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PhD / DrPh Fall 2022

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23 minutes ago, Global Ambassador said:


I was pretty much disheartened knowing this last year. My confidence on academia is gradually fading away. Yet, academicians are staunch advocate of transparency and access to information. Not only they're earning app fees but it is all about acceptance rating and the number of applicants they're attracting- these data are crucial for their reputation; receiving budgets, bragging and many more. 
Last spring I was accepted to UNC-CH PhD and had extensive email conversation with the prospective supervisor who is also the program director. My email title was clearly mentioned about funding but he never said a word about this. After 15-20 emails and conversation he finally gave his nod to apply and then I was accepted to the program but then he said we do not have sufficient fund at the moment. I heard similiar stories of my friends and colleagues from other universities as well. 

I couldn't have said it any better! Haha

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5 minutes ago, medception said:

I couldn't have said it any better! Haha

But I must confess that there are many professors who wrote me after the first email that I do not have fund/space/position available to support any new PhD students. Some also wrote that, s/he might get funding at 2023. Some also interviewed earlier before even making any application: I liked her approach but she herself was international.  

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1 hour ago, Global Ambassador said:


I was pretty much disheartened knowing this last year. My confidence on academia is gradually fading away. Yet, academicians are staunch advocate of transparency and access to information. Not only they're earning app fees but it is all about acceptance rating and the number of applicants they're attracting- these data are crucial for their reputation; receiving budgets, bragging and many more. 
Last spring I was accepted to UNC-CH PhD and had extensive email conversation with the prospective supervisor who is also the program director. My email title was clearly mentioned about funding but he never said a word about this. After 15-20 emails and conversation he finally gave his nod to apply and then I was accepted to the program but then he said we do not have sufficient fund at the moment. I heard similiar stories of my friends and colleagues from other universities as well. 

@Global Ambassador Is it UNC-Chapel Hill Epi program? I am just curious about how you deal with the funding issue. Are you an international student? Funding is always a problem for Ph.D. students, especially during the pandemic of COVID.


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9 minutes ago, publichealth22 said:

How did they notify you about being waitlisted? Had you interviewed with them or waitlisted with no interview? 

I just checked the applicant portal this morning and there was a letter posted, informing me of the waitlist status. I never interviewed with anyone at JHU. 

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23 minutes ago, medception said:

Rejected from Hopkins as I expected - will be attending Minnesota next year!

Just got a rejection from Hopkins as well. Bummed since they were a perfect research fit for me, but not surprised. Looks like I'll be at Minnesota next year too, which I'm still very happy about. They may actually be a better fit for me overall anyway. 

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1 hour ago, medception said:

Rejected from Hopkins as I expected - will be attending Minnesota next year!

Congratulations nonetheless, medception. Minnesota will be cold but awesome!

54 minutes ago, GenoTheCat said:

Just got a rejection from Hopkins as well. Bummed since they were a perfect research fit for me, but not surprised. Looks like I'll be at Minnesota next year too, which I'm still very happy about. They may actually be a better fit for me overall anyway. 

Also got an email notification, and it sent a shiver down my spine despite already confirming with my top choice (quite a confusing emotion). Got rejected. Yup, the fit was quite a stretch, too. Had a gut feel about this already even during the info sessions. A colleague in the Econ track at JHU also hinted at some past funding issues at the department, I hope they have sorted them out for the incoming cohort!

Only realized now that I'm talking to two new Gophers! Congratulations to both of you!

For everyone else, wishing everyone their top program this cycle!

Edited by NervousPotato
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Ugh. Just got a rejection from UNC DrPH. When I saw the email that a decision had been reached, I knew right away it was a rejection. They started interviewing applicants 9 days ago, I never received an interview invite, and decisions weren't supposed to come out until March. Hard, solid rejection. 

Oh well. Still waiting on Rutgers, Hopkins, and UIC. 

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2 minutes ago, DrPHPlans said:

Ugh. Just got a rejection from UNC DrPH. When I saw the email that a decision had been reached, I knew right away it was a rejection. They started interviewing applicants 9 days ago, I never received an interview invite, and decisions weren't supposed to come out until March. Hard, solid rejection. 

Oh well. Still waiting on Rutgers, Hopkins, and UIC. 

I am so sorry to hear that.  I just got rejection email as well.  I have to trust the process but it is upsetting.  It is just a very competitive program.  

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1 minute ago, DrPHPlans said:

Ugh. Just got a rejection from UNC DrPH. When I saw the email that a decision had been reached, I knew right away it was a rejection. They started interviewing applicants 9 days ago, I never received an interview invite, and decisions weren't supposed to come out until March. Hard, solid rejection. 

Oh well. Still waiting on Rutgers, Hopkins, and UIC. 

Joining the UNC rejection club as well... I know I should be happy with the three interviews I did receive, but this stings. It looks like interviews for UIC are going out, not sure if all interview invites have been sent. I doubt I'll get an interview there, their program doesn't really have a global focus.

Rejections: UNC, Harvard (silent rejection)

Interviews: Columbia, Boston University, Georgia State University

Waiting: Johns Hopkins, UIC, Indiana University

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Congratulation to you too. I interviewed with the PI mentioned in my SOP, so I believe he is going to be my PI. However, there is no information about funding. I reached out the PI i've been talking to inform him of my admission and ask about funding. He said the mail funding is usually sent separately and that most PhDs are usually fully funded. So let's wait and see. Would you be accepting the offer?

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12 minutes ago, DrPH Hopeful 2022 said:

Joining the UNC rejection club as well... I know I should be happy with the three interviews I did receive, but this stings. It looks like interviews for UIC are going out, not sure if all interview invites have been sent. I doubt I'll get an interview there, their program doesn't really have a global focus.

Rejections: UNC, Harvard (silent rejection)

Interviews: Columbia, Boston University, Georgia State University

Waiting: Johns Hopkins, UIC, Indiana University

I definitely would not take it personally.  I think the UNC DrPH program are looking for specific qualifications based upon their particular cohort that year, if that makes sense.  It does not at all mean you or we are not highly qualified.  I agree, it does sting and I get down on myself but I have to remind myself what I have accomplished and it just means this door closed and another door will open!

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10 minutes ago, gipa said:

I definitely would not take it personally.  I think the UNC DrPH program are looking for specific qualifications based upon their particular cohort that year, if that makes sense.  It does not at all mean you or we are not highly qualified.  I agree, it does sting and I get down on myself but I have to remind myself what I have accomplished and it just means this door closed and another door will open!

Thank you for the kind words, @gipa! You are so right. 

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Just received an email from Brown University. Subject line: "Welcome to the Brown University School of Public Health"

First part of the email that I can see before opening it: "Dear xxxxxxx, Thank you for expressing interest in the Brown University School of Public Health."

I open the email, nervous-- that sounds like a rejection, but maybe its to say they're giving me an interview? let's find out...

It's an ad. for their school. "Our graduate programs are intentionally small, research-intensive, and supported by close faculty mentorship. Here are some facts and figures... Stay tuned for more emails, where we'll explain why these stats matter. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our graduate programs and research centers. If you have any questions, send us an email!"

They have  to know how misleading that is... as if I haven't been on edge enough...

With all of that said-- anyone apply to the Brown University's social and behavioral sciences PhD program and hear anything??

Hopefully I'll be hearing back from GWU soon regarding the same program. Interviewed there 3 week sago and just eagerly waiting for something back.

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9 minutes ago, NervousPhDhopeful said:

Just received an email from Brown University. Subject line: "Welcome to the Brown University School of Public Health"

First part of the email that I can see before opening it: "Dear xxxxxxx, Thank you for expressing interest in the Brown University School of Public Health."

I open the email, nervous-- that sounds like a rejection, but maybe its to say they're giving me an interview? let's find out...

It's an ad. for their school. "Our graduate programs are intentionally small, research-intensive, and supported by close faculty mentorship. Here are some facts and figures... Stay tuned for more emails, where we'll explain why these stats matter. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our graduate programs and research centers. If you have any questions, send us an email!"

They have  to know how misleading that is... as if I haven't been on edge enough...

With all of that said-- anyone apply to the Brown University's social and behavioral sciences PhD program and hear anything??

Hopefully I'll be hearing back from GWU soon regarding the same program. Interviewed there 3 week sago and just eagerly waiting for something back.

That is SO poorly timed I’m sorry :(

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