any of these schools? I haven't seen anything about them on here. Good luck to anyone who is waiting!

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You must be reliefed. Congrats on your acceptances. I am sure the funding will be fine.

I am waiting from UMass Amherst, Pitssburgh, UIUrbana/Champaign, Corenll and UCSB. Still haven't heard but will know this coming week, for sure. I am so depressed and pessimistic at this point

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You might try contacting a person at one of the schools that you have gotten to know a little bit to check on your status. I was going crazy waiting so I decided to call and it turns out that they had a flood in one of their buildings and were just behind sending out notifications. Most likely you don't have anything to worry about (I know you've heard that before - but it is true).

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Any Ph.D applicants out there who've heard anything from UIUC ICR? I haven't seen anyone post anything about this program, so just wondering. It looks like their spring vaca starts on the 21st, so hopefully we'll be hearing before then.

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Hey Yay;

I am waiting on ICR as well. It says on their site that they will contact applicants starting March 1st, however I have not heard anything. I checked last year's results and seems like they announced their decisions the second week of March. So, I am confident that this coming week, i will hear from all 5 schools, including Urbana/Champaign ICR. If not, before the spring break, the latest.

Good luck

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I spoke with UCSB as well, the application decisions will be announced this week or next week.

I am waiting on 5 schools and I called each one on Friday. They all gave me the same response: The announcements will be made within the next 2 weeks.

I think we will learn this week or before they leave for the Spring Break ,the latest. After I heard that Northwest only accepted 4, my pessimism reached the ultimate high.

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Thanks! I unfortunatly share your pessimism (for my own chances)...I am also waiting on Miami and when I spoke with someone in the office at the begining of March they said they had not yet started reviewing applications yet...isn't April 15 the decision day when everyone owes schools a commitment?

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I, personally, chose not to apply to any schools in the State of Florida; as they did not leave a very good impression on me. Not returning emails, having unrealistic exam score expectations, etc. So, long story short, I am not about Miami.

I did not apply to Northwest but I am still pessimistic about my schools. I really hope to get the results this week. I know Pittsburgh is not announcing until the last week of March or beginning of April. At least that is what they told me.

Good Luck

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