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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Hello everyone,

This is my first time on the forum. I was wondering if any of you got a confirmation that they had received your transcripts. I was abroad so I had the school send it in and I was expecting some sort of confirmation email that they received it...



So I emailed the head of my region (western europe) about whether they received my transcript or not and her response was basically that they will only contact you if they don't receive it by March 1st. So not hearing from them I guess is a good thing.

best of luck!

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Ohmygod, I have no idea how you guys do this. Every single time I take a glance at this thread I feel like I'm going to vomit. I am so nervous and anxious it's obscene. How are you all coping? I could really use some advice for some good coping mechanisms...

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Ohmygod, I have no idea how you guys do this. Every single time I take a glance at this thread I feel like I'm going to vomit. I am so nervous and anxious it's obscene. How are you all coping? I could really use some advice for some good coping mechanisms...

For what it's worth, my coping mechanism is to worry about something else for a while! Granted, I'm applying straight out of college so I'm still finishing up my senior year, applying to grad school in the US as back-up in case Fulbright doesn't come through, working on my honors thesis, etc., so I feel like I have plenty of worries to choose from. Sometimes, if I can't stop thinking about it, I go to the gym and work it out. I find it much harder to worry about large-scale life decisions when I am a sweaty mess on the elliptical machine with upbeat/angry music pounding in my ears. :)

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For what it's worth, my coping mechanism is to worry about something else for a while! Granted, I'm applying straight out of college so I'm still finishing up my senior year, applying to grad school in the US as back-up in case Fulbright doesn't come through, working on my honors thesis, etc., so I feel like I have plenty of worries to choose from. Sometimes, if I can't stop thinking about it, I go to the gym and work it out. I find it much harder to worry about large-scale life decisions when I am a sweaty mess on the elliptical machine with upbeat/angry music pounding in my ears. :)

This is a good piece of advice. I think I would be going absolutely bananas right now if I wasn't in the middle of planning my wedding. Get yourself a new hobby, immerse yourself in an engrossing book, start a project, clean the attic - basically anything that will keep you busy and away from the computer. I applied to the JET program two years running - I was an alternate the first year - I waited ALL YEAR LONG. and I didn't get it at all the second year. I learned a valuable lesson after chewing my fingernails to nubs and sprouting a few grey hairs: distract yourself and remain emotionally detached. then if you don't get it you're not devastated.

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Yay! The spreadsheet shows some people have been notified of their status. :)

If you haven't already, don't forget to update the spreadsheet with your status.

Here is the link.


Oh god. Someone found out about the UK already. And at their current address. I was sort of banking on having that letter going to my parents' house so I wouldn't have to be the one to open it. As if opening a PhD decision from Harvard wasn't hard enough?? afskjlaglkjgadskjlsadg. And of course it's a Sunday here so no mail until tomorrow. Pardon me while I go die and complete none of my homework. Or, maybe I will use the pent up fear-energy to just not sleep and study for upcoming midterms/read for upcoming papers instead? (No, no, that would be too reasonable.)

Pardon my impending mental breakdown -- and congrats on getting an alternate spot, lmr005!

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Someone just posted this in the spreadsheet chat, looks like someone was already awarded a South Africa ETA grant.

Still waiting (semi-)patiently to hear back about Korea ETA grants...

Umm....you might want to read the whole article... She is not a candidate for 2011-2012

It says she was accepted last April, she leaves in the upcoming weeks, and she will only be there until October....

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Umm....you might want to read the whole article... She is not a candidate for 2011-2012

It says she was accepted last April, she leaves in the upcoming weeks, and she will only be there until October....

Huh, you're right, I had only really given it a cursory glance. So now I'm not even sure what kind of grant that is...

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It's funny, I get daily emails with summaries of chats from this thread and the NSF GRFP. There was a lot of action before I posted the spreadsheet, and now it's "died down" a little. This kind of reminds me of the 'calm before the storm'. Also, I'm soooo nervous to find out the results. I know German applicants found out around this time ... I just hope my mom doesn't just think the Fulbright package is just some other piece of mail to throw on my bed!

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Funny story...My mom calls me and tells me that I got a large manila envelope in the mail. I start freaking out and ask her what it says, and she tells me that on the outside, it says HTI. The initials of my potential host institution are BTI, so I asked her if she had her glasses on, and then asked her about 5 times more if she was sure that it said H and not a B. Thinking, maybe the printer made a mistake or something, I tell her to open it, and it's a direct mail thing. :huh:

In retrospect, I guess the return address label wouldn't have their info on it anyway, it would say Fulbright (or something else?). I think for a moment, though, that my heart may have stopped. Sigh.

I don't think any of us Middle East people will hear until May. Looking at last year's spreadsheet, there were a few random early ones, but the bulk of applicants were notified very late April-May. I may just sit here tapping my foot impatiently until then. :P

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Funny story...My mom calls me and tells me that I got a large manila envelope in the mail. I start freaking out and ask her what it says, and she tells me that on the outside, it says HTI. The initials of my potential host institution are BTI, so I asked her if she had her glasses on, and then asked her about 5 times more if she was sure that it said H and not a B. Thinking, maybe the printer made a mistake or something, I tell her to open it, and it's a direct mail thing. :huh:

In retrospect, I guess the return address label wouldn't have their info on it anyway, it would say Fulbright (or something else?). I think for a moment, though, that my heart may have stopped. Sigh.

I don't think any of us Middle East people will hear until May. Looking at last year's spreadsheet, there were a few random early ones, but the bulk of applicants were notified very late April-May. I may just sit here tapping my foot impatiently until then. :P

Lol. Good story. I had to explain to my mom what Fulbright is, why I'm applying, and explain my whole educational career plan for the next 4 years. It was quite difficult. But I kept reiterating this letter part ... about calling me if I get something from Fulbright etc.

BTW, what country did you apply to?

EDIT: Looking at the spreadsheet from last year, it seems some people were notified at their current address ... hmm ...

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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It seems like U.K. finalists should know one way or another in the next couple of days, if not tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!

lmr005: Congrats on getting an alternate spot!! I have one question: is your current address the same as your permanent address?

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Lol. Good story. I had to explain to my mom what Fulbright is, why I'm applying, and explain my whole educational career plan for the next 4 years. It was quite difficult. But I kept reiterating this letter part ... about calling me if I get something from Fulbright etc.

BTW, what country did you apply to?

EDIT: Looking at the spreadsheet from last year, it seems some people were notified at their current address ... hmm ...

I applied to Bahrain. I'm driving myself crazy looking at the news everyday for what's going on over there, checking my email and mail for notifications, and checking this forum to see if anybody's heard anything! :)

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It seems like U.K. finalists should know one way or another in the next couple of days, if not tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!

lmr005: Congrats on getting an alternate spot!! I have one question: is your current address the same as your permanent address?

FYI, the European regional coordinator, Rachel Holskin, informed me that final decisions would be mailed to current addresses, not permanent ones.

EDIT: This is in reference to UK grants...couldn't speak to whether this goes for other countries as well.

Edited by nycminerva
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Funny story...My mom calls me and tells me that I got a large manila envelope in the mail. I start freaking out and ask her what it says, and she tells me that on the outside, it says HTI. The initials of my potential host institution are BTI, so I asked her if she had her glasses on, and then asked her about 5 times more if she was sure that it said H and not a B. Thinking, maybe the printer made a mistake or something, I tell her to open it, and it's a direct mail thing. :huh:

In retrospect, I guess the return address label wouldn't have their info on it anyway, it would say Fulbright (or something else?). I think for a moment, though, that my heart may have stopped. Sigh.

I don't think any of us Middle East people will hear until May. Looking at last year's spreadsheet, there were a few random early ones, but the bulk of applicants were notified very late April-May. I may just sit here tapping my foot impatiently until then. :P

I was reading past threads and I think it was two years ago, some folks applying to the Middle East didn't find out until late july/early august!! I just PRAY this doesn't happen this year because of the "unrest." Maybe the governments will want to take a break from all the chaos and just read about some nice, innocent Fulbright proposals for a while, huh?

Anyone out there apply for a CLEA grant? The Egypt CLEA people just wrote asking for a detailed study plan that is due April 1. Just wondering if this is sent out to everyone who applied for a CLEA or if I should be excited about perhaps making it through another selection round. Also since it is due April 1 I guess that means there's no way we'll be finding out till after then.

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It's funny, I get daily emails with summaries of chats from this thread and the NSF GRFP. There was a lot of action before I posted the spreadsheet, and now it's "died down" a little. This kind of reminds me of the 'calm before the storm'. Also, I'm soooo nervous to find out the results. I know German applicants found out around this time ... I just hope my mom doesn't just think the Fulbright package is just some other piece of mail to throw on my bed!

The calm before the storm...I definitely know what you mean. I feel like this weekend was pretty slow and quiet on the forum, but this coming week things are going pick up pace pretty quick.

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FYI, the European regional coordinator, Rachel Holskin, informed me that final decisions would be mailed to current addresses, not permanent ones.

EDIT: This is in reference to UK grants...couldn't speak to whether this goes for other countries as well.

Heh, I definitely just told my parents that it was likely to show up on their doorstep, now I find out it will be arriving at mine! The best part is that my mom was probably more anxious at the prospect of having to open the letter for me and told me that she wouldn't be able to do it alone and would wait for my dad to get home from work. :) At least now I can tell her she doesn't have to deal with that stress...

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I was reading past threads and I think it was two years ago, some folks applying to the Middle East didn't find out until late july/early august!! I just PRAY this doesn't happen this year because of the "unrest." Maybe the governments will want to take a break from all the chaos and just read about some nice, innocent Fulbright proposals for a while, huh?

Anyone out there apply for a CLEA grant? The Egypt CLEA people just wrote asking for a detailed study plan that is due April 1. Just wondering if this is sent out to everyone who applied for a CLEA or if I should be excited about perhaps making it through another selection round. Also since it is due April 1 I guess that means there's no way we'll be finding out till after then.


I applied for a CLEA for Israel and haven't been asked for anything...It's sort of weird, actually, because people keep telling me Israel is one of the most selective programs and yet they really haven't asked for anything (no interview, no essay in CLEA language, etc)...not that I am complaining, mind you; still, it would be nice to know they were doing something with my application :).

Btw, do any of you know about the level of funding you will get (monthly stipend, that is) with the Fulbright? I've started sweating this a bit, as the commission is rather tight lipped about this; all the Fulbright recipients I knew in Egypt (I lived there on a Boren Fellowship a couple of years back) said they were taken care of and that money wouldn't be a problem...but Tel Aviv is the 17th most expensive city in the world (the Americans I've talked to who are living over there compare the cost of living to New York, maybe higher) and so I imagine it would take much, much more USD to have a comparable cost of living (ie 20K in Egypt is probably 60K in Tel Aviv). I know one guy with a Fulbright to the US (from the EU) and he uses his own funds to double the award Fulbright gave him (because he feels the award by itself isn't nearly enough). Does anyone applying to Western Europe know how much they would get? Are people going to developed countries planning coming with extra spending money or just living very, very cheaply (as I understand it, we're not supposed to accept other fellowship awards, though I imagine some people break that rule, as well).?

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I applied for a CLEA for Israel and haven't been asked for anything...It's sort of weird, actually, because people keep telling me Israel is one of the most selective programs and yet they really haven't asked for anything (no interview, no essay in CLEA language, etc)...not that I am complaining, mind you; still, it would be nice to know they were doing something with my application :).

Btw, do any of you know about the level of funding you will get (monthly stipend, that is) with the Fulbright? I've started sweating this a bit, as the commission is rather tight lipped about this; all the Fulbright recipients I knew in Egypt (I lived there on a Boren Fellowship a couple of years back) said they were taken care of and that money wouldn't be a problem...but Tel Aviv is the 17th most expensive city in the world (the Americans I've talked to who are living over there compare the cost of living to New York, maybe higher) and so I imagine it would take much, much more USD to have a comparable cost of living (ie 20K in Egypt is probably 60K in Tel Aviv). I know one guy with a Fulbright to the US (from the EU) and he uses his own funds to double the award Fulbright gave him (because he feels the award by itself isn't nearly enough). Does anyone applying to Western Europe know how much they would get? Are people going to developed countries planning coming with extra spending money or just living very, very cheaply (as I understand it, we're not supposed to accept other fellowship awards, though I imagine some people break that rule, as well).?

Pulled this from the Israel Fulbright website under the pre-doctoral Fulbright student fellowship: (http://www.fulbright...ndex.php?id=710)

  • Monthly maintenance allowance: The allowance for the full academic year (nine months) for an unaccompanied grantee is $13,400. Grantees with a single accompanying dependent receive $19,250 for the academic year; those with two accompanying dependents - $21,600; and those with three or more - $23,950
  • payment of tuition for course work undertaken at academic institutions and for Hebrew and/or Arabic language instruction
  • research allowance ($500), where appropriate
  • limited health insurance for the grantee onlyorientation meetings in the United States (attendance compulsory) and in Israel, and other grantee events during the course of the year

Anyone else feel like their entire life is in limbo. It seems I can't even make the simplest decisions until I know where I'll be living in the next five months. The uncertainty has been great in curbing pretty much all of my spending though. You know, "No point in buying this if the Fulbright goes through..."

Edited by LOfi
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"Anyone else feel like their entire life is in limbo. It seems I can't even make the simplest decisions until I know where I'll be living in the next five months. The uncertainty has been great in curbing pretty much all of my spending though. You know, "No point in buying this if the Fulbright goes through...""

So so true......here's the most challenging thing on our end... we just found out my wife is pregnant! Doubt we will be able to find an international insurance company that will cover maternity/child birth. Had a Facebook friend from host country (Slovak Republic) do some research on costs for child birth without insurance. The 'funny' thing is that it looks to be less expensive to have a child that country without any insurance vs. with my 80%/20% insurance deductibles on my current health plan here in the States.

...and the waiting continues.

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Looks like I'm the first admit of the season. I have just received the manila envelope indicating that I am a research grantee to Finland.

Hey, awesome news!

Are you Philrob22 on the spreadsheet or is that another Finland grantee?

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Hey, awesome news!

Are you Philrob22 on the spreadsheet or is that another Finland grantee?

Ce n'est pas moi!

I am happy. I am so happy. I am jumping up and down and trying to figure out with my girlfriend how she can get a residence permit (she'd pay her own way). Any suggestions?

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