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Fulbright 2011-2012


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So it has finally sunk in that I am an alternate... I am pretty disappointed but I cannot say I am surprised, as everyone who is s finalist is very deserving of receiving the grant, I was hoping the fact that I practiced for 2 years to become fluent in Norwegian would give me some competitive advantage, but apparently not :)

I have decided to just put it in the back of my mind and treat it as a rejection basically, since I have to start making plans for next Fall and cannot sit around and wait MORE to hear if I got it or not, especially since I do not even know which alternate I am! So time to make some other plans and if I do end up getting it, well that will be a nice little surprise!

Hope all the other Norway applicants who found out today are handing it okay and deciding what their next moves are.. We should all feel proud for making it this far, anyway!

Hang in there to all you alternates out there! :)

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So it has finally sunk in that I am an alternate... I am pretty disappointed but I cannot say I am surprised, as everyone who is s finalist is very deserving of receiving the grant, I was hoping the fact that I practiced for 2 years to become fluent in Norwegian would give me some competitive advantage, but apparently not :)

I have decided to just put it in the back of my mind and treat it as a rejection basically, since I have to start making plans for next Fall and cannot sit around and wait MORE to hear if I got it or not, especially since I do not even know which alternate I am! So time to make some other plans and if I do end up getting it, well that will be a nice little surprise!

Hope all the other Norway applicants who found out today are handing it okay and deciding what their next moves are.. We should all feel proud for making it this far, anyway!

Hang in there to all you alternates out there! :)

It sounds like you are taking it very well. I was really disappointed not to hear today, particularly since it looks like someone in California heard back from Italy today, but I can only hope to hear tomorrow. At this point, I'm not listening to the (well-intentioned) words of encouragement from my advisors and friends/family because I want to be prepared for bad news. While the Fulbright is pretty freaking huge, it's also something that we've lived without until now and life isn't going to end without it now.

Best of luck to you, wherever you end up!

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So it has finally sunk in that I am an alternate... I am pretty disappointed but I cannot say I am surprised, as everyone who is s finalist is very deserving of receiving the grant, I was hoping the fact that I practiced for 2 years to become fluent in Norwegian would give me some competitive advantage, but apparently not :)

I have decided to just put it in the back of my mind and treat it as a rejection basically, since I have to start making plans for next Fall and cannot sit around and wait MORE to hear if I got it or not, especially since I do not even know which alternate I am! So time to make some other plans and if I do end up getting it, well that will be a nice little surprise!

Hope all the other Norway applicants who found out today are handing it okay and deciding what their next moves are.. We should all feel proud for making it this far, anyway!

Hang in there to all you alternates out there! :)

I've been reluctant to post here. It's a no on my full grant to Norway. I kind of figure that since 12 were chosen, a few are alternates, and only about 17 made the first cut, I am one of the only people to be fully rejected. That stings. At least I know and the waiting is over. And now back to my wine...

Edited by aquak
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I've been reluctant to post here. It's a no on my full grant to Norway. I kind of figure that since 12 were chosen, a few are alternates, and only about 17 made the first cut, I am one of the only people to be fully rejected. That stings. At least I know and the waiting is over. And now back to my wine...

I am very sorry to hear that :( However, don't feel so bad, this year Norway only had 10 grants! 2 less than last year, so it was even harder to get it this year than last year.. not quite sure why less grants were made available but in any case...

I hope you are feeling okay despite not getting it, and I wish you luck in whatever you decide to to next year, and if you decide to reapply! Now go enjoy yourself with your nice glass of wine :)

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It sounds like you are taking it very well. I was really disappointed not to hear today, particularly since it looks like someone in California heard back from Italy today, but I can only hope to hear tomorrow. At this point, I'm not listening to the (well-intentioned) words of encouragement from my advisors and friends/family because I want to be prepared for bad news. While the Fulbright is pretty freaking huge, it's also something that we've lived without until now and life isn't going to end without it now.

Best of luck to you, wherever you end up!

Thanks :) Well I am taking it pretty well, better than I thought actually, but I am at least on the alternate list, so not all hope is lost quite yet. Luckily I was not really planning on getting it (due to the high caliber of competition of other applicants). I had a similar experience this last month going through the recruiting process with McKinsey & Co. made it all the way to the final interview for a business analyst position in Oslo, and didn't end up getting it (I must say, that one stung a lot) seems like I am just about on the cusp, but not quite good enough, for lots of great opportunities these days :)

Luckily, I have a plan B and C, which are now being put into motion, so that probably takes the sting out of it little more...

AHH, I HOPE you get it tomorrow.. and I really really hope you receive the grant!! Keep me posted :)

Edited by Norway2011
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South Africa Applicants,

Not to come off as a hyperactive, anxious wreck ("join the club", right?), I received this reply from Francinah Magoro. Her email is on the contact page underneath the description of ETA/Full .... I emailed her the same day as Jermaine Jones:

You will receive notification from Washington. Things are a little slower this year due to budget constraints.


Francinah Tabea Magoro

Regional English Language Office

U.S. Embassy

877 Pretorius Street

Arcadia, Pretoria

Tel: +27 12 431 4208

Fax: +27 12 342 2090

Official website: http://southafrica.usembassy.gov

Facebook: www.facebook.com/USinSouthAFrica

Twitter: www.twitter.com/USEmbPretoria

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I finally spoke to Jonathan the Fulbright contact for Southeast Asia. There is no pre-departure orientation for Korea. Instead you go straight to the country. I am still waiting on my decision letter :)

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Does anyone have an idea of what the time frame is for letters going out once the country has made the decision and has sent them back to the U.S.? I heard from someone who is in my country now that the decision was made a couple of weeks ago in Vietnam and that they have sent them back to the U.S. to be finalized.

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Just got my acceptance for Sweden!! Full grant; postmarked 4/2/2011. Anyone know how to edit the spreadsheet so I can leave my info there?

Hey, just saw this, congratulations!! I'm the other Swedish Full recipient accepted on 3/28. What field of research are you in?

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okay okay okay, i'm a germany eta finalist in ohio and hoping to have that letter waiting in my mailbox when i get home from work, since i didn't get anything yesterday. other germany eta's that found out yesterday - where are you guys?

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I'm glad you posted this. I am applying for a Macedonia ETA and have been sitting on my hands to avoid pestering the certainly very busy staff.

What have you applied for? I am assuming they send both Grad and Undergrad results at the same time--does this seem to be the case?

Best of luck!

Thanks Rlvaltm. I think everyone usually gets notified about the same time but, from reading these posts, it looks like Norway sent some out and not others. I really hope that doesn't happen with Macedonia. I think Macedonia usually has many fewer applicants than Norway so I wouldn't imagine them splitting up notification for us. I applied for the full grant. Best of luck to all of us applying for Macedonia.

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I am very sorry to hear that :( However, don't feel so bad, this year Norway only had 10 grants! 2 less than last year, so it was even harder to get it this year than last year.. not quite sure why less grants were made available but in any case...

I hope you are feeling okay despite not getting it, and I wish you luck in whatever you decide to to next year, and if you decide to reapply! Now go enjoy yourself with your nice glass of wine :)

Looks like I'm an alternate for Norway as well. How did you find out they only had 10 grants? Any chance Rachel responded to you? I'm guessing that's not the kind of information they're going to share...which is too bad really, it'd be nice to know.

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I just checked my mailbox in Columbus, OH for any news about my Korean ETA-- nothing. However, a small white envelope on top with "official mail" etc telling me to use my airline miles. Kinda freaked me out. I guess I'll be playing the waiting game until tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone!

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The fact that IIE or Rachel never got my official transcript stings even more, now that Sweden's letters are going out. She told me that she has my notification letter and it will go out as soon as she receives the transcript, which I reordered about a week ago. I'm annoyed that no one bothered to double check whether the file was complete until the letters were ready to be sent you!

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I really hope you get off the alternate list smile.gif because you REALLY REALLY want Fulbright. You are an alternate for which country?

Good Luck with everything

What is sad is that I've been sitting here trying to learn the language with a book for quite some time now.......

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I wouldn't be too upset about that. It's understandable, though. I e-mailed Cara Doble a few weeks ago, around mid-March, asking whether or not they had received my transcript. They told me that they would not notify me until much later whether or not they had received it, and that I needed to sit on my hands and play the waiting game. She said they were receiving far too many documents for each country's Fulbright applicant pool to notify individuals.

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Hello, Fulbrighters. I've been lurking ever since I sent out my app in October. I'm a finalist for the Turkey ETA, and I am so anxious to hear back. On last year's spreadsheet, the Turkey people did not hear back until May. Uuuuugh.

Does anybody know if the universities you end up teaching at allow you to take classes at a discount?

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Why are all the India finalists so quiet? I am also wondering why one applicant was informed that he/she was accepted long before the rest of us?

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Good morning everyone!

Any Malaysia kids out there? I've applied for a full grant. I'm an undergrad, and I'm currently dying to know what I'm going to make of my life in a few months.

Jonathan Akeley said that Malaysia tends to go out mid- to late-April, but I'm feeling a little more hopeful because Indonesia people were notified a week earlier than last year. Not that that necessarily means anything for Malaysia... I'm really just clutching at straws here.

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Looks like I'm an alternate for Norway as well. How did you find out they only had 10 grants? Any chance Rachel responded to you? I'm guessing that's not the kind of information they're going to share...which is too bad really, it'd be nice to know.


You can see the stats they just released there. 2010/2011 12 grants, 2011/2012 10 grants! Kind of stinks they have less grants, I think I am just going to accept my offer at LSE and move on, I can't take the risk of turning down the offer from LSE, going to school in Norway and not getting the Fulbright in the end, and going to a much less prestigious school on top of it. We will see, some big decisions coming up soon.

I am not going to hold my breathe, there are 3 alternates on this thread and since they won't tell me, for all I know I am #3, which means basically I will never get it, I really wish they would just tell you which alternate # you are! Kind of silly.

Did you have other plans in case the Fulbright did not go through?? Hope you're taking it okay!

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So do any of the Spain applicants want to email Rachel this week and see if she knows when the letters might go out? I took my turn last week, so I don't want to be the annoying girl who emails all of the time! I just had to turn down another teaching opportunity, so I would really like to know whether or not I got the Fulbright.

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