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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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Just now, thermoflask said:

Not for me! I applied to the 2-year program and interviewed in mid-February. My understanding is that decisions will be sent in early March for all. Honestly a bit suspicious of that entry on the results page, but... either way, will find out soon! Best of luck to us!

someone on reddit who applied to the 2 year program said they received an acceptance with fin.aid. package last friday, it's very suspicious to me as well

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2 minutes ago, hibiscusleaves said:

someone on reddit who applied to the 2 year program said they received an acceptance with fin.aid. package last friday, it's very suspicious to me as well

I hate to believe that anyone would share fake information about admission outcomes because I don't really see the point, but trolling is a thing these days... The inconsistency between the information shared by the school and a random post by someone on the internet makes that seem likely... Either way, I'm choosing to believe in Yale's email which said decisions will be released in early March, and last Friday was not early March...

Just for reference, this is directly from the Results page, filed under Yale Graphic Design MFA: "I'm ecstatic!! Coming from a non-design background from a third world country, this is a dream come true!! Don't get upset and try again if this year didn't work out. I was rejected as an undergraduate student at every US university and stayed at home. But now as a last year university student, I got admitted with funding to Yale and RISD for design without studying design as an undergrad!!"

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1 hour ago, lilybee23 said:

Hi, you have heard back from ITP? When did you hear back from them? 

I have heard on Monday but I have been in contact with the program for two years and had offer last year too (had to decline due to funding), so I got notified earlier and now trying to see if I can secure assistantship. But all official letters should be coming out soon as well! 

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15 minutes ago, thermoflask said:

I hate to believe that anyone would share fake information about admission outcomes because I don't really see the point, but trolling is a thing these days... The inconsistency between the information shared by the school and a random post by someone on the internet makes that seem likely... Either way, I'm choosing to believe in Yale's email which said decisions will be released in early March, and last Friday was not early March...

Just for reference, this is directly from the Results page, filed under Yale Graphic Design MFA: "I'm ecstatic!! Coming from a non-design background from a third world country, this is a dream come true!! Don't get upset and try again if this year didn't work out. I was rejected as an undergraduate student at every US university and stayed at home. But now as a last year university student, I got admitted with funding to Yale and RISD for design without studying design as an undergrad!!"

Yea I saw it as well, the thing is that Yale Fin. Aid office only starts looking at the css profiles after the admissions are sent and it takes up to 10 days for them to send a fin. aid. package after admissions, so..

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17 minutes ago, mojorelaykd said:

I have heard on Monday but I have been in contact with the program for two years and had offer last year too (had to decline due to funding), so I got notified earlier and now trying to see if I can secure assistantship. But all official letters should be coming out soon as well! 

Ah, I see. Thank you for the info! Congrats on the offers, hope you can attend you top pick this year :)

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16 hours ago, seelamfa22 said:

Congratulations! I wanted to hear from previous applicants too, so I asked the graduate director (of a different school that I got into) to put me in contact with current students in the program, and I asked the grad students this question about how they knew it was the right program for them.

It sounds like your practice is already interdisciplinary, so Northwestern might be a good fit. SAIC has a strong studio-practice, which is great if you're not interested in spending your MFA writing papers.

Thank you! This is great advice, my friend put me in contact with a previous Northwestern graduate so I will reach out and ask him. I will also see if the graduate director can put me in contact with current students and maybe reach out directly to some of them myself! Also, glad to get some more of the low-down on the differences between Northwestern and SAIC. I hate writing papers, but I can muscle through it!

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9 minutes ago, hibiscusleaves said:

Yea I saw it as well, the thing is that Yale Fin. Aid office only starts looking at the css profiles after the admissions are sent and it takes up to 10 days for them to send a fin. aid. package after admissions, so..

I (and many others) had interview last week with Yale MFA and I don't think they would make decision so quick. So I don't expect to hear from them till this or next Friday. Could be just a scam 

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17 hours ago, ORRI said:

First of all, congrat!! It's amazing result.

Personally, I consider the works of alumni and student resources. My works are a bit specific. It involves social practice and participants often. So I tried to find programs which have resources or centers related to this kind of works. Also, if I could love alumni's works and career, it might mean my future community is inspirational.

Btw, being accepted with 100% scholarship from SAIC is amazing! I heard they offer 1 person in each department. I applied for SAIC last year and only got 20 percent discount haha.


ps. I am not a current student!

Thanks a bunch! I have been thinking a lot about alumni and student resources already, think it would be best for me to just visit each of the campuses. Hard to schedule with a full work week, though. This is all wonderful advice!

And yes, color me surprised that SAIC offered a 100% scholarship! I applied twice during my undergraduate career, once going straight from high school and the other as a transfer student, and didn't get near that amount of funding my first two tries! It's a wonderful opportunity.

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6 minutes ago, PhotoMFAer said:

Anyone heard back from UCLA photo yet?

I think everyone who got a preliminary offer from UCLA in all disciplines was notified last week. I am not sure, but I think this is likely the case because when I received my phone call from UCLA for painting, the professor said the whole department met on the Friday before our call and decided on the recommendations together. 

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3 hours ago, Pickle95 said:

Anyone attending the second interview with Stanford tomorrow? I don't live in California so will be flying in tonight. First time visiting California... kind of excited lol, and a bit nervous..!

Is it for Design Impact? 

When did they send invitation for the second interview? 

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26 minutes ago, Hjuoollpphhfcvn said:

I got this offer too. What do you think of VCU? I don't know that much about it. The program looks good though. I was told only 4 people were offered places, maybe that is one of the downsides; not too much of a cohort to  know...


26 minutes ago, Hjuoollpphhfcvn said:

I got this offer too. What do you think of VCU? I don't know that much about it. The program looks good though. I was told only 4 people were offered places, maybe that is one of the downsides; not too much of a cohort to  know...



Hey all!

I went to VCU for undergrad for graphic design, and my partner went to VCU for fine arts. 

If you let me know what program you're in I can be probably of some use/help. I would look at the MFA thesis books/papers everyone publishes, they should be available to look at through the VCU library. Personally, I loved VCU and had a great time. I felt the program pushed me as a student, was competitive, and personable. I found that my faculty were incredibly responsive, and invested into me as a student.  There are several computer labs to use, and at least one per program. The building are large a spacious, painting grads have really nice large studios with doors/walls that totally private.  Large wood shop and screen printing studio as well. 

Richmond as a city is super laid back, the James river runs through the city, so expect lots of river days in the summer. Great food ( would recommend edo's squid, zzq, alewife, and ipanema) and lots of tattoo shops. It's fairly easy to get to NYC via bus on the train, bus or fly. I've lived in Richmond for 7 years, seems like a lot of people stick around after graduating. Rent is pretty cheap still, where you can get a room in a house between 550-700 or a one bedroom for like 1000 a month, within walking distance to your building. If you are in the fine arts (or KI) I recommend living in jackson ward, if you are in the design programs live in the fan. You don't necessarily need a car, but it's helpful for sure. There's an art supply store right on campus, and a lowes within a quarter of a mile. Richmond is a place you think you'll hate, and you end up loving. 

If you have any particular questions let me know, or DM me. 


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12 minutes ago, cabbagepatch said:




Hey all!

I went to VCU for undergrad for graphic design, and my partner went to VCU for fine arts. 

If you let me know what program you're in I can be probably of some use/help. I would look at the MFA thesis books/papers everyone publishes, they should be available to look at through the VCU library. Personally, I loved VCU and had a great time. I felt the program pushed me as a student, was competitive, and personable. I found that my faculty were incredibly responsive, and invested into me as a student.  There are several computer labs to use, and at least one per program. The building are large a spacious, painting grads have really nice large studios with doors/walls that totally private.  Large wood shop and screen printing studio as well. 

Richmond as a city is super laid back, the James river runs through the city, so expect lots of river days in the summer. Great food ( would recommend edo's squid, zzq, alewife, and ipanema) and lots of tattoo shops. It's fairly easy to get to NYC via bus on the train, bus or fly. I've lived in Richmond for 7 years, seems like a lot of people stick around after graduating. Rent is pretty cheap still, where you can get a room in a house between 550-700 or a one bedroom for like 1000 a month, within walking distance to your building. If you are in the fine arts (or KI) I recommend living in jackson ward, if you are in the design programs live in the fan. You don't necessarily need a car, but it's helpful for sure. There's an art supply store right on campus, and a lowes within a quarter of a mile. Richmond is a place you think you'll hate, and you end up loving. 

If you have any particular questions let me know, or DM me. 


Thank you for your sharing! These are really valuable information.

I am accepted by KI and am mostly concerned about the facility--do KI students get to use facilities from other departments, like cinema program or photo+filmmaking? 

Also, since Richmond is pretty far away from some cities with major art network resources, do VCU's have good alumni network that could assist their students in finding opportunities?

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2 minutes ago, lilyxia99 said:

Thank you for your sharing! These are really valuable information.

I am accepted by KI and am mostly concerned about the facility--do KI students get to use facilities from other departments, like cinema program or photo+filmmaking? 

Also, since Richmond is pretty far away from some cities with major art network resources, do VCU's have good alumni network that could assist their students in finding opportunities?

The VCU KI program is in the Annex and the Depot building. The depot is shared with the cinema department, and the Annex is behind the depot and is shared with the dance department. KI has it's own rental equipment studio that has videography/sound/recording equipment ( I am not sure if you can borrow for cinema or photo/film). There are 3 or 4 computer labs dedicated specifically to KI (for undergrad and grad). You would have faub access to any studios, and would just need to check out equipment through the rental room. I personally do not know what graduate facilities for KI look like. Usually the thesis shows are hosted in the Anderson Gallery, and each student gets a dedicated room to their work that is free for them to alter. The depot space also has an infinite wall for KI students and sound studio in the Annex. 

I would say VCU has a great alumni network, and seems like faculty keep in touch with grad students/undergrad students after they graduate. Many students do group trips to NYC during the year, and broad st has a number of galleries (of course not NYC level). I can only speak for an undergraduate perspective, and can say it was easy for to find a fulltime design position after graduation. Seems like many people splinter off to other cities, we have a huge network in NYC. 

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1 hour ago, cabbagepatch said:

The VCU KI program is in the Annex and the Depot building. The depot is shared with the cinema department, and the Annex is behind the depot and is shared with the dance department. KI has it's own rental equipment studio that has videography/sound/recording equipment ( I am not sure if you can borrow for cinema or photo/film). There are 3 or 4 computer labs dedicated specifically to KI (for undergrad and grad). You would have faub access to any studios, and would just need to check out equipment through the rental room. I personally do not know what graduate facilities for KI look like. Usually the thesis shows are hosted in the Anderson Gallery, and each student gets a dedicated room to their work that is free for them to alter. The depot space also has an infinite wall for KI students and sound studio in the Annex. 

I would say VCU has a great alumni network, and seems like faculty keep in touch with grad students/undergrad students after they graduate. Many students do group trips to NYC during the year, and broad st has a number of galleries (of course not NYC level). I can only speak for an undergraduate perspective, and can say it was easy for to find a fulltime design position after graduation. Seems like many people splinter off to other cities, we have a huge network in NYC. 

Thank you very much :) This is very helpful information! 

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@lilyxia99@Hjuoollpphhfcvn , 100% yes to everything @cabbagepatch said. I also went to undergrad at VCU. There are many, many undergrad and grad students from other art programs -- so plenty of possible peers to befriend and lend their ears and eyes to create a dialogue with. Richmond was for me an amazing place. Still is. The surrounding neighborhoods around campus definitely feels like a mini-ungentrified Wburg/Bushwick. And much less expensive. I actually got my first design job in NYC because my boss's sister went there. The name does carry weight. Many alumni live in NYC and we do help each other out finding jobs. Lastly, as an alternative to campus facilities there is Studio Two Three in Scotts Addition outside of campus, though access may be cost prohibitive to some. Good luck!


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Does anyone know if VCU sent out acceptances for all programs at once? I had an interview with painting and printmaking department but haven’t heard back… where it seems like others have heard back. Should I assume rejection? Or is it based on department?

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