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Fulbright 2011-2012


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To all my Germany peeps, don't forget that the deadlines are quickly approaching! I don't know about the researchers, but as an ETA the additional essays have to be IN GERMAN! Don't forget! Good luck!


Just sent mine in two days ago, aagh! Took way longer than I expected, even though my German is just fine, mainly in that translating my original personal statement and making it sound good in German was difficult. Now, to wait... when did most people hear back about ETA last year?

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Just sent mine in two days ago, aagh! Took way longer than I expected, even though my German is just fine, mainly in that translating my original personal statement and making it sound good in German was difficult. Now, to wait... when did most people hear back about ETA last year?


The personal statement translation kicked my butt. I ended up changing a lot of things anyway, though, so it's almost as if I have a new essay. Statement of Grant purpose got the same treatment.

Still haven't seen mine off yet, as they don't have to be postmarked until Monday...and I like to take as much time to agonize over these things as possible. Haha. Glutton, I guess.

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The personal statement translation kicked my butt. I ended up changing a lot of things anyway, though, so it's almost as if I have a new essay. Statement of Grant purpose got the same treatment.

Still haven't seen mine off yet, as they don't have to be postmarked until Monday...and I like to take as much time to agonize over these things as possible. Haha. Glutton, I guess.

Yeah, I wound up making my Grant Purpose much more of a cover letter than my original, although the Personal Statement did stay relatively similar. But... for any of you who haven't started on those yet (I almost became one before kicking myself in to gear a few weekends ago), GET STARTED NOW!

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I got somekinda response. Maybe you guys can help me what does this mean...I kinda understood it, but still, second opinion could be quite useful.

"...Institute for International Education (IIE) just informed me that they are still waiting for responses from your top preferred institutions to determine how many fees will be charged and based on that where you will be placed. They will soon send me more information on which of your preferred options the program will be able to pursue...."

I am an international student applying for USA.


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This is my first time on this forum but I also made it to the final round for ETA Korea. I am sooooo excited because for Korea I can renew my grant for up to three years :)

Hi tweety! I'm also a Korea ETA finalist! Congrats!

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I'm doing research with hydrologic modeling and nitrogen. (i.e. I work with models that look at the water cycle and we want to incorporate N cycling to better understand Earth system processes!) What specifically are you doing with art history? You know, in high school I want to study art history, but my parents basically made me do engineering instead. Personally, I find art history fascinating b/c you can find out so much from paintings.

Are you fairly good at speaking German? I'm kind of glad that for the research grant a "fair" knowledge of German will suffice. I mean I took classes and was in Germany for three months, but that was years ago as an undergrad. But in engineering and sciences, most people do know German. And at least I can "attempt" to speak it. Haha.

research in art history. yourself?

Edited by crimsonengineer87
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Hi Strgrl522, I applied At-Large. The application process went fine for me. I figured out what I needed to do and got it done. I completed my application to my satisfaction then got in touch with the FPA at my alma mater and asked her to read my essays and make some notes. She said she was happy to. She made some suggestions and I made some edits and that was it. That's all the help I got with my application and all the help I wanted. I prefer to work on things independently without too much interference from others. What kind of support do you want? Do you need to sit down with someone to help you flesh out ideas or are you clear and confident about how you want to construct your application?

Now that you're out of school your only choice might be to apply At-Large but you never know. I think different schools have different policies.

Hope this helps.


That was a great help, thank you! I too prefer to work independently, and I was pretty set in my mind how I wanted to approach everything. It's funny, because the more eyes that look at your application, the more opinions you receive, and sometimes it confuses the process. Good to know that your FPA was there as a resource but you were able to navigate everything on your own. Thanks!

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Yeah, I wound up making my Grant Purpose much more of a cover letter than my original, although the Personal Statement did stay relatively similar. But... for any of you who haven't started on those yet (I almost became one before kicking myself in to gear a few weekends ago), GET STARTED NOW!

To Germany ETAers: I already send my Bonn-bound application in a while ago, so I guess I'm only asking out of curiosity. How could our personal statements have looked at all like what they were asking, meaning a "ausführlicher Lebenslauf" ? I mean, I needed to start over completely. Same with my cover letter > the questions asked for the cover letter just didn't correspond well with what I had written for the Fulbright statement of purpose, so I had to start over on that one too.

Also, did every one else understand from the application form that by signing our name, we agreed to accept the PAD offer and decline all others? Should I be taking that as seriously as I am?

Vielen Dank!

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As March nears, I expect notifications to start being mailed out early-mid March. From last year's thread, it seems a few of the European countries began sending stuff out around this time and first couple of people were notified before mid-March. In anticipation of this, I've set up a similar spreadsheet (I kind of copied last year's). You can enter information now or later, or not at all. It's basically a tool so people know when they might expect notifications and for those finalists to make contacts with other Fulbrighters in their country!


Let me know if you have any suggestions or if something is wrong. Thanks.

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Hi tweety! I'm also a Korea ETA finalist! Congrats!

Thank you hun!! Congrats to you too and hopefully we both get the award and if so I will see you during orientation. How many people from your school applied to Korea and made it to the second round :)

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Hello everyone! I read a lot but try not to post too much so I don't become addicted to this board, hehe. :)

I'm an ETA finalist for Morocco. I'm kind of worried given the political situation in pretty much all of North Africa (sauf Morocco for the moment, fingers crossed, banking on the fact Morocco is the most politically stable country in North Africa). Anyone have any idea about the potential implications for Fulbrighters in this region? I feel like it would be a bit premature to e-mail IIE and ask, but I'm so worried about it!

Also, I noticed from last year's spreadsheet Morocco Fulbright grantees (research) were notified on the 10th of March. Unfortunately the only ETA person on the spreadsheet was an alternate and was notified sometime in May. Now I'm dying to know whether that person was notified they were an alternate in May or whether they got the award in May! Does anyone know if research and ETA grantees are usually notified around the same time? I'm assuming choosing ETA grantees would take a lot less time/thought/effort, so I'm hoping I'll find out sometime in March...

I graduated in December, and I've been traveling up until now trying to keep myself occupied and take advantage of the fact I have to wait until April to find out. Up until now time has passed really fast, but I'm out of funds so have to go home within the next week or two! No! Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer :)

Also to people who wondered about the transcripts, I e-mailed asking if they wanted all my transcripts (I have a bunch) or only from the school I graduated from, and he e-mailed back saying they only want the one from the school I graduated from, and also that they received my transcript, so I suppose normally we shouldn't expect to receive a notification they got our trasncripts.

P.S. congrats to all the finalists :)

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Hey, I saw on the facebook fulbright page that someone who is a ETA finalist for Nepal was recently notified that she needed to do a skype based interview thing. Reading that made me wonder if an interview is typical for most ETA finalists? I suppose it's something that varies from country to country. I was recommended to Sri Lanka. Maybe I just need to calm down and stop thinking about all this stuff. It's almost impossible not to.

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I know this was kinda discussed a few weeks ago, but I'm curious what U.K. special programs applicants had interviews and if any didn't. Feel free to PM me or post here. Thanks!

When you say UK special programs, do you mean Fulbright partnership awards? I put my first choice down as a university without a partnership award (Queen Mary University of London) and my second choice as a partnership award uni (University of Sussex), and haven't been contacted about an interview.

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When you say UK special programs, do you mean Fulbright partnership awards? I put my first choice down as a university without a partnership award (Queen Mary University of London) and my second choice as a partnership award uni (University of Sussex), and haven't been contacted about an interview.

Yeah, that's what I'm referring to. I applied for a grant to University College Falmouth and haven't heard about an interview, so I'm wondering if they interviewed for all the partnership awards or skipped interviews for some of them.

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Thanks for making the spreadsheet. I had found the one from last year, and so that gives me an estimate that I will hopefully hear back by the end of march. I applied for a full grant to Guatemala for research on religion. It's awesome to be able to now input stuff. This will be super helpful for those applying for 2012-13, and for us as we hear from each other. Looking forward to hearing from Fulbright and wishing everyone the best!!!

As March nears, I expect notifications to start being mailed out early-mid March. From last year's thread, it seems a few of the European countries began sending stuff out around this time and first couple of people were notified before mid-March. In anticipation of this, I've set up a similar spreadsheet (I kind of copied last year's). You can enter information now or later, or not at all. It's basically a tool so people know when they might expect notifications and for those finalists to make contacts with other Fulbrighters in their country!


Let me know if you have any suggestions or if something is wrong. Thanks.

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Hi Jazzz,

I am a finalist to Egypt (research grant) and I have the exact same worry. Back at the beginning of February I emailed Jermaine Jones and he told me for the moment, everything was going ahead as scheduled, but if the situation were to change, the grant wouldn't just be cancelled -- we could either go later, or be offered a place in a different country, etc. I copied his response below. I would say go ahead and email your questions, the IIE people have been so nice and helpful so far. I'll probably check in with him again next month or so to see if the Fulbright for next year is still going as planned in Egypt....

Here's what Jermaine said. Hpe this helps!!

"Clearly a lot can happen between now and when the 2011/2012 year would start this coming fall.If you were to be offered a grant, and the situation in Egypt were to reach a level where it was deemed unsafe for you to either begin or continue your research there, you’d be given full and clear guidance on how to proceed from the Egyptian Fulbright Commission, U.S. Department of State, and IIE. Going into the various possibilities—e.g., waiting or coming back to the U.S. before heading [back] to Egypt to start or resume your grant, transfer to a different country in the region, etc., —now might be a bit overwhelming, so I’ll just reiterate that should you be offered a grant, you’d certainly be kept up to date on any safety/security concerns that would impinge upon it."

Hello everyone! I read a lot but try not to post too much so I don't become addicted to this board, hehe. :)

I'm an ETA finalist for Morocco. I'm kind of worried given the political situation in pretty much all of North Africa (sauf Morocco for the moment, fingers crossed, banking on the fact Morocco is the most politically stable country in North Africa). Anyone have any idea about the potential implications for Fulbrighters in this region? I feel like it would be a bit premature to e-mail IIE and ask, but I'm so worried about it!

Also, I noticed from last year's spreadsheet Morocco Fulbright grantees (research) were notified on the 10th of March. Unfortunately the only ETA person on the spreadsheet was an alternate and was notified sometime in May. Now I'm dying to know whether that person was notified they were an alternate in May or whether they got the award in May! Does anyone know if research and ETA grantees are usually notified around the same time? I'm assuming choosing ETA grantees would take a lot less time/thought/effort, so I'm hoping I'll find out sometime in March...

I graduated in December, and I've been traveling up until now trying to keep myself occupied and take advantage of the fact I have to wait until April to find out. Up until now time has passed really fast, but I'm out of funds so have to go home within the next week or two! No! Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer :)

Also to people who wondered about the transcripts, I e-mailed asking if they wanted all my transcripts (I have a bunch) or only from the school I graduated from, and he e-mailed back saying they only want the one from the school I graduated from, and also that they received my transcript, so I suppose normally we shouldn't expect to receive a notification they got our trasncripts.

P.S. congrats to all the finalists :)

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