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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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30 minutes ago, hellotothefuture said:

Did any International applicant get an interview call from RISD or Hunter?

I think Red Rabbit might be an international applicant. You can read their posts above yours. 

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20 minutes ago, whitewhales said:

I think Red Rabbit might be an international applicant. You can read their posts above yours. 

Hey thank you. Though I would not start my MFA in 2022, because of the financial reasons. But I was hoping to get an acceptance from RISD or Hunter so I could write their names in my Fulbright application as the universities of preferences. I guess better luck next year. 

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Anyone apply to Ohio University? LOL I feel nosy asking but I'm curious to find out, applying for an MFA a couple years out of undergrad has been a lonely process, I miss talking about programs with others in the same boat!

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7 minutes ago, mfadoom said:

I haven't heard back from Columbia, Bard, or RISD-- it seems that RISD has already sent out interview requests, so that is probably a 'no'. Anyone heard from Columbia or Bard yet?

I am also waiting on Columbia. I think the consensus from previous years interview dates is that they should send out requests this week. 

I am also waiting on Hunter. Also hoping they will send out interview requests this week and everyone on this forum gets one. ☺️

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1 hour ago, seelamfa22 said:

A couple people here mentioned UC Berkeley. I interviewed with them last week. They said they were wrapping up interviews and would have decisions by the end of the month.

UCLA DMA MFA program or another program? My interview was for the DMA program last week. (corrected)

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On 2/11/2022 at 3:35 PM, Westcoasty said:



On 2/11/2022 at 3:35 PM, Westcoasty said:

Congrats on the interview! My advice would be to open your mind to the realm where design and fine art overlap. Imagine yourself and your work in that gray area. Check out the work of the students coming out of that program as well as the work of the faculty. It seems like an interdisciplinary and modern program, I'm guessing you'll be surprised by what constitutes "design" for those artists.

No need to worry about what you'd "do with a design degree." You may end up doing exactly what you imagine doing with a visual art degree, and that's valid and reasonable.

Hey @kaflake, I agree with westcoasty. Ask them what they liked about your work to consider you in their dept. I took a look at your work (very nice btw) and I would think they took a liking to your bookmaking. Although your book projects do not contain typography, they do visually communicate a story. and that changes the discussion of what is a book from a graphic design perspective. Good luck to you.

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1 hour ago, learner22 said:

UCLA DMA MFA program or another program? My interview was for the DMA program last week. (corrected)

Hello! When did you receive the interview request? Do you happen to know if they've already sent out all the interview requests? 

Thanks! :) 

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8 minutes ago, abugorg said:

Hello! When did you receive the interview request? Do you happen to know if they've already sent out all the interview requests? 

Thanks! :) 

I received the email on Jan 31 and had the interview last week. From their email I imagine many students were interviewed on the same day.

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14 hours ago, _redrabbit7 said:


Do you have any specific reasons why you would attend RISD?



It's obviously a very prestigious school and I like that you can cross register at Brown + they let the students propose and teach a course, not just TA for a professor. Also, I used to live in Providence for a few years so I really like the city and have friends there. I also really liked the professors' works and felt like they dealt with a lot of the same concerns that I do in my own works. I did notice that a lot of them graduated from Columbia or VCU though lol

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1 minute ago, HJAn said:

It's obviously a very prestigious school and I like that you can cross register at Brown + they let the students propose and teach a course, not just TA for a professor. Also, I used to live in Providence for a few years so I really like the city and have friends there. I also really liked the professors' works and felt like they dealt with a lot of the same concerns that I do in my own works. I did notice that a lot of them graduated from Columbia or VCU though lol

Good to hear. Thanks for the feedback. 

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11 hours ago, hellotothefuture said:

hey! Congratulations for the interview.

I had an interview at RISD in 2018 and I was going through my old emails and I had an interview with them on March 3rd. Unfortunately, I did not hear back from them till now. I applied for MFA Sculpture. Quite disappointed tbh. I was expecting at least an interview call lol. 

Thank you! I'm sorry to hear that. I know - every rejection is like soul crushing ?

11 hours ago, hellotothefuture said:

Congratulations on all the interviews and I hope you end up at a place where you want to be.

I am an international applicant. I did not apply to Yale, Columbia and UPenn thinking that these are all top notch schools and I might never get an acceptance here. lol

Could you please advice me about MIT Art Culture and technology program? Also the MFA program at Columbia say Visual Arts+ Sound Art, does that mean that applicant's work should include something related to sound and stuff?

I am sure your work must. be cool that you end up getting all the interviews at all these amazing places.

I don't know if I know enough to advise you - as it's only my first time applying as well. I do think for MIT, your concepts and/or process probably should concern dealing with technology in our current world or involve tech related media as part of your methodology. 

For columbia, the school just also has a sound art department. And I think once your in the program, you share a lot of the classes with the sound art students, but they have a separate application process. So no, as a visual artist, you're not expected to do something with sound. 

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On 1/24/2022 at 11:20 AM, recyclable said:

FRIENDS! I just got an interview request for the Northwestern University MFA (via email, appears to have gone out to multiple folks as addressed to "undisclosed recipients")!!!

How did your Northwestern interview go? I had mine on Saturday, and it was pretty tough. I thought the questions that they asked were some of the deepest questions I have received in an interview.

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