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Fulbright 2011-2012


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I got a grant to Sweden! Just received the big manila envelope today :)

Congrats!! Were you originally named an alternate or had you never received a decision?

I am currently an alternate for Norway and am patiently awaiting for anything to happen:)

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I'm also waiting on Japan. I got an email from Jonathan today saying they hoped to get them out this week or next, so it looks like it'll be a while longer.

Thanks for passing on the information. I guess we won't get results until sometime in May.

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Full grant to South Africa!

Spreadsheet name: Ryan B

Country: South Africa

method of notification: email (long story--they didn't mean to inform me by email but my letter never came and I got this email today saying "as you've already heard, you've been accepted. now here's some logistical info...")



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Question about the medical clearance. I emailed Rachel and asked if we would get notification of our medical clearances, and she said that we wouldn't. So does that mean we'll only know if we weren't cleared? So no news is good news? I hate not having answers.

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Question about the medical clearance. I emailed Rachel and asked if we would get notification of our medical clearances, and she said that we wouldn't. So does that mean we'll only know if we weren't cleared? So no news is good news? I hate not having answers.

I had the same question ....

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Question about the medical clearance. I emailed Rachel and asked if we would get notification of our medical clearances, and she said that we wouldn't. So does that mean we'll only know if we weren't cleared? So no news is good news? I hate not having answers.

I had the same question ....

I emailed Cara Doble (she's the lady for Germany, right?) because I was worried that my doctor putting N/A for my cholesterol would be a big deal. But she said I had "passed" or some language similar to that and that I should expect stuff from the German Commission. You should wait a couple weeks after sending in your forms. On the website somewhere, it states that IIE sends medical forms on Fridays to the DoD and that if the form is not in their hands Thursday by 5 pm it'll be sent the next week.

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Question about the medical clearance. I emailed Rachel and asked if we would get notification of our medical clearances, and she said that we wouldn't. So does that mean we'll only know if we weren't cleared? So no news is good news? I hate not having answers.

It is totally frustrating. You know what else is frustrating? getting the bill after all those stupid tests, just to confirm what I already knew!! Did anyone else pay a ton or was it just me (and this is with insurance!)

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It is totally frustrating. You know what else is frustrating? getting the bill after all those stupid tests, just to confirm what I already knew!! Did anyone else pay a ton or was it just me (and this is with insurance!)

Jeez! I only had to pay for the PPD test. Smooth 50 bucks.

Sucks that they don't reimburse for these tests. Especially considering that they likely give the form a once over and then throw-away recycle the paper.

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So I woke up at 7 am and waited for the mail to come to my dorm...and whoah. large manila envelope!!!

Postmarked April 22, 2011

Arrived: April 26, 2011

Large manila envelope to current address

ETA Tajikistan

I'm so excited. This really is life-changing.

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Hi! I just registered to use the site today. I received a full grant to do a small project in Taiwan. I live in California and received it yesterday (postmarked 4/21), so I suppose most people will be finding out in the next day or two.

I had a question to anyone who has received a full grant: How do you know if you received a Critical Language Award or not? Would it have been included in the large manila envelope?? Please help! My school counselor says that I would have heard by now if I did??? :huh:

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Hi! I just registered to use the site today. I received a full grant to do a small project in Taiwan. I live in California and received it yesterday (postmarked 4/21), so I suppose most people will be finding out in the next day or two.

I had a question to anyone who has received a full grant: How do you know if you received a Critical Language Award or not? Would it have been included in the large manila envelope?? Please help! My school counselor says that I would have heard by now if I did??? :huh:

I called Akeley yesterday and he said that CLEA funding would take another few weeks to be figured out. I originally wanted to do the summer program at NTU, but that starts on June 8, and Akeley said that it would take until late May just to process medical clearance, so we'll just have to wait and see. The only thing you have in the first envelope is the medical forms; Taiwan will be sending each of us specific information about our stipends and arrangements some time this week. We just have to sit tight until then.

Where are you going to be based out of for your project? I'm going to be in Taipei working out of 政大.

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I called Akeley yesterday and he said that CLEA funding would take another few weeks to be figured out. I originally wanted to do the summer program at NTU, but that starts on June 8, and Akeley said that it would take until late May just to process medical clearance, so we'll just have to wait and see. The only thing you have in the first envelope is the medical forms; Taiwan will be sending each of us specific information about our stipends and arrangements some time this week. We just have to sit tight until then.

Where are you going to be based out of for your project? I'm going to be in Taipei working out of 政大.

Thanks for the info! I e-mailed Akeley this morning too but just haven't gotten a response yet.

I'll be based in Taipei too - interning at a TV station at Neihu District and doing a project at the same time. Wheee to sticky, humid weather! =)

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Question about the medical clearance. I emailed Rachel and asked if we would get notification of our medical clearances, and she said that we wouldn't. So does that mean we'll only know if we weren't cleared? So no news is good news? I hate not having answers.

When I inquired about my medical clearance in early March, I was told they would send grant authorization once they receive the "okay" from IIE regarding transcripts, medical clearance, etc. The fulbright website states that you should allow three weeks. It was an anxious three weeks, but I received my notice in the form of an email with grant authorization docs attached. No news is good news, since they will return your form if it is incomplete or if there is further information required which will delay your grant.

Edited by muscndanz
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Meant to write previous post in reply to this post. Now 14 alternates. When did Cara inform you about the 17?

I don't know about the timeline other than what they say in the letter, but Cara informed me that there are 17 alternates for the full grant to India. Which makes me not so optimistic about my chances, so I'm putting it out of mind and moving on. It'd be a little easier if I knew what position I was on that list, but of course they refuse to provide any information that actually matters.

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It is totally frustrating. You know what else is frustrating? getting the bill after all those stupid tests, just to confirm what I already knew!! Did anyone else pay a ton or was it just me (and this is with insurance!)

Mine came out to $33 for the tests and $25 for the visit, at least that I've been billed so far. I imagine it'll be close to $100 total once all is said and done. Now I'm just hoping the package of medical forms doesn't get lost in the mail or anything and sort of wishing I'd spent the extra money to mail it with tracking.

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Hi all! New to this forum. Just got word that I will be going to Iceland on a Full grant, so I am quite excited!

I had a question for the ladies of the forum. Did you have your GYN send your last Pelvic/Pap exam results to your General Practitioner to fill out the form? Or did you make a special GYN appointment for Fulbright? I was just wondering because it usually takes 2-3 weeks for me to get a GYN appointment, and I don't want to send my forms back to IIE late. However, I don't want the medical clearance forms to get sent back to me if they are expecting a new exam for medical clearance. Any info/advice would be much appreciated!


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Hi all! New to this forum. Just got word that I will be going to Iceland on a Full grant, so I am quite excited!

I had a question for the ladies of the forum. Did you have your GYN send your last Pelvic/Pap exam results to your General Practitioner to fill out the form? Or did you make a special GYN appointment for Fulbright? I was just wondering because it usually takes 2-3 weeks for me to get a GYN appointment, and I don't want to send my forms back to IIE late. However, I don't want the medical clearance forms to get sent back to me if they are expecting a new exam for medical clearance. Any info/advice would be much appreciated!


That's what I did -- I sent the form in on April 19th, and it was received the 20th. They haven't sent me anything back yet or emailed me notifying me that something was messed up...so I think that's okay.

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When I inquired about my medical clearance in early March, I was told they would send grant authorization once they receive the "okay" from IIE regarding transcripts, medical clearance, etc. The fulbright website states that you should allow three weeks. It was an anxious three weeks, but I received my notice in the form of an email with grant authorization docs attached. No news is good news, since they will return your form if it is incomplete or if there is further information required which will delay your grant.

I guess this is a dumb question, but would they email us if something was wrong with our form? I'm just overly anxious, because the General practitioner that I saw mixed up the abnormal and normal columns and used a ton of white out...and I'm worried that they'll think that the form is inaccurate or something and revoke my grant.

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I'll take you up on that offer! I got my notification today.

ACCEPTED!!! ETA in Taiwan.

Current Address

Postmark: 4/21

Received: 4/26 (in NC)

Large manilla

Connecticut checking in! Just got word that I'll be kickin' in in Taiwan, teachin' kids English. YEEEEEEAAAAHHHHH, snitchez!


Current addy

Postmarked 4/21

Arrived 4/25

Large manila envelope

At large applicant, baby!

I'm pumped. Who's ready to 乾杯 (gan1bei1) in Taipei with me?! I'm accepting applications for my crew starting immediately! ;)

Good luck to the rest of y'all. Those still waiting, keep your heads up and stay busy. Peace.

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Jeez! I only had to pay for the PPD test. Smooth 50 bucks.

Sucks that they don't reimburse for these tests. Especially considering that they likely give the form a once over and then throw-away recycle the paper.

Really? wow that's cheap. my first bill was for $40, but that was just for the visit. My bill for the lab tests is over $400, and then add on top of that the taxi to the Dr's on my lunch break and the courier service to drop off the papers...ugh I hate health insurance, I think I'm better off without it.

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Hi all! New to this forum. Just got word that I will be going to Iceland on a Full grant, so I am quite excited!

I had a question for the ladies of the forum. Did you have your GYN send your last Pelvic/Pap exam results to your General Practitioner to fill out the form? Or did you make a special GYN appointment for Fulbright? I was just wondering because it usually takes 2-3 weeks for me to get a GYN appointment, and I don't want to send my forms back to IIE late. However, I don't want the medical clearance forms to get sent back to me if they are expecting a new exam for medical clearance. Any info/advice would be much appreciated!


I just told my dr. that i had my last pap within the year and the results were normal. she just filled in the necessary info based on that.

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