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2023 Canada Admissions SLP thread

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2 hours ago, hopefulslpp said:

Congrats on those who have heard back from McGill! I was just wondering, for those who got accepted, did you apply to a bilingual spot? 

I did :) a friend of mine who got in last year said that alot of of their cohort did! but there are some who didnt and got in.

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1 hour ago, slplease123 said:

Has anyone heard anything from Dalhousie? The portal still says "Incomplete items outstanding" and I'm kinda freaking out because they didn't confirm my application

I got an acceptance letter from Dalhousie last week, but from what people are saying from previous years it sounds like they don't send out all acceptances at once so you probably don't have to worry yet! It also still says incomplete items outstanding in my portal and I never got a confirmation of my application so it doesn't necessarily mean they didn't receive all your documents.

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On 3/24/2023 at 3:07 PM, BSLP22 said:

Congratulations to those that just got an acceptance from McGill! If you don't mind sharing what your sGPA is//any experience that you applied with?

I honestly don't know what my sGPA is. LOL! But, I've worked as an EA, and have been an ECE for 5 years now. I also volunteered at an SLP Private practice this year. 

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14 hours ago, AG404 said:

I honestly don't know what my sGPA is. LOL! But, I've worked as an EA, and have been an ECE for 5 years now. I also volunteered at an SLP Private practice this year. 

Could you tell what Casper quartile you were in? Thanks!

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On 3/24/2023 at 2:32 PM, speech_123 said:

Hi guys! I'm currently a first year SLP student at McGill. Just wanted to reassure you guys that they don't go in alphabetical order when calling accepted applicants. My friend whose last name starts with a T found out hours before me last year (my last name starts with an M). So try not to stress, even though I know it's impossible not to! Good luck guys, hopefully the wait is almost over ❤️

Hi, congratulations for getting in! Could you tell us how many people get in each year in SLP at McGill ?

Is there a waitlist? How long it is and until what position on the waitlist people finally got an offer last year.

Many thanks!

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28 minutes ago, Elodie2 said:

Hi, congratulations for getting in! Could you tell us how many people get in each year in SLP at McGill ?

Is there a waitlist? How long it is and until what position on the waitlist people finally got an offer last year.

Many thanks!

Hi so there are 30 of us in the program this year! There is a waitlist, I am not sure how many people get put on the waitlist - but I'd assume that they give out as many as 30 waitlist spots. My two friends who were on the waitlist got off of it between May and June last year but it can vary. McGill doesn't release information on waitlists spots so I am not sure; it'd be best to call them directly. 

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Hello everyone, 

Huge congratulations to everyone who got into McGill so far.

This was my first year applying to graduate studies and I'm learning so much for next year.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get accepted to McGill because I only scored second quartile on the casper, and I see that most accepted people scored 4th quartile.

I definitely underestimated the casper, and I'm wondering if any of your fouth-quartilers could share any tips, tricks, or resources to prepare for it (if any) I kinda just winged it because I heard that it's a common-sense test and that there's no way to study for it, but I don't even know if that's true anymore. Thanks in advance and bon courage to us all 🙏

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Hi all! Long time lurker of the forum. I just got the call that I got into McGill!! I was feeling pretty distraught all weekend when I didn't get a call last Friday, so for everyone who is in the same boat know that there's still hope! Also I know some people were wondering about Casper scores, I scored in the 3rd quartile so I don't think we should sweat too much about it, McGill seems to take a more holistic approach to evaluating applicants anyways :) 

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2 minutes ago, EJ. said:

Hi all! Long time lurker of the forum. I just got the call that I got into McGill!! I was feeling pretty distraught all weekend when I didn't get a call last Friday, so for everyone who is in the same boat know that there's still hope! Also I know some people were wondering about Casper scores, I scored in the 3rd quartile so I don't think we should sweat too much about it, McGill seems to take a more holistic approach to evaluating applicants anyways :) 

Hey! Congrats on your acceptance! Would you mind sharing your gpa / experience you applied with too :) but congrats well deserved! 

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12 minutes ago, Manitoba SLP Student said:

Hey! Congrats on your acceptance! Would you mind sharing your gpa / experience you applied with too :) but congrats well deserved! 

Thanks! And sure thing :) According to ORPAS my sGPA is 3.78 and for the past year I've been working as an ABA therapist as well as volunteering to help run a workshop for older aphasic adults (along with a couple of other volunteering gigs over the years more closely related to psych, my major).  

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49 minutes ago, EJ. said:

Hi all! Long time lurker of the forum. I just got the call that I got into McGill!! I was feeling pretty distraught all weekend when I didn't get a call last Friday, so for everyone who is in the same boat know that there's still hope! Also I know some people were wondering about Casper scores, I scored in the 3rd quartile so I don't think we should sweat too much about it, McGill seems to take a more holistic approach to evaluating applicants anyways :) 

Congrats! That makes me feel better about the Casper scores! If you don't mind sharing, are you bilingual or just english speaking? I'm nervous not being bilingual is going to hurt my chances.

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3 hours ago, Elodie2 said:

Congrats! So far, it seems that all people who have been called are in the 4th quartile.

I was not, but I got a perfect GPA of 4.0/4.0.

No call yet...


I had got the 3rd quartile casper! My grind only just got the call do they are definitely still in the process of accepting students. I hope you get some good news soon ☺️

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2 hours ago, torontonian-in-paris said:

Hello everyone, 

Huge congratulations to everyone who got into McGill so far.

This was my first year applying to graduate studies and I'm learning so much for next year.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get accepted to McGill because I only scored second quartile on the casper, and I see that most accepted people scored 4th quartile.

I definitely underestimated the casper, and I'm wondering if any of your fouth-quartilers could share any tips, tricks, or resources to prepare for it (if any) I kinda just winged it because I heard that it's a common-sense test and that there's no way to study for it, but I don't even know if that's true anymore. Thanks in advance and bon courage to us all 🙏

Hey! I did not apply to McGill but applied to other programs that needed the casper and was ranked in the 4th quadrant so thought I would share some of the things that I did to prep. On the casper website they offer practice tests and mock questions, both of which I did a few times while prepping and I found this super helpful. I also practiced just some basic interview type questions out loud so that I could practice my phrasing/thinking on the spot for questions. I also was able to find some practice test questions with "expert responses" online and read some of those over to see how certain questions were answered in the eyes of an "expert". I am really terrible with on the spot thinking so found this really helped me feel more confident. 

Hope this helps! 

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3 minutes ago, MeganisaCDA said:

Are they calling with rejections as well? Just curious how long I'll have to wait to officially know if I didn't get in. This wait is so excruciating. 

I feel you, this is really hard. I think they email for rejections and waitlists once they've contacted all of the applicants who got accepted 

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3 hours ago, torontonian-in-paris said:

Hello everyone, 

Huge congratulations to everyone who got into McGill so far.

This was my first year applying to graduate studies and I'm learning so much for next year.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get accepted to McGill because I only scored second quartile on the casper, and I see that most accepted people scored 4th quartile.

I definitely underestimated the casper, and I'm wondering if any of your fouth-quartilers could share any tips, tricks, or resources to prepare for it (if any) I kinda just winged it because I heard that it's a common-sense test and that there's no way to study for it, but I don't even know if that's true anymore. Thanks in advance and bon courage to us all 🙏

Hi there, 

I scored 4th quartile and it was my first time round. I studied for 1 or 2 hours the night before to help familiarize myself with the format, and also looked at some practice questions that they provide on their site. There are also some really good questions on reddit and some other sites if you google "practice casper questions". Youtube is also a good source, since they explain their reasoning after, and you can compare answers. It's best not to over-study just because you can psyche yourself out and you can often begin rambling or going off tangent once the exam begins. 

Another tip is to practice your typing speed. I find this is really crucial because it allows you to really build on your reasoning, rather than just providing an answer or solution. I had friends who had great responses but simply couldn't type it all down with the tight time restraint. I didn't use bullet points, and tried my best to organize my thoughts by solution first, exploring other possible answers/solutions, and then explaining my main idea. Find free typing exams and practice when you can. You ideally want to get the point where you don't have to look at the keyboard. That way, you can think and type at the same time. 

Really remember what they're testing, and incorporate that into your answer. For example, on Acuity Insights, they state that they test for collaboration, teamwork, communication, empathy, ethics, resilience etc. remember these and take a few core principles that you can really build on. I like to listen or read the question, understand the issue and ask myself what are the principles that can help resolve or de-escalate the situation. Writing on a page about the problem, whose involved and the principles helped me a lot in case I forgot while listening or reading the question. From there, you don't waste time formulating your answer from out of nowhere and it becomes easier to control your flow of thought. Try not to ramble. Waste no time with why and why not and move onto the next principle or strategy. With the video questions, I found that testing yourself with questions didn't actually help me much before the exam, rather than that, being able to remind myself to slow down, not use too many filler words like 'um', 'like' or 'uh' was much more helpful. 

Finally, always being aware that you're testing as a medical professional or a career path that will often encounter high intensity situations is always important. Some of the scenarios on the exam would cause anyone to be irritated, and it's okay to express that you don't think it's fair or right to the adjudicator. They aren't looking for robots with a perfect response, but rather someone who can maintain empathy and accept their emotions to think logically under pressure without offending others or escalating a situation. Stating your true thoughts isn't an issue, and I know some people will say to fake a response full well knowing they wouldn't approach it that way in real life, but do your best to be authentic in the situation. What would you do? is that a good idea? what are some other ways that would be better? what is the best course of action at this time?. All good questions to ask yourself during each scenario. Try your best! It's always okay if they stop you while you're in the middle of writing. It's under a time restraint after all, and so knowing this and preparing for it can save your mental health and beating yourself up under pressure. After all, it's about the quality of what's already written rather than the quantity of what could've been. 

I hope this helps! 

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