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UT Dallas Fall 2020 Applications

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2 minutes ago, estel said:

Has anyone heard from UT-Austin or know what their process is? I saw on the results page that two people heard back yesterday, but I haven't heard anything back and my portal hasn't changed.

Hey! I applied to UT and I haven't heard back and my portal hasn't changed either. Since only two people posted their responses I'm trying not to worry about it too much. Hope this helps(: 

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1 hour ago, Caitzilla said:

I've been thinking the same thing the last few days! My portal did update last week...it used to say application submitted, under review. Now, it says application completed. I had a mini heart attack thinking I never submitted it in the first place due to their wording. 

So I just keep checking the portal every once in a while in case there's an update ?

This same thing happened to me! I checked last week where I submitted my app and it said that it was under review, but Galaxy just said application submitted. I checked again this week and they both said application submitted, so maybe they were looking at it last week? I still haven’t heard anything either ? 

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1 hour ago, estel said:

Has anyone heard from UT-Austin or know what their process is? I saw on the results page that two people heard back yesterday, but I haven't heard anything back and my portal hasn't changed.

I've heard that they normally send out emails the Friday before spring break, which would be 3/13, but I'm not sure what they're doing this year! My portal still hasn't changed, either. 

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9 hours ago, lifeispeachy said:

Hey! I applied to UT and I haven't heard back and my portal hasn't changed either. Since only two people posted their responses I'm trying not to worry about it too much. Hope this helps(: 

Yeah, now that I'm seeing no one else posting I'm a little less concerned about it, but it does seem weird to me!

8 hours ago, wannabeanSLP said:

I've heard that they normally send out emails the Friday before spring break, which would be 3/13, but I'm not sure what they're doing this year! My portal still hasn't changed, either. 

That's what I thought too! That's why I was so surprised when I saw two people posting results. I guess I just have to stay patient...

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15 hours ago, laldacoo99 said:

Where are you guys checking you updates for Dallas? Where I completed the application it just says 100% completed. In GALAXY it just shows that all the tasks are completed.

For Austin it just says In Review. 



If you go here https://www.utdallas.edu/galaxy/ and click log in to Galaxy, it should bring you to a page where you can check your status. They sent an email a while back (I think when you submit the application) with your username info! This is where you can go for instructions to check the status: https://www.utdallas.edu/status/

I'm honestly not sure if it updates, so I've been checking where I actually submitted my application, too.

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On 3/1/2020 at 12:03 PM, LovelyySLP said:

Hi I applied to UT Dallas and I was just wondering how long does it usually take to hear back. I’m so anxious 

i think it's really all over the place, but i know they're still in the process of rolling out admissions!! 

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For anyone who has gotten an acceptance offer from UT Dallas, did you also get any information about funding? Does anyone know how frequently they offer GA positions and what the process is for that? 

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I submitted in November and the status on my portal has stayed at “completed and ready for review by department” for months, I’m not sure what to do or expect!!

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22 hours ago, AARTH said:

For anyone who has gotten an acceptance offer from UT Dallas, did you also get any information about funding? Does anyone know how frequently they offer GA positions and what the process is for that? 

i asked dr. stillman and he said that after acceptance, the financial aid office could process that information. last week, i emailed the financial aid office, and they said they will send out financial aid offers to new graduate students by mid-march. from what i understand, TA positions are only offered to PhD students and not to grad students. i know a lot of girls who nanny on the side or work in research labs! 

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Hi all— I reached out personally to Dr. Stillman today. He said Dallas is still doing admissions, but they’re in a bit of a stand still for a few reasons. One, there admissions coordinator is out of town. Two, they have a significant number of out of state applications and not enough funding. Apparently this has led them to be a little slower in accepting out of state students knowing that they will likely turn down offers without funding. He said that people should start to hear more come next week. Apparently there are around 15 instate tuition waivers and they’re based predominantly on your GRE scores. ? 

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12 hours ago, LovelyySLP said:

Does anyone know if UT Dallas is done with giving acceptances?? I haven’t heard anything it’s making me nervous.

Supposedly, they've had a recent delay, with their admission coordinator being away. According to a post above, they should be sending out more decisions this week/next week. I also have not heard but decided to accept an offer elsewhere anyway.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/23/2020 at 11:16 AM, wannabeanSLP said:

Gotcha, congrats! Do you think you'll accept?

So sorry for the late reply! I'm still not sure yet. I would love to visit campus again before I make my decision, but I'm not sure if that's an option with the outbreak going on :(


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/19/2020 at 8:53 PM, slpfluency said:

does anyone who has been admitted know when the deadline is to accept? I know most schools are April 15th but I can't find the date for UTD

ASHA established April 15 as the deadline for all schools! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rant warning~

PREFACE: I have already made my decision (put down my deposit) and I am REALLY happy with that decision; however, when I applied to schools, it was under the assumption that my application would be looked at and taken into consideration (good or bad).

I have heard from every school except UTDallas. Not only have I not heard, my application has not even been reviewed. How is it that I submit my application in November and it's now less than a week from April 15 and my application hasn't even been looked at? So much money and time (and tears) goes into these applications--it's very frustrating to see you were never considered. Why bother applying then?

Again, 100% happy with my decision and acceptance into UT Health San Antonio, but I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm not sure if anyone else is in a similar boat BUT IS dependent on UTDallas' decision. It's weird because all I needed was at least one acceptance to feel relieved to at least be going somewhere and yet UTDallas has me hung up. I just want closure lmao!

Rant over~

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